Descrição do Produto: KompleX Nutrition Plant Based Protein Powder (25 Porções) – Sabor Coco
O KompleX Nutrition Plant Based Protein Powder é um suplemento alimentar inovador, desenvolvido especialmente para aqueles que buscam uma fonte de proteína vegetal de alta qualidade. Com 25 porções por embalagem, este pó de proteína sabor coco é 100% natural, vegano, sem açúcar, baixo em gordura e não contém organismos geneticamente modificados (Non-GMO). Elaborado a partir de 29 vegetais naturais, este produto oferece uma combinação poderosa de nutrientes que promovem a saúde e o bem-estar. Ideal para atletas, veganos e qualquer pessoa que deseja aumentar a ingestão de proteínas de forma saudável, o KompleX Nutrition é a escolha perfeita para enriquecer shakes, smoothies ou até mesmo receitas culinárias. Seu sabor suave de coco proporciona uma experiência deliciosa, tornando o consumo de proteínas uma parte prazerosa da sua rotina.
1. Fonte Completa de Proteínas: Com 29 vegetais naturais, oferece todos os aminoácidos essenciais para a recuperação muscular e manutenção da saúde.
2. Zero Açúcar: Ideal para quem busca controlar a ingestão de açúcar, sem comprometer o sabor e a qualidade nutricional.
3. Baixo em Gordura: Contribui para uma dieta equilibrada, ajudando a manter o peso e a saúde cardiovascular.
4. Fácil Digestão: Formulado para ser facilmente digerido, minimizando desconfortos gastrointestinais comuns em outras fontes de proteína.
5. Versatilidade na Preparação: Pode ser adicionado a diversas receitas, como smoothies, bolos e panquecas, facilitando a inclusão de proteínas na dieta diária.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se misturar uma porção (aproximadamente 30g) do KompleX Nutrition Plant Based Protein Powder com 250ml de água, leite vegetal ou sua bebida favorita. Utilize um liquidificador ou shaker para garantir uma mistura homogênea. Para potencializar o sabor e os nutrientes, experimente adicionar frutas, vegetais ou sementes. O uso diário pode ser ajustado conforme suas necessidades nutricionais e objetivos de saúde, sendo uma excelente opção para antes ou após os treinos, ou como um lanche nutritivo ao longo do dia.
Bap –
As a vegan, I have been searching for a complete protein shake absent heavy metals, pesticides, herbicides, etc with great taste. Found it here.
Writejen –
I purchased this after a LOT of research and buying two of the sample packs to be sure of what I was getting. The sample packs were great – very fresh. However, I received the coconut version, and it tasted SOOOOO bad. Truly awful. And I have tried a LOT of protein powders and have never been upset – probably because I usually get vanilla. This tasted overly sweetened with an aftertaste and odd pall of bad coconut. Amazon said that they don’t give returns on this. So I have a huge, $50 tub of really bad product. And I had done my research. So I contacted the company directly, telling them the issue and asking for vanilla instead – not a refund, just a “Hey, this particular tub of product is rancid and different from the sample I tried – can you please exchange for a good tub of vanilla?” NO response. I’m writing here as a cautionary tale because others need to know before they purchase.
Edit: Three messages, no response on the rancid coconut. I finally threw it out. No one should purchase directly from this particular group since they don’t respond or back up their products. Go to GNC, where at least you can get an exchange if the item is bad.
Charles Umstead –
One of my current favorite protein powders. It’s super light and fluffy / frothy when mixed with water. Most vegan protein powders are a bit thick and give you the cake batter texture, this one is the one one I’ve found that’s nutrient dense and light.
Joey –
Tried emailing the company several times and no response . This thing has a lot of caffeine . Gives me jitters . I should note in very sensitive to caffeine . But the amount of caffeine should be listed !
CollectableKid –
This is only the second plant based protein I’ve tried, so I was worried it would be just as bad(the last one tasted so bad it almost made me sick)
To my surprise, it was a decent flavor and mixed quite well. Its not great tasting by any means, but I’ll gladly finish off the tub with no issues.
pr0ph3cy –
30 years of personal experience in the supplement, health and wellness field. Finding an all-in-one, truly clean protein is a challenge these days; even if the label claims to be organic. The amount of chemicals and heavy metals in our foods and supplements has never been higher, if you want long term health benefits, eat clean. This protein tastes great, mixes easy and I feel energized after I drink it. Its full of what you should be getting and devoid of what you don’t want. This is what I’ll be buying until I run it through the HPLC at work and it comes up not clean, then I’ll jump. Until then, this company is gold!
Shaina –
EDIT: I’ve tried the coconut flavored powder now as well and it’s also delicious! Really loving this brand.
I was very pleasantly surprised with this product. I took a chance on it even though it didn’t have many reviews, and it paid off. I’ve found my go-to protein powder from now on, as long as they don’t change anything about it.
Reasons? I bought the peanut butter flavor and… it tastes just like peanut butter! It’s a little bit lighter in flavor than actual peanut butter, but I like that. It also blended very well in my shaker bottle after a few vigorous shakes – no grains whatsoever. And of course, the clean ingredients – along with that certification – are such a big relief as a consumer who tries their best to be conscious in every way.
There’s also the matter of serving size, number of servings, amount of protein, and the price. I love that the serving size is one scoop – unlike so many other plant-based powders out there with the two scoop serving size, even if the scoop itself is a little bigger than the two scoop ones. Plus, you get 25g of protein per scoop, and 25 servings total per container. Taking all of this into consideration, the price for the powder is really reasonable.
All of these reasons make KompleX a really hard to beat protein powder. I would highly recommend the peanut butter flavor to anyone who enjoys it, unless of course there’s an allergy issue. I’ll be trying the other flavors once my tub is finished, so I’ll update this review to reflect those in the future.
Nik –
I am going to be honest, I am not super picky with protein powder. Mostly because I don’t expect it to be a fine dining experience. With this one I will say I actually do enjoy having it.
It blends well with milk as well as water, and the peanut butter flavor seems to go well with almost any fruit I throw into the mix. I will for sure be getting it again.