Descrição do Produto: ColonBroom Psyllium Husk Powder (Frutas Tropicais, 120 Porções)
Descubra o poder do ColonBroom Psyllium Husk Powder, uma solução inovadora para quem busca alívio do inchaço e uma limpeza eficaz do cólon. Com uma fórmula cuidadosamente elaborada, este pó de psyllium é composto por 85% de casca de psyllium finamente moída, que atua como um verdadeiro aliado na eliminação de toxinas e resíduos indesejados do seu organismo. Ao consumir nosso shake, você sentirá uma leveza interna, como se estivesse fazendo uma verdadeira faxina no seu sistema digestivo.
O sabor refrescante de frutas tropicais, como maracujá, manga e abacaxi, transforma a experiência de cuidar da sua saúde em um momento prazeroso. Para preparar, basta misturar uma colher do pó de psyllium em 12 a 14 onças de água, agitar bem e consumir imediatamente. É importante não deixar a mistura parada, pois a textura pode se tornar muito espessa, dificultando o consumo.
Produzido nos Estados Unidos, o ColonBroom é um suplemento de fibra que otimiza o bem-estar digestivo. Sua fórmula de fibra solúvel e formadora de volume facilita movimentos intestinais mais suaves, contribuindo para a saúde digestiva geral. Ao manter a regularidade e o equilíbrio digestivo, você se sentirá revitalizado e pronto para enfrentar o dia.
Assim como um jardim bem cuidado, sua flora intestinal saudável florescerá, proporcionando benefícios que vão além do físico. Com o ColonBroom, homens e mulheres podem desfrutar de movimentos intestinais regulares e uma sensação de bem-estar duradoura.
– Alívio do Inchaço: Ajuda a eliminar a sensação de inchaço e flatulência.
– Saúde Digestiva: Contribui para movimentos intestinais regulares e saudáveis.
– Sabor Agradável: Frutas tropicais tornam o consumo prazeroso e refrescante.
– Fórmula Natural: Com 85% de casca de psyllium, é uma opção saudável e eficaz.
– Produzido nos EUA: Garantia de qualidade e segurança no processo de fabricação.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se misturar uma colher de sopa do ColonBroom Psyllium Husk Powder em 12 a 14 onças de água. Agite vigorosamente até que o pó esteja completamente dissolvido e consuma imediatamente. Para maximizar os benefícios, é aconselhável ingerir o produto diariamente, acompanhando com uma hidratação adequada ao longo do dia. Evite deixar a mistura parada, pois a consistência pode se tornar muito espessa, dificultando o consumo.
Roses_Are_Rosie –
Please read the full product description for this item! Highly recommend! Would definitely purchase again! Does exactly as described!
Viktor –
This ColonBroom powder has been a great addition to my daily routine for extra fiber support. I’m always looking for effective fiber supplements, and this one dissolves easily without leaving any gritty residue, which is a huge plus. The tropical fruit flavor is subtle but more pleasant than I expected, making it pretty easy to drink each day despite the not-so-appealing color. It’s also gentle enough to use on a daily basis without causing any extra bloating, which has been a concern for me with other fiber supplements in the past. I appreciate that it’s vegan and gluten-free as well. Overall, it’s an effective and manageable way to support gut health and keep things running smoothly.
I got this product after a recent vacation because we were eating out daily and it had my stomach all over the place. I started drinking it after dinner and trust me it worked quickly and well. WARNING: you might feel the urge to rush to the bathroom soon after! It’s not a major issue, but make sure you test it out first when you have no plans so you see how your body reacts. The flavor taste good on its own but I always add some fruit and blend it with some coconut milk. It mixes smoothly without any grittiness. The downside for me was it is highly priced.
Ms B –
Made in the USA which is important to me for anything I put into my body.
The taste is ok. Seems to me the mango taste dominates the others.
Manufactured date is 06/23 which is about 1 year ago. That’s ok by me; fresh enough. Psyllium doesn’t go bad in my experience.
Mixes as well as other psyllium products.
Gary B. –
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Years before I discovered the miracle of home-made granola, I used to take Metamucil to counteract the effects of my American diet–which included my share of processed foods and the King of Constipation, cheese. (I know there’s some disagreement on whether cheese deserves this high honor, but I know enough plugged up Wisconsinites to think it has earned the title.)
Anyhoo…I thought I’d give this product a try, just to see if it moves me.
As you’ll see in the demo, the process is pretty straightforward. Drop a cap full into 12-14 ounces of water, stir vigorously and drink it down before it turns to thick goo. (They suggest taking it a half hour to an hour before eating and not less than two hours before bedtime. The label also says you should drink another glass of water once you get it down.)
Side note: When you first increase the fiber in your diet, you may notice some uncomfortable abdominal cramping that could lead to a major fart attack. No need to call the ambulance yet. It’s just your body adjusting to the extra “roughage.”
Anyway, back to the product. I think the taste is palatable. The pice, on the other hand, may be too rich for my blood. Other psyllium husk products seem more affordable…but I don’t know how they match up, serving wise. (This is supposed to be 120 servings.)
All that said, getting enough fiber in your diet is a worthwhile goal, however you do it. If the price seems reasonable and the taste is okay, adding ColonBroom to your daily routine sure beats getting all jammed up and jelly tight.
Either that or you could start making your own granola. That stuff will really get your poop in a group!
Sam –
Ordered 2 tropical fruit and got 2 strawberry instead. Not happy I can’t contact the company. Spent a good amount of money to get the wrong flavor. Good product but didn’t order strawberry because I don’t like it.
JT –
ColonBroom Psyllium Husk Powder is a fiber supplement designed to support digestive health and relieve bloating. It contains psyllium husk, a natural source of soluble fiber.
Psyllium Husk: A natural fiber that can help promote digestive regularity and relieve constipation.
Tropical Fruits Flavor: A delicious tropical fruits flavor to make it enjoyable to consume.
Sam –
Psyllium Husk is a popular go to for colon brooming which is the main ingredient in this brand “ColonBroom”.
I like psyllium husk stuff. But I prefer swallow capsules and this here is a power you mix into water (1 scoop in 12 ounces water, 60 scoops in the jar).
Brand-wise I have not heard of this brand. I perused listings here and they appear to be new / ramping with a limited product line and not alot of reviews yet. The actual product and packaging quality here seem fine to me.
~~Other hard to find info. I could not find an expiration date on my jar but on the bottom it says “Manufactured 06/23” (which is about a year before I got it…but psyllium husk probably does not spoil).
This colon drink seems fine enough but not sure how they came up with the $114 price for the jar…I’ve used psyllium husk in the past at a fraction of this cost. Maybe they are going for the boutiquey proprietary blend thing but to me the key is the husk.
I like the husk stuff but at this price I rate 3-STARS in consideration of price/value/choices.