Descrição do Produto:
O Pó de Raiz de Maca Vermelha Orgânica USDA, com 1 lb, é um superalimento cru e vegano, ideal para quem busca regular hormônios, aumentar a massa muscular e potencializar o desempenho físico. Proveniente de plantações sustentáveis, este produto é não-OGM e preserva todas as propriedades nutricionais da maca, uma raiz conhecida por suas propriedades adaptogênicas. O pó de maca vermelha é uma excelente opção para ser incorporado em shakes pré-treino, smoothies, ou até mesmo em receitas de bolos e barras energéticas. Com um sabor levemente adocicado e terroso, ele se mistura facilmente a outros ingredientes, proporcionando um impulso energético natural e equilibrado. Além de ser uma fonte rica em vitaminas, minerais e aminoácidos, a maca vermelha é especialmente reconhecida por sua capacidade de ajudar na regulação hormonal, tornando-se uma aliada para atletas e pessoas que buscam um estilo de vida saudável.
1. Regulação Hormonal: A maca vermelha é conhecida por ajudar a equilibrar os níveis hormonais, beneficiando tanto homens quanto mulheres.
2. Aumento de Massa Muscular: Ideal para quem busca ganhar massa muscular, pois fornece nutrientes essenciais para a recuperação e crescimento muscular.
3. Melhora do Desempenho Físico: O consumo de maca vermelha antes do treino pode aumentar a energia e a resistência, melhorando o desempenho atlético.
4. Fonte de Nutrientes: Rico em vitaminas B, C e E, além de minerais como cálcio, ferro e zinco, que são essenciais para a saúde geral.
5. Apoio à Saúde Mental: Os compostos adaptogênicos da maca podem ajudar a reduzir o estresse e a ansiedade, promovendo um bem-estar mental.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se adicionar 1 a 2 colheres de sopa do Pó de Raiz de Maca Vermelha Orgânica a smoothies, shakes de proteína ou iogurtes. Também pode ser incorporado em receitas de panificação, como pães e bolos, ou em barras de cereais caseiras. Para um efeito otimizado, consuma o produto diariamente, preferencialmente 30 minutos antes do treino, para maximizar a energia e a resistência durante a atividade física. É importante começar com uma dose menor e aumentar gradualmente, conforme a tolerância do organismo.
Amazon Customer –
I thought I was going crazy, when I saw so many people talk about how amazing it tasted. Unfortunately for me it is horrible. Nothing I did could help me stomach it. I wish the taste wasn’t so bad. It helped improve my curves a lot! I grew a whole cup size! It also helped my weight go to all the right places. But I have to pray to Jesus every morning to help me stomach it. My lord has helped me through a lot, but he can’t help me through this . I read another review that says they have capsules. Let’s hope I can take those!
A customer –
Madre Nature Gelatinized Red Maca is a truly excellent product. I’ve been using Maca for a number of years, and in terms of palatability it is extremely good. Maca is not known for its taste, and many people try to mask its flavor. This Maca, however, has a very gentle and pleasant flavor which I really appreciate. More importantly, in terms of its effects, it is definitely potent. In my experience a high quality Maca contributes to a feeling of overall structural strength, as well as greater energy, and this product distinctly has those qualities.
As far as gelatinized Maca versus raw, I strongly recommend gelatinized. In Peru, Maca is never eaten raw, but is used as a nutritive floor in cooking. Obviously, the traditional use of Maca in this way is based on long experience. Not everything that is raw is beneficial, and a number of uncooked foods are distinctly anti-nutritive. And there are many instances where cooking increases the availability of certain nutrients. Gelatinization achieves the same beneficial results derived from cooking Maca, although it uses lower temperature along with pressure to remove the potentially undesirable characteristics raw Maca.
