Zhou Spirulina Powder: O Superalimento Rico em Nutrientes
Descubra o poder da Zhou Spirulina Powder, um superalimento cultivado nas limpas e ensolaradas terras do sudeste da Califórnia. Este pó de spirulina 100% puro é uma fonte excepcional de nutrientes, ideal para quem busca uma alimentação saudável e equilibrada. A spirulina é uma alga azul-verde que se destaca por sua alta concentração de proteínas, superando qualquer planta, erva ou animal em termos de valor nutricional. Com um processo de produção sustentável que utiliza água e nutrientes em um ciclo fechado, a Zhou garante que cada colherada de sua spirulina não apenas nutre seu corpo, mas também respeita o meio ambiente.
- SPIRULINA PREMIUM. Proveniente de uma fazenda remota de spirulina na Califórnia, o ar puro e a água rica em minerais resultam em uma spirulina de qualidade superior. Um processo de reciclagem de água e nutrientes é utilizado durante a produção para cuidar de você e do planeta.
- CERTIFICADO LIMPO. Temos orgulho em oferecer uma spirulina de alta qualidade que é não-OGM, não-irradiada, livre de glúten, pesticidas e herbicidas, livre de alérgenos, cultivada de forma sustentável, certificada Kosher e Halal, e 100% vegetariana.
- SUPERIOR À CHLORELLA. Esta alga azul-verde contém a maior concentração de proteína de qualquer planta, erva ou animal em uma base de grama por grama. Ela possui mais aminoácidos essenciais, ferro, proteínas, vitaminas do complexo B, além das vitaminas C, D e E do que a chlorella.
- POTENCIAL DE BENEFÍCIOS À SAÚDE. Apenas 2 porções por dia do nosso Pó de Spirulina equivalem a mais de 7 porções de frutas e vegetais em termos de conteúdo antioxidante. Este superalimento poderoso ajuda a apoiar o bem-estar geral e a função corporal.
- O QUE NOS DIFERENCIA? Na Zhou, utilizamos apenas ingredientes da mais alta qualidade em uma instalação que segue as boas práticas de fabricação (GMP). Além disso, testamos tudo em nosso laboratório em Utah, para que você possa ter certeza de que está alimentando seu corpo com o melhor.
1. Alto Teor de Proteínas: A spirulina Zhou oferece uma das mais altas concentrações de proteínas vegetais, ideal para veganos e vegetarianos.
2. Rica em Antioxidantes: Com apenas duas porções diárias, você obtém antioxidantes equivalentes a mais de sete porções de frutas e vegetais, promovendo a saúde celular.
3. Sustentabilidade: Produzida de forma sustentável, a spirulina é uma escolha consciente para quem se preocupa com o meio ambiente.
4. Versatilidade: Perfeita para ser adicionada a smoothies, sucos e receitas, facilitando a inclusão de nutrientes na sua dieta diária.
5. Certificações de Qualidade: Com certificações Kosher, Halal e livre de alérgenos, é uma opção segura para diversas dietas.
Para aproveitar ao máximo os benefícios da Zhou Spirulina Powder, recomenda-se a adição de 1 a 2 colheres de chá do pó em smoothies, sucos ou até mesmo em receitas de bolos e barras energéticas. Misture bem até que o pó esteja completamente dissolvido. Para uma absorção ideal, consuma com líquidos ricos em vitamina C, como suco de laranja ou limão, que potencializam a absorção de ferro presente na spirulina. Armazene em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, para preservar a qualidade do produto.
