Descrição do Produto:
O Garden of Life Organic Vegan Protein Powder é uma poderosa fonte de proteína vegetal, oferecendo 20g de proteína por porção. Este suplemento é ideal para veganos e vegetarianos que buscam uma alternativa saudável e nutritiva para complementar sua dieta. Com uma fórmula rica em ingredientes orgânicos, este pó de proteína é feito a partir de ervilhas, arroz integral e sementes de girassol, garantindo uma digestão fácil e uma absorção eficiente. Além disso, é enriquecido com cálcio, vitamina D3 e K2 MK-7, que são essenciais para a saúde óssea e cardiovascular. Sem adição de açúcares, glúten ou produtos lácteos, este produto é uma escolha limpa e saudável para quem deseja manter um estilo de vida equilibrado.
1. Alto Teor de Proteína: Com 20g de proteína por porção, é ideal para quem busca aumentar a ingestão proteica de forma prática e saborosa.
2. Fórmula Orgânica: Feito com ingredientes 100% orgânicos, livre de pesticidas e aditivos químicos, promovendo uma alimentação mais saudável.
3. Suporte à Saúde Óssea: Enriquecido com cálcio e vitaminas D3 e K2 MK-7, que ajudam na absorção de cálcio e na manutenção de ossos fortes.
4. Fácil Digestão: A combinação de proteínas vegetais é facilmente digerível, evitando desconfortos gastrointestinais comuns em proteínas de origem animal.
5. Versatilidade de Uso: Pode ser adicionado a smoothies, shakes, receitas de bolos e panquecas, facilitando a inclusão de proteína na dieta diária.
Para obter os melhores resultados, misture uma medida (aproximadamente 30g) do Garden of Life Organic Vegan Protein Powder em 240ml de água, leite vegetal ou sua bebida favorita. Agite bem ou utilize um liquidificador para garantir uma mistura homogênea. Este produto pode ser consumido antes ou após o treino, ou como um lanche nutritivo ao longo do dia. Para uma experiência ainda mais saborosa, experimente adicionar frutas, vegetais ou outros ingredientes de sua preferência.
beverly –
“Garden of Life Organic Vegan Protein Powder, 20g Plant Based Protein with Calcium, D3, K2 MK-7 & Magnesium for Bone Strength, Prebiotics & Probiotics for Digestion, Brownie Bites Flavor, 14 Servings”
I’m a former Olympian, professional athlete, and coach. I’ve been consuming protein supplements for about 50 years – many different varieties from many different brands.
My wife ordered this protein powder after reading about other products from Garden of Life and their commitment to clean, healthy ingredients.
We tried this protein powder in two ways. First, to focus purely on taste, we mixed some in milk for a quick supplemental protein drink. The product mixes like most proteins, with some difficulty, but it blends without major chunks of dry powder.
The texture is awful – gritty, and it’s barely drinkable for me. It has the faint smell of carmel corn, but not a brownie flavor at all. There’s also a horrible and bitter chalky pea aftertaste.
My wife’s more favorable way of preparing this is in overnight oats or a smoothie where you are mixing other whole foods and concocting a protein rich breakfast or drink. She feels this was a good addition to her overnight oats and she was pleased with the benefits of the other ingredients such as the pre and probiotics and magnesium for bone strength.
In spite of her finding a way to make this product somewhat palatable, I can’t recommend it at all. Perhaps the worst I’ve ever tried in terms of texture, flavor, and aftertaste.
Customer Review –
I’m going to use it because I bought it but I don’t recommend this flavor.
Marina sanchez –
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A dozen years ago I was frustrated by bariatric surgeons telling me I wasn’t a candidate for surgery because I refused to eat meat. They were convinced that I couldn’t get the protein I needed after surgery without eating meat. Finally I saw a surgeon who immediately alerted me to the existence of Garden of Life products and I’ve been happy with them for a decade now.
This is a new to me variety of Garden of Life. When I first saw it I thought it said bone broth and I was disappointed that it wasn’t vegan. But I guess they used bone strength on the label to get the attention of vegans who can’t have bone broth but like the idea of a protein powder that benefits bones.
The flavor is also novel to me, chocolate brownie. I was expecting a run of the mill chocolate flavor like any other but I do agree it is reminiscent of brownies. The powder itself is not gritty. I made chia pudding with it last night and it was easy enough to stir in the tiny jars along with water and chia seeds. Some folks prefer to mix their protein with milk-alternatives but for weight reasons I almost always use water. The flavor is rich even without a plant milk base.
The serving size is one level scoop which contains 135 calories, 7 carbs with 5 fibers and no added sugars so two net carbs, and 20 grams of protein. Each serving provides 50% of the recommended daily protein which is something that I as a vegan really need! Between that and the pre-and-probiotics I’m thrilled with this new to me product from Garden of Life. I plan to consume it in beverage and pudding form, and possibly try it as an ingredient in gluten free vegan protein pancakes if I can find a good recipe for them.
Good flavor, good amount of calcium, I recommend!
Mham –
I used to buy garden of life Organic Sport Protein and the Organic Rae Meal Replacement BUT both of them have a fruit taste to them now that I am not a fan of. Sucks because I have like 9 on hand still. Wish this product came in a larger container.
jorg_2029 –
Nice smoothes. It goes well with veggies and fruit. I put it in my nutri-bullet.
Eduardo Martinez –
I was a bit skeptical about ordering this product not because of the amazing ingredients but because I was afraid of the taste. I was honestly surprised it did have a chalky taste but nothing crazy. It was very slight. It has a Dutch chocolate taste although I preferred a more chocolate flavor I improvised by adding a teaspoon of cocoa no sugar it was perfect with bananas and cherry Stur water enhancer, I also added my collagen and it blend creamy and delicious. It is well worth the buy especially since it has an amazing 650mg of calcium. Excellent additional supplement for my bones. Please make other flavors! Highly recommend.
make a vanilla flavored one
Marina sanchez –
Rico saber si se disfruta con leche caliente aroma a capuchino 😁me encanto y ya ordene mi segundo frasco mis energías son mejores y mis dolores muscular an mejorado ..
Customer Review –
My partner and I have really enjoyed this protein! We love using it in shakes and smoothies. Really no complaints from me at all – it makes a nice chocolate banana smoothie and it is a good way to incorporate something chocolatey into my diet while still getting some added protein. We really enjoy it and would consider repurchasing!