Descrição do Produto: Starwest Botanicals Organic Astragalus Root Powder, 1 Pound
O pó de raiz de astrágalo orgânico da Starwest Botanicals, com 1 libra, é um produto de alta qualidade, proveniente da planta conhecida cientificamente como *Astragalus membranaceus*. Originário da China, este pó é cuidadosamente elaborado a partir de raízes de astrágalo que são cultivadas de acordo com os rigorosos padrões da agricultura orgânica, sendo certificado pelo USDA. Além disso, o produto é Kosher Certified e atende às normas de cGMP (current Good Manufacturing Practices), garantindo que cada embalagem contenha um produto seguro e eficaz.
O astrágalo é uma erva tradicionalmente utilizada na medicina chinesa, reconhecida por suas propriedades adaptogênicas e imunomoduladoras. O pó de raiz de astrágalo da Starwest Botanicals é ideal para aqueles que buscam incorporar um suplemento natural em sua dieta, promovendo o bem-estar geral. Com um sabor suave e terroso, ele pode ser facilmente adicionado a smoothies, chás, sopas ou até mesmo em receitas de panificação, proporcionando uma maneira prática de enriquecer a alimentação diária.
– Apoio ao Sistema Imunológico: O astrágalo é conhecido por fortalecer as defesas naturais do corpo, ajudando a prevenir resfriados e outras infecções.
– Aumento da Energia e Vitalidade: Este adaptógeno pode ajudar a combater a fadiga, promovendo uma sensação de energia e disposição ao longo do dia.
– Propriedades Antioxidantes: O pó de raiz de astrágalo contém compostos que combatem os radicais livres, contribuindo para a saúde celular e o envelhecimento saudável.
– Melhora da Saúde Cardiovascular: Estudos sugerem que o astrágalo pode ajudar a regular a pressão arterial e melhorar a circulação sanguínea.
– Suporte à Saúde Digestiva: O uso regular do pó pode auxiliar na digestão e promover um trato gastrointestinal saudável.
Para aproveitar ao máximo os benefícios do pó de raiz de astrágalo, recomenda-se a ingestão de 1 a 2 colheres de chá por dia. O pó pode ser misturado em água, sucos ou smoothies, ou adicionado a sopas e caldos quentes. Para uma experiência mais intensa, considere preparar um chá, adicionando 1 colher de sopa do pó em água fervente e deixando em infusão por 10 a 15 minutos. É importante consultar um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação, especialmente se você estiver grávida, amamentando ou tomando medicamentos.
Kyle The Supplement Junkie –
A friend of mine heard of my newfound interest in adaptogens and TCM herbs and was shocked when she heard I hadn’t tried astragalus. After doing a simple internet search I was shocked that I hadn’t heard of before either. Seemed like it was tailor made for me. Anyhow, she told me she got a bunch of bottles from Puritan’s Pride and that I could have a bottle of ground root powder (no extracts) in gel caps. Being the supplement junkie I am of course I didn’t (and really couldn’t) refuse the trial of astragalus!
It worked for me in ways that I didn’t know I needed help with. When I dose approximately 5-6 grams (or 1 tablespoon) of the powder it ‘kicks in’ about nearly instantaneously for me, especially if I have sinus congestion which is most of the time. Both astragalus and reishi mushrooms have this effect on me. Separately either one of them works for me like an herbal version of Claritin but together the synergy is palpable. Also (as well as with reishi) there is a non-drugged feeling of well-being. It’s not a buzz or high. It doesn’t feel forced. You just feel comfortable in your skin. Anxiety is quelled, but your senses are unaffected. They’re both great for the lungs. Breathing is easier and it feels good.
This particular astragalus root is potent and at least as good as the Puritan’s Pride brand my friend allowed me to sample. Some people are non responders or else they don’t have issues with stress or allergies/immunity and see no reason to take these supplements. Some supplements I take even though I don’t feel them working in my body and/or mind. Most people are going to subjectively notice they feel calmer. There have been many scientific studies on astragalus and they know its a GABAergic herb (among many other things). ..and really, adaptogens are like that. They’re modulators and so they work to maintain equilibrium. People who have all the GABA they need will likely not feel the inner relaxation and tranquility astragalus can impart however they might still reap the benefits of using it as a natural decongestant and sinus remedy.
Shipping was fast and I will be ordering again.
The waist trainer is used. I am returning it. Am so disappointed and upset with the seller. –
simlachick –
Astragalus is a known immune booster. And excellent addition to other immune boosters you may be taking during the pandemic. For the past two years, I’ve been making a tulsi-astragalus infusion and drinking it every day. I boil two teaspoons of astragalus and dried (or fresh) tulsi leaves, let the tea cool and leave it overnight. The next day I boil it again, strain it and drink it. But, for some reason I stopped drinking the tea about a month ago. Last week I was exposed to someone with a cold, and by the next day, I had a scratchy throat and was feeling under the weather. I resumed drinking the tea with a generous helping of astragalus–two heaped teaspoons per cup–and I’m happy to say I’ve beaten back the cold. It’s pretty tasteless so I’m going to start adding it to soups and curries as well.
Charlene F. Sevin –
I like that it works
In the worst part of Hep C that I didn’t even know I had, my liver Dr recommended I should take this and within 2 months my liver enzymes were down to almost normal. I still take it even after the Harvoni treatment because I read it helps to regenerate new cells. I know that I can tell when I don’t take it for a few days
Roman K –
very good quality astragalus root.
Client d’Amazon –
Juanita Lewis –
This is one of 20 different herbs I add to my cooking. This herb is taking care of business in health. I have been using this herb for 20 years.
Susan –
I just received this product so the only thing I am reviewing at this time will be the taste. It tastes much like dirt, but I guess that can be expected since it is a root. I warmed some water and added a 1/4 tsp of the powder. I believe I will put it in something else next time to help mask the taste. For now, that is all I have. I will come back and give an update on how I think it works for pain once I have taken it for a bit.
Update: I got this because of the multi-health benefits it is known to have. I have found it difficult to use the powder as it does not dissolve well. After more research on this, I discovered I was not taking anywhere close to what I needed for the desired results. So starting in the morning, I will be making smoothies using at least 5-15 grams. I am learning quickly that the dose is important if you want to see results.
thinkering –
Package arrived in a timely manner. it was well packaged. the powder is fine and easy to put into capsules. i cannot speak to the efficacy yet. i will be taking it during the cold and flu season to build immunity. i would buy it again since i couldn’t find loose powder anywhere else which goes 10 x as far as bought capsules.