Descrição do Produto: Orgain Organic Vegan Protein Powder, Vanilla Bean
Descubra o poder da nutrição com o Orgain Organic Vegan Protein Powder, sabor Baunilha. Este pó de proteína à base de plantas é a escolha ideal para quem busca uma alimentação saudável e equilibrada. Com 21g de proteína orgânica por porção, ele é perfeito para complementar sua dieta, seja você um atleta em busca de recuperação muscular ou alguém que deseja aumentar a ingestão de proteínas de forma prática e saborosa.
- INGREDIENTES MAIS PUROS: Cada porção oferece 21g de proteína vegetal orgânica, garantindo que você esteja consumindo apenas o melhor para o seu corpo.
- MAIS ALTOS PADRÕES: Este produto é vegano, sem glúten, kosher, livre de ingredientes à base de soja e não contém OGM. Além disso, não há carragenina, lactose, ingredientes lácteos, corantes artificiais, sabores, adoçantes ou conservantes.
- USDA ORGÂNICO E CERTIFICADO À BASE DE PLANTAS: Para garantir a qualidade, utilizamos terceiros para verificar que somos certificados como orgânicos pela USDA e à base de plantas.
- PERSONALIZE COMO QUISER: Misture com qualquer líquido, como água, leite de amêndoa ou leite de aveia, ou bata para criar um delicioso shake ou smoothie. Para ainda mais criatividade, adicione a aveia de um dia para o outro e outras receitas de panificação para um impulso de proteína e energia.
- PERFEITO PARA QUALQUER ESTILO DE VIDA: Este pó de proteína é ideal para homens e mulheres, seja para manter um estilo de vida saudável, praticar exercícios, aumentar a ingestão de proteínas na dieta, seguir um regime alimentar ou como substituto de refeição para quem está em movimento.
- O QUE ESPERAR: Inclui 1 (1,02 lb) (10 porções) de Orgain Organic Vanilla Bean Protein Powder, pronto para misturar. Cada porção contém 150 calorias (2 colheres de sopa).
1. Nutrição de Alta Qualidade: Com 21g de proteína orgânica, é uma excelente fonte de nutrição para quem busca um estilo de vida saudável.
2. Sem Ingredientes Nocivos: Livre de lactose, glúten e OGM, ideal para pessoas com restrições alimentares.
3. Versatilidade na Preparação: Pode ser misturado em shakes, smoothies ou adicionado a receitas, facilitando a inclusão na dieta diária.
4. Apoio à Digestão: Contém 4g de fibra prebiótica, que ajuda na saúde digestiva.
5. Praticidade: Perfeito para quem tem uma rotina agitada, oferecendo uma opção rápida e nutritiva para refeições.
Para preparar seu shake de proteína, adicione 2 colheres de sopa (aproximadamente 30g) do Orgain Organic Vegan Protein Powder em um liquidificador. Misture com 240ml de água, leite de amêndoa ou leite de aveia. Bata até obter uma mistura homogênea. Para um toque extra, adicione frutas, vegetais ou outros ingredientes de sua preferência. O produto também pode ser incorporado em receitas de panificação ou aveia, proporcionando um impulso de proteína em suas refeições.
Tor –
Wonderful flavor! It mixes well with my yogurt and shakes to add extra protein. Wonderful quality! I do have to mix it with other flavors.
Cliente Amazon –
Vegana y sabe con agua a batido de vainilla del McDonalds! 🤤🤤
Kari –
This was a mis for me. The taste from salty to sweet is overwhelming. Best used after a HARD workout for recovery. Even then hard to stomach as the pea protein left me feeling bloated.
Luke –
Whats not to like about Organic Protein Power mix. It’s loaded with organic ingredients. Plant based protein, fiber, amino acids, dairy free, soy free, gluten free, lactose free, and GMO free. Everything listed about this product, listed as 100% Organic. Now for those who state the taste is bad. What I learned about making smoothies has everything to do with buying a high speed blender. Using your average slow speed store bought blender will make for bad tasting smoothies. I use 16 oz of Ice water, Protein Power and fresh raw Organic spinach with watercress and 1 banana, and the taste is great. Do your homework, look up smoothies and watercress on, you tube and you will be amazed at the health benefits you will get into your body using this product with watercress in your smoothie. I prefer ice water, however if your still not sure about the taste, then use almond or coconut milk, which improves the flavor tremendously, however I prefer the healthier mix of just using water.
Simone Faith –
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A great quality and delicious tasting protein powder. I use it in my oatmeal, protein shakes, smoothies and more. It’s give me the energy I need to get me through the day. Easily digested, effective, low sugar and worth the money. This is my third container and I will continue to use this every time.
Amazon Customer –
I really like this flavor and it never disappoints. Keeping it simple works for Orgain.
Jor El –
My personal trainer said that one of her colleagues who is a vegan personal trainer was using Orgain and that he had really built muscle and stuff, which is what I’m trying to do. I’ve been using them for three months now and so far, I’ve seen noticeable gains. They taste great so I’m all for it.
I decided to take Vanilla Bean for a spin and found it’s an all natural protein powder that’s much creamier than its competitors.
I like that everything in this poweder is organic. The first ingredient is the protein blend itself, which is comprised of pea, brown rice, chia seed, and hemp.
Note: One serving is two scoops and contains 150 calories: 21 grams of protein, 3.5 grams of fat (no saturated fat) and 15 grams of carbs (5g fiber, 5g sugar alcohol, 1 gram sugar). To save on calories I sometimes mix it with water instead of milk or almond milk. I find it mixes pretty well with almond milk though.
In short: I like Orgain, mostly because it’s creamier, it mixes better, and it has more iron than some of the other vegan protein powders I’ve tried.
I would definitely recommend the product. It worked out great for me and I haven’t had any issues with it.
sandradunstan –
Dissolves well,great taste
Gina Guzzo –
This is great in coffee or kefir or yogurt ! Great tasting no sugar
Jersey Coffee Girl –
Im new to being a Vegan, but I have used Whey based protein powder for years, and have tried TONS of them; everything from cheap store brands, to expensive store brands, to health food store brands, to “designer” brands available only online..and EVERY SINGLE BRAND *always* had that nasty “protein-y” aftertaste, even the “award winning” ones that promised no aftertaste. Now that I’m a vegan, I need a way to get more protein in, and using protein powder fits my lifestyle, so it was time to find a vegan one. I figured a vegan one would taste even worse than regular Whey based protein, so I decided I would just order any one I came across and just choke it down. Trust me, I had ZERO hope for this product… So last night I made a green smoothie with it, and WOW, ZERO AFTERTASTE! So I said to myself “it probably really does taste bad and the bad taste is masked by the other ingredients”.. So this morning I added a scoop to PLAIN, unflavored no sugar oatmeal, and again, WHOA..NO AFTERTASTE! I cant believe not only is there no bad taste, but the taste that is there is GOOD! No weird, chemical “fake” vanilla flavor.. no overly sweet taste.. I keep looking for the problems I have had with literally EVERY OTHER protein powder I have ever had, but this product has none of those issues. Now, keep in mind, I am not a person who mixes protein powder with water, shakes it in a mixer bottle and drinks it: so If you are looking for a review based on that type of usage, I have no idea. I always add my protein powder to other things. But, that being said, with Whey based protein, no matter what flavor I bought (including UN-Flavored) and no matter how many ingredients I mixed it with, I have always been able to taste that weird, “off” gross aftertaste, but NOT with this. Even the texture is great! If I had known vegan protein powder was this good, I would have chosen it over the gross tasting Whey based powder years ago, even before becoming vegan!