Notably, raw Maca is very high in oligosaccharides, which are carbohydrates that have certain prebiotic benefits in small amounts, but in the amounts found in raw Maca present a real potential for digestive upset and distress, which is why my use of raw Maca years ago ended soon after it began. These carbohydrates are digestible only by certain gut bacteria, and in large amounts, as are found in raw Maca, can cause bacterial overgrowth, bloating, and gas to the extent that one can experience serious digestive discomfort. Good digestion is not only necessary for a feeling of wellbeing, but is also critical for the absorption of nutrients.
I had a similar experience with Yacon, a tuber that is used as a natural sweetener. When I used processed Yacon syrup I had no problem in terms of digestion, but when I used the raw, unprocessed Yacon flour, extremely high in oligosaccharides, I experienced truly unpleasant bloating and digestive upset similar to my experience with raw Maca.
Additionally, raw Maca as a member of the brassica family, which includes such foods as cabbage, broccoli, and kale, is extremely high in a thyroid inhibiting goitrogen known as glucosinolate, and in some instances this can apparently negatively affect thyroid function, but this is a complicated issue, and the subject of continued scientific inquiry. This is because these compounds may have beneficial effects, alongside their potential inhibiting effects on thyroid function. At any rate, when Maca is gelatinized or cooked, the goitrogenic characteristic disappears, and Maca becomes one of the highest land-based sources of iodine.
There are some people with unique digestive tracts and metabolism who may be impervious to all of the problems associated with raw Maca, or raw Yacon, but based on my own experience, the experience of many others, and the traditional use of Maca in Peru, I strongly recommend gelatinized Maca.
taputtzy –
I received my product within 2 days (Prime account). The first thing I noticed is the nice substantial packaging. This is a product you’ll be opening and closing repeatedly, so having a well designed zip lock pouch is critical. I recently have been dealing with typical old man prostrate issues. The slight enlarging causes me to have to get up in the middle of the night to relieve myself. This interruption to sleep is noticeable in how rested I feel the next morning. My Doctor recommended a prescription med, but the side effects are worse than the original problem. I researched alternatives and read that Red Maca has a history of being used for shrinking the prostate. I thought it would be worth trying as it’s natural and cheaper than medication. I noticed an immediate difference the first night. I did not have to get up that night and stumble to the bathroom. I haven’t had to once since I started taking it. NICE! I can’t speak to the taste as I encapsulated the powder for convenience. I take three caps (about 1.5 tsp) in the morning and three in the afternoon. Another added benefit I have noticed is a strong steady increase in energy and focus. This doesn’t get me jittery like coffee and let’s me down slowly without the caffeine crash. Also, like that I’m supporting a small family business. I hope them all the best.
Lindsay S. –
I have been using this Maca for over a year after learning about it’s health benefits. I can say I notice a difference in mood, energy, and libido with consistent use. I would recommend this product to anyone. I typically blend a table spoon size scoop on with my frozen coffee each day. I think it matches with the coffee well. It does have a very distinct flavor that could take a little getting used to, it is some what nutty in a way. I have come to enjoy the flavor quite a bit. If you are just starting you might begin with a teaspoon to see how you like it. Overall, I think this is an awesome natural supplement to add to your routine.
B. Meada –
Okay this is a preliminary review. I cannot review how this affects me as I just received it but I wanted to let people know what the taste is like. There was a lot of comments about how it was disgusting all the way to it was delicious. I don’t do smoothies so I was a little concerned about how I was going to consume this. I tried putting it in my coffee this morning and it was a success. I prepare my coffee as a modified Bulletproof Coffee. I do a little less than a tablespoon of ghee, some cinnamon, a splash of almond milk, a scoop of collagen powder and now a teaspoon of this Maca supplement. The key is using a milk frother ( brew master also found on Amazon) there’s still a little bit of sediment at the bottom but it incorporates it nicely and gives it a taste that has me thinking of Ovaltine. The last sip is a bit undrinkable though
Ness Hernandez –
I still don’t know if it works, I recently purchased it. But those people saying it tastes delicious, hell no, they are lying! It tastes like one hundred cigarette butts dissolved in water. Hopefully it will work, though.
carmen urtarte –
Great quality