Descrição do Produto: LeanFit Organic Plant-Based Protein Powder, Sabor Baunilha Natural
O LeanFit Organic Plant-Based Protein Powder é uma opção premium de proteína em pó, ideal para quem busca uma alimentação saudável e equilibrada. Com um sabor natural de baunilha, este produto é 100% vegano e certificado pela USDA como orgânico, garantindo que você está consumindo um suplemento livre de aditivos químicos e ingredientes artificiais. Cada porção contém 21g de proteína de origem vegetal, proveniente de fontes como ervilha, arroz integral e semente de abóbora, proporcionando um perfil completo de aminoácidos essenciais. Além disso, é livre de soja, glúten, laticínios e açúcar, tornando-se uma escolha perfeita para pessoas com restrições alimentares ou que buscam uma dieta mais limpa. O LeanFit é também não-OGM, assegurando que você está optando por um produto que respeita a natureza e a sua saúde.
1. Alto Teor de Proteína: Com 21g de proteína por porção, é ideal para auxiliar na construção muscular e recuperação pós-treino.
2. Ingredientes Orgânicos: Certificado pela USDA, garante que você está consumindo um produto livre de pesticidas e aditivos químicos.
3. Versatilidade: Pode ser facilmente adicionado a smoothies, shakes, receitas de panificação ou até mesmo em iogurtes, facilitando a inclusão de proteína na sua dieta diária.
4. Apropriado para Diversas Dietas: É uma excelente opção para veganos, vegetarianos e pessoas com intolerâncias alimentares, como glúten e lactose.
5. Sem Açúcar Adicionado: Ideal para quem busca controlar a ingestão de açúcar, mantendo uma alimentação saudável e equilibrada.
Para obter os melhores resultados, misture uma medida (aproximadamente 30g) do LeanFit Organic Plant-Based Protein Powder em 250ml de água, leite vegetal ou sua bebida favorita. Agite bem ou utilize um liquidificador para garantir uma mistura homogênea. O produto pode ser consumido antes ou após o treino, ou como um lanche nutritivo ao longo do dia. Para uma experiência ainda mais saborosa, adicione frutas, vegetais ou outros ingredientes de sua preferência.
exaltata –
This protein powder has a mild chocolate taste and a stronger chicory flavor that I found ok. It blended extremely well with both water and milk just by stirring with a spoon. There were no lumps or bits of grit remaining after a good stir. It was easy and pleasant to prepare and drink.
It certainly is a good source of protein and iron, but if you’re looking for something with some extra nutrients, like B12 or vitamin C, this won’t work for you. It’s definitely intended as a protein-only shake, not a meal supplement or replacement.
I don’t like the listing of “natural flavor” on the ingredients list. I prefer to know exactly what ingredients are included and something so vague doesn’t provide any information.
Nina –
This product doesn’t mix well with water and has not a hint of vanilla taste . Do not
Kiwi –
I love this! I make the best protein shakes after my workouts and feel full for hours!!!
Ian –
I’ve bought several of this product (6 to 7), I was very happy for the price and quality of the product until…
I found plastic of different types inside the mix (CHECK PHOTOS)
Before finding this big pieces I used to see black bits, sometime floating other sink at the bottom of the cup, I though that was just some seed shell or some ingredient with black color, but…
After finding a 1CM LONG SHARP PIECE OF BLACK PLASTIC I realized what was all those black powder, and the most disturbing thing it’s that in another batch I found TRANSPARENT SHREDDED PLASTICc.
All the organic powder I bought were from the same batch (check for your safety);
Lot P04050
EXP 2027/06
I can only assume that it’s not an isolated accident, I would have been more happy if I found an entire plastic bag or else, at least I could believe that the accident happened during packaging and that the powder wasn’t finely contaminated, but this one was all shredded so it happened during the grinding process and that mean that what ever was grind it’s now part of the mix, and part of me since I drunk 5000 grams of who know what (I can only speak for the big pieces I’ve found) inedible toxic material.
about the company
The company didn’t care about negative reviews (some companies read and care about their customers opinion this one didn’t care less)
The company contacted me only after I’ve messaged them directly about the issue
The company wasn’t interested about the issue (I asked if they wanted the foreign item for analysis) and they said I can throw away everything and offered a replacement or refund
The company only after several messages considered to take the foreign item (hopefully for analysis, but maybe just to get rid of me messaging them)
The company sent me a REPLACEMENT FROM THE SAME BATCH!!! so possible same issue AND IN FACT THE PRODUCT ITS STILL SPOILED WITH FOREIGN TOXIC NON EDIBLE ITEMS!!! (the transparent plastic)
While I’m glad that they’ve been responsive to the communications (some will just ghost) I’m still disappointed because this it’s an edible product and it pose major risk of HEALTH HAZARD if the product it’s spoiled or mixed with toxic or hazardous materials.
Todd Napier –
Unable to drink due to bad taste and texture. I would not recommend it. I didn’t finish my first glass. I chose this product because it is sugar free and organic but it is very disappointing.
Alana Ronald –
Digestible, no flavour, mixes fairly easily, but better with a blender. Good value for $, & arrived promptly.
Setareh Ashoortamimi –
This is my favorite shake. Been using it for the last 3 months. Gives me energy. Quality is amazing. You will get use to the taste . Worth the money. Blends quickly
Hunter Warrior –
This is a nice organic protein drink mix. It blends smoothly with beverages including milk and smoothies. The vanilla flavor is nice and natural. I appreciate that it contains several different plant-based proteins and a wide variety of amino acids, which are essential for muscle growth and recovery. It also contains fiber and enzyme including bromelain, protease for better digestion. It is sweetened with stevia and has no added sugar. It is vegan, non-GMO, and free of gluten, soy, dairy, egg, wheat, lactose, artificial flavors and colors, and preservatives.
Overall, I’m pretty pleased with this protein drink mix. It is pleasant to drink with plant milk but tastes even better in smoothies. You can also add it to yogurt and oatmeal. This comes in a large plastic container with 19 servings in it. Mine has a best before date of about 30 months from now. Made in Canada. At just under $2 per serving, it is a little pricey to use in the long run. That being said, it is a good protein mix, considering its protein and amino acid profile along with the use of digestive enzyme. The ingredient list looks clean as well. It is worth giving it a try. Good product.
Patti S –
My daughter’s personal trainer recommended this for her and she has lost quite a bit of weight so I got some too. I got the chocolate and mix it with some frozen fruit, agave and water and it’s very tasty IMO.
Joanna –
I bought this wanting an unflavored protein to add to soups, and other meals. This is perfect, it’s truly unflavored, you get a nice boost of protein & iron to add to meals. No bloating, no gas, or anything else that comes with the normal protein powders.
I would recommend if you’re looking for an unflavored protein this is perfect.