Carolina –
This is amazing stuff! I had half my thyroid out nine months ago and could barely function due to low energy and brain fog. My lab results were borderline to get synthetic thyroid, and my doctor didn’t want to give it to me because I was borderline even though I felt I desperately needed it. Then I started this spirulina product instead. I’ve been on this spirulina for 6 months. About a month after starting this, my energy returned and brain fog cleared. I’m still not on thyroid medicine but now it’s because I don’t want it. I feel great! I just had a physical and my lab tests show my risk for developing diabetes has declined, my cholesterol dropped 31 points in 7 months, my somewhat impaired kidney function much improved and my kidney function is now normal. My doctor said all my lab results are “great.” I’m late middle age and on no prescription drugs, and spirulina is helping me stay that way. Medical research studies all back up that spirulina produces positive health benefits, and I’m living proof. This is great quality and I mix it daily in a smoothie. Love it! My 13-year-old dog who could not walk from degenerative joint disease and is on a dog supplement with spirulina in it called Phycox Max. My dog in a month’s time completely turned around from being crippled and is now merrily, happily trotting around and has been on it for 8 months. I started taking it after my dog did so well on the pet spirulina product. My dog just had a physical and his test results came back showing he was like a young dog, my vet said. I’ve since bought several jars of this to share it with family and friends. Sharing the love.
Ghibi Varninsk –
Its Spirulina, I can speak from experience with zhou that they do make a quality product. Its hard to tell weather or not the contents are what they say they are but in a way it doesn’t matter. I am fairly sure it is real, and that their claims of non irradiated and what not are actually true. As any sprulina,the taste is, odd. but bearable. We are adults so dont complain about tastes anymore yeah? your not chef ramsey, your john jane doe. I can say though, that after using htis product for even 2 days, i feel more alive and in touch with my body and have a clearer path of thinking. My runny nose cleared up and I have motivation again. It also has a excellent amount of chlorophyll which allows the cells to properly feed and host energy from vitamin D and sunlight. A lot of people don’t get enough chlorophyll and this would be a great supplement to get such and also help remove any foreign heavy metals from the body.
S. M. –
Gorgeously colored and very clearly spirulina in its purest form. It is apparent how much pride this company takes in its product. Clean, rich and effective. Taste is subtle with a hue of that is mesmerizingly blue. In the four days that I’ve been using this brand specifically, I already feel clearer, more energized and am sleeping better. Spirulina itself has an outrageous list of health benefits and should be a staple in everyone’s diets. Drink lots of water along with it, as it accounts for 60% protein and tons of vitamin A. This powder is so pure that I cut back on the dosage (to avoid detoxing) and it still works beautifully. So impressed that I bought a canister for two other people in my circle that are experiencing health issues. Really, the only drawback is the tiny scoop that gets buried into the powder during shipping. I ended up using a spoon to fish it out without wasting too much product. Follow the dosage recommendations and don’t overdo it! A little goes a long way. This is a company I absolutely trust now and will be purchasing from regularly. I’m only four days into my supply, but signed up to receive this product on an ongoing basis. Thank you Zhou, truly.
BH –
I bought this Spirulina powder based on the reviews others have left and appreciated the fact that it’s sustainably acquired. Not all spirulina products are equal so make sure you do your research if you want the best. I felt it was a bit pricey at first but I think it’s pretty worth it as you don’t really need a lot of it. First off, don’t smell it because honestly it’s not pretty. 2nd, the color will throw you in smoothies so think about what you use it with. Personally I’ve not used it for cooking or baking and prefer to have in smoothies. Definitely use it in a blender because if you throw a scoop in a glass and shake I can assure you it will still be clumpy and yucky. Here is how I’ve had it personally incase anyone wants to try:
Mint chocolate chip smoothie: Greek yogurt, almond milk, ice, mint extract, spirulina, chocolate or carob chips. Also, banana/blueberry smoothie or pineapple, strawberry and banana smoothie. With just 1 scoop it doesn’t change the color much, with berries it will be dark purplish and I found the color does something weird when you taste it because your mind expects something else. At first I’d have homemade lemonade with ice (as a slushie) and 1 scoop of this, I tasted it a bit but it never bothered me because I feel the lemon does a good job of hiding it. As for health benefits I’m not going to tell you I got all this energy and what not. I’m a fairly healthy woman 40+ who doesn’t take medicines or vitamins or anything, no health issues and exercises regularly and eats right so mainly I’m just taking this because I’ve heard such amazing things about it and wanted the best quality I could find. What is the point of having something good for you that was sourced in not the best way right? This is good stuff.