Descrição do Produto:
O PaleoPro Protein Powder é um suplemento proteico de alta qualidade, elaborado a partir de proteínas provenientes de gado alimentado com pasto, criado em liberdade e sem gaiolas. Este produto é ideal para quem busca uma alimentação saudável e alinhada ao estilo de vida paleo, pois é livre de glúten, laticínios, açúcares, soja e grãos. Com uma fórmula limpa e nutritiva, o PaleoPro oferece uma excelente fonte de proteína, promovendo a recuperação muscular e o aumento da massa magra. Sua composição sem carboidratos líquidos torna-o perfeito para dietas cetogênicas e para aqueles que desejam controlar a ingestão de açúcares. Além disso, o sabor suave e a textura fina permitem que o pó seja facilmente incorporado em shakes, smoothies, ou até mesmo em receitas de panificação e sobremesas saudáveis.
1. Proteína de Alta Qualidade: Fonte de proteína pura, ideal para a recuperação muscular e suporte ao crescimento muscular.
2. Sem Aditivos Nocivos: Livre de glúten, laticínios, açúcares, soja e grãos, tornando-o uma opção segura para pessoas com intolerâncias alimentares.
3. Apoio ao Estilo de Vida Paleo: Alinhado com a filosofia paleo, promove uma alimentação natural e saudável.
4. Sem Carboidratos Líquidos: Perfeito para dietas de baixo carboidrato e cetogênicas, ajudando a manter a energia estável.
5. Versatilidade na Cozinha: Pode ser utilizado em diversas receitas, desde shakes até pratos salgados, facilitando a inclusão de proteína na dieta diária.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se misturar uma porção (aproximadamente 30g) do PaleoPro Protein Powder com 200-300ml de água, leite vegetal ou outra bebida de sua preferência. Utilize um liquidificador ou shaker para garantir uma mistura homogênea. O produto pode ser consumido antes ou após o treino, ou como um lanche nutritivo ao longo do dia. Além disso, experimente adicionar o pó a receitas de panquecas, bolos ou smoothies para aumentar o teor proteico de suas refeições. Armazenar em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, para preservar a qualidade do produto.
LA –
I have used this powder for over a year but in my quest to continue to clean up my diet and put my autoimmune disease into remission I am discontinuing use.
1. This is way too sweet and I would rather real vanilla bean instead of monk fruit or supposed “natural flavors”.
2. “Natural flavors” is not specific enough and in many studies it has been shown that companies that put that are still mixing things in that while supposedly natural, are not necessarily good or organic.
3. Ditch the egg whites too. Egg whites can cause issues for some people with autoimmune issues which is often why people follow a Paleo diet. It also doesn’t really need to be added as good and well sourced beef collagen would be enough.
Otherwise, this is a good protein powder. Mixes well and for the most part is clean compared to many other products out there. I’d use it again if they got rid of the above.
I was a bit wary of this, but, just had it for the first time in my morning in my ketovore drink and it tastes amazing! I wanted to thank the company for using monk fruit. Almost every protein powder on the market uses stevia, which I don’t use because it gives me migraines. I urge other companies to make products without stevia. There are a lot of people out there like me who are sensitive to stevia
Amanda Amanda –
I’ve tried many and here’s my pros and cons:
It comes in a pouch instead of a big thick plastic tub! I really felt guilty about tossing those every month. not needed. this is perfect.
When I opened the pouch, it smelled good. If you’ve opened a few protein powders, you know what I’m talking about…. this one is nice.
it blends really well and fast….the last two had stuck powder at the line where it went in. this doesnt.
its really soft and blends into the liquid, not thick and grainy. bonus points
it tastes good, i add honey but i don’t think it needs it.
best of all, it doesn’t upset my stomach during and after drinking. doesn’t make me feel bloated, but i feel comfortably “fed”.
con: like every other fine powder in a pouch, it poofs like a little volcano. some day i will learn. until then, i wipe it up with my finger.
it’s a little expensive
will definitely purchase again.
ReviewerWarrior –
Found my new favorite protein! No bad side effects
anthony tay –
Great protein powered for whole food eaters. I got the chocolate flavor and love it. 26 grams is great for this type of protein. My only complaint is that for what I am spending theres not a lot of product compared to other brands. Eating clean is expensive unfortunately. I did however purchase it again because I can’t find any other powder like this one
Katherine –
I am extraordinarily picky when it comes to protein powder because if I do not love the taste I will not consume it. I have been eating paleo for nearly a year now but had yet to find a truly paleo protein powder besides my bone protein powder…. bone broth protein and/or collagen protein is not a complete protein so I did my research. I had quite a few yucky encounters with other products that I threw out before my encounter with paleo pro, a reasonably priced complete paleo protein powder. In my personal opinion, the flavor was very good. However, the monk fruit sweetener is noticeable— it gives off almost an artificial flavor, but only slightly, and i myself still found it quite enjoyable. The texture is a bit weird— sticky-like, but I have found ways to enjoy it. I normally make a raw protein brownie batter (I add raw cacao, mesquite powder, lucma, tocos, and coconut milk) that I like to eat in a mug before bed. I am still discovering other protein treats to create with this product (a frozen raspberry vanilla bean treat in the works). In particular, I love the wholesome ingredients and excellent nutritional profile while still maintaining a great taste. Confidently pleased thus far 😊😊
Amazon Customer –
Bought multiples and have on subscription because I use do much of it. I’ve made brownies with them and enjoy the chocolate flavor it’s with a higher protein content.
Aurabouree –
I feel great after adding this product to my smoothies. Taste is pretty good too. Not as good as plain egg white. But not bad either. Will be buying again.