Descrição do Produto: UCAN Energy Plant Protein Powder
O UCAN Energy Plant Protein Powder é uma proteína em pó vegana de alta qualidade, formulada para atender às necessidades de quem busca uma fonte de proteína vegetal eficiente e nutritiva. Com 20g de proteína de ervilha por porção, este produto é ideal para atletas, veganos e qualquer pessoa que deseje aumentar a ingestão de proteínas de forma prática e saudável. Enriquecido com aminoácidos essenciais (EAAs), o UCAN Energy não só promove a recuperação muscular, mas também auxilia na construção de massa magra, tornando-se uma excelente opção para quem busca performance e saúde. Sua fórmula é livre de glúten, lactose e aditivos artificiais, garantindo um produto puro e natural. O sabor neutro permite que seja facilmente incorporado em shakes, smoothies, receitas de bolos e até mesmo em pratos salgados, oferecendo versatilidade na sua dieta.
1. Alto Teor de Proteína: Cada porção contém 20g de proteína de ervilha, ideal para atender às necessidades diárias de proteínas.
2. Aminoácidos Essenciais: Contém EAAs que ajudam na recuperação muscular e na construção de massa magra.
3. Fórmula Vegana: Perfeito para veganos e vegetarianos, sem ingredientes de origem animal.
4. Versatilidade de Uso: Pode ser adicionado a diversas receitas, desde shakes até pratos salgados, facilitando a inclusão na dieta.
5. Livre de Aditivos: Produto sem glúten, lactose e conservantes, garantindo uma opção saudável e natural.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se misturar uma porção (30g) do UCAN Energy Plant Protein Powder com 250ml de água, leite vegetal ou sua bebida favorita. Agite bem em uma coqueteleira ou misture em um liquidificador até obter uma consistência homogênea. O produto pode ser consumido antes ou após o treino, ou em qualquer momento do dia para complementar a ingestão de proteínas. Além disso, experimente adicionar à sua receita de panquecas, bolos ou smoothies para um impulso nutricional extra.
Cody Hannah –
The vanilla is great tasting and helps me maintaine my blood sugar levels through the whole day
Danielle Smith –
The energy shots which has the same basic ingredients gave me diarrhea. Thought I had the stomach flu. Won’t try this for fear of the same.
Greg York –
I’ve been searching for an energy+ protein supplement for my high school runner for the last two years. In the summer, he averages over 60 miles a week and needs something to stop the degradation of muscle. Everything I found had too much sugar or tasted terrible. I did my research and found Ucan online. Along with powder, they have bars and a hydrate that all work great to replenish nutrients that are lost in big runs. My other two kids play sports as well and they have started taking it too. That’s why I had to buy 4 containers!
Chelsea Elam –
I have recently become a fan of UCAN. Whey products create digestion issues for me, but I like having a protein supplement to back up the high intensity activities I pursue. UCAN gives me a boost, and the “super-starch”, whatever it is, is extremely helpful. It allows me to consume something a couple hours before an activity and not bloat and not bonk. Or, if I have an high intensity late evening session, I can consume this before bed and sleep comfortably AND have sufficient fuel to sleep through the night. This is one of the better tasting non-dairy proteins I’ve tried, but, it’s still not great. I mix a couple small spoons of orange Metamucil with the chocolate UCAN and that makes the drink quite good, and gives it a little more body.
Chelsea Elam –
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I have to be gluten free. While training for a marathon my protein intake is high. This is my go to protein. Tastes so yummy with water but even better mixed with almond milk. I can tell a huge difference after my runs that I recover better afterwards when I drink this as a post workout drink. Can be substituted as a meal as well 🙂
Brad Ptack –
Taste good and keeps you full. I’m usually hungry within an hour or two with other protein shake and this one lasted me all morning.
Dr. Glenn –
I got the cocoa flavor and it really does taste like cocoa…and mixed with instant coffee and plant milk, makes a great tasting mocha. I don’t often suffer GI distress though and this product gives me gas and loose stools like no other. It’s just not worth it unfortunately. It also is difficult to mix completely and I tend to get little powder clumps no matter how much I mix.
Cricket –
My husband recently started weight training to strengthen his core and alleviate a lot of the middle age back aches and pains you get from spending too many years in front of the computer.
He tries a lot of different protein powders, most work to some degree but aren’t that satisfying. He prefers plant based proteins since we avoid most meats, especially red meat and a lot of dairy. Often that means a whey based powder which typically has a distinctive and somewhat unpleasant aftertaste.
This UCAN Energy+ Plant Protein is by far his favorite so far. He has been using if for a week and, because of Covid, our time schedules are all over the place, we stay up to late and still wake up early. My husband has found himself quite tired as a consequence of too many late nights. That, plus the sudden heat hasn’t helped and he feels quite lethargic when his 3pm, workout comes along three days a week.
He only started taking the UCAN for 4 workout sessions. He does a fairly light weight, high rep workout and found he could do three sets of 35 reps with 25lb dumbbells easier than usual. Normally that is a good workout. This last week it’s been a relatively easy workout. He has the energy without muscles fatiguing as quickly in the 2nd and 3rd set and could probably push the last set to 40 reps. He is convinced it’s the combination of energy and protein in this drink boosting his performance.
He picked this particular powder because it has 20g of protein per serving which is about 5g more than most. When we went to mix it up, it turned out this powder requires 2 scoops per serving which is a lot and produces a very creamy drink. Fortunately, it tastes delicious. like a proper chocolate drink without the bitter aftertaste you normally get. It’s a nice mild dark chocolate aftertaste rather than an unpleasant vegetable one.
So he is very pleased with this powder. It’s actually the best one he has tried. Unfortunately it is also quite expensive at $50 a tub which is more than we can really afford on a regular basis.