Descrição do Produto:
O nosso Pó de Proteína à Base de Plantas com Probióticos é um suplemento nutricional orgânico, limpo e totalmente natural, ideal para veganos e vegetarianos. Este superalimento em pó é feito a partir de uma combinação de proteínas vegetais de alta qualidade, que garantem uma fonte completa de aminoácidos essenciais. Com um sabor suave de baunilha, ele se integra perfeitamente a smoothies, shakes e receitas, proporcionando uma nutrição equilibrada sem aditivos artificiais. Além disso, a adição de probióticos promove a saúde intestinal, melhorando a digestão e a absorção de nutrientes. Este produto é uma excelente opção para quem segue uma dieta cetogênica, pois é baixo em carboidratos e rico em proteínas, ajudando a manter a saciedade e a energia ao longo do dia.
1. Fonte Completa de Proteínas: Contém todos os aminoácidos essenciais, promovendo a recuperação muscular e o crescimento saudável.
2. Saúde Intestinal: Os probióticos presentes ajudam a equilibrar a flora intestinal, melhorando a digestão e a absorção de nutrientes.
3. Sem Aditivos: Com ingredientes 100% naturais, é livre de conservantes, corantes e adoçantes artificiais, garantindo uma nutrição limpa.
4. Versatilidade na Dieta: Pode ser facilmente incorporado em diversas receitas, como smoothies, bolos e panquecas, facilitando o aumento da ingestão de proteínas.
5. Apoio à Dieta Cetogênica: Ideal para quem busca uma alimentação low carb, ajudando a manter a energia e a saciedade sem comprometer a dieta.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se misturar 1 a 2 colheres de sopa (aproximadamente 30g) do Pó de Proteína à Base de Plantas com Probióticos em 250ml de água, leite vegetal ou sua bebida favorita. Agite bem ou utilize um liquidificador para garantir uma mistura homogênea. Este suplemento pode ser consumido antes ou após o treino, ou como um lanche nutritivo ao longo do dia. Para uma experiência ainda mais saborosa, adicione frutas, sementes ou outros ingredientes de sua preferência.
JimKTX –
Lets all agree plant based protein powders are gritty and do not taste anything like a whey protein powder. My personal favorite Whey have been gold standard vanilla and chocolate, those blend / mix perfectly, taste great, texture is awesome, and aftertaste is spot on.
Moving to an 90+% plant based diet and moving away from dairy so I’m on the hunt for a replacement shake powder for my AM rituals. This will be the 4th powder I’ve tried and I must say, the Raw Cacao is a winner. I didn’t give it 5 stars because I don’t think any plant based protein powder will ever be 5 starts compared to what’s in whey form satisfaction.
What I Like Most: Blends easily, slightly gritty, but nothing that triggers a gag reflex or leaves a nasty aftertaste. My B complex vitamin leaves a nastier taste! Not sure what the 1-star complainers were commenting about, I’d love to see what they were drinking before they tried this. I’ve tried all the stuff costco sells, and orgain and vega. Now those will chalk your throat and make you second guess any vegan lifestyle first thing in the morning!
This stuff is pricey, but I’m not done trying other plant based powders. If I find anything better I’ll shout back.
MB –
This is my new favorite protein powder! When I first came across it, I was in awe that a) there are only 7 ingredients; b) all ingredients are organic; c) consists of several different types of protein, which all serve different purposes; and most importantly d) it’s a HEALTHY vegan protein powder. I also really like that this protein powder doesn’t contain added artificial sugars or fruit/vegetable powders because that allows me to use fresh fruits/veggies, which are sweet in and of themselves. I agree with other reviewers that the Raw Cacao flavor is such a treat (I haven’t tried the Vanilla quite yet), and like a lot of people, I’m an immense chocolate lover. I love that I can take advantage of the antioxidants in the RC, and the flavor is very exact. A lot of the chocolate protein powders I’ve tried are very gritty or don’t mix well with fruit/veggie smoothies, which I make almost every single day. I throw in 2 scoops of the PF Raw Cacao in my smoothies, and it blends in very effortlessly – there is no strange aftertaste or strange taste at all for that matter. I haven’t tried this with water alone (only water, fruits, and veggies), but I use unsweetened cashew milk, and it’s great. I think I’m going to try it with hazelnut milk next, based on one of the reviews. The cacao flavor I’ve found is also very true to an authentic chocolate taste. For example, if I mix it with strawberries, it tastes like chocolate-covered strawberries. If I mix it with bananas, it tastes like I’m having a banana split. Best of all, I was surprised that this kept me full for as long as it did because with protein shakes, I’m usually hungry again within 30-60 minutes with your conventional protein powder. I have a shake and then just kind of forget about my next meal, which is very rare. Kudos to Scott, the PF owner, for a wonderful product. Will definitely be repurchasing.
N. P. DeGreet –
If you are reading this, either you (1) care about what you put into your body and/or (2) are an enemy of death and/or (3) are a fan of The Smiths 1985 release and/or (4) are looking for a pre-Fall diet (see Genesis 1:29-30). Whatever the case, you may cease your quest for plant-based protein powder because you have found the holy grail of that genre.
To prove it, let’s compare “Amazon’s Choice” for plant-based protein powder, Orgain, with Pure Food:
Servings: Pure Food, 16 — Orgain, 20
Grams per: Pure Food, 32 — Orgain, 46
Calories: Pure Food, 119 — Orgain, 150
Fat: Pure Food, 1g — Orgain, 4g
Carb: Pure Food, 6g — Orgain, 13g
Protein Pure Food, 20g — Orgain, 21g
For basically the same amount of protein, Orgain is much higher in calories, fat and carbs. Why? Orgain’s powder is filled with, well, fillers: erythritol, dextrins, gums, inulin. Seriously? Now the fascists at the FDA have given these items the blessed status of GRAS (generally recognized as safe), but even if they are “safe,” you do not want or need them in your body (and by the way, not all of these are “safe” for all people – just check out the relationship between inulin and folks with IBS. Whatever, FDA).
Anyway, Pure Food is just that ***PURE***: seven whole, organic super foods + probiotics (no fillers, no GMO, no soy, no dairy, no death).
Now some reviewers have mentioned price. Price per serving is less than a plain, “Venti,” cup of coffee at Starbucks (read: reasonable).
Others have lamented the taste, but friends, if you prepare it properly, the taste is fab (we love caramelized onions, right? Yet not many of us just pick up an onion and eat it like an apple. Same thing here.) In our house (including my capricious teenage children), we simply add (a) two cups of vanilla almond milk or coconut water and (b) two medium-sized bananas to (c) one scoop of the powder with (d) an handful of ice, and blend. Done. Thick, luxurious, guilt-free, death-free, sapidity – and there is your word for the day too :-p
Finally, in purchasing this product you will also be supporting an American-owned, small business and thus providing common ground for Gary Johnson, Bernie Sanders and (gasp) Trump voters (and please do not hate, we all need to establish common ground or we are not going to make it the next four years.)
(and, no, I am not a friend or relative of anyone who works for Pure Food, we are just simply fans.)