Descrição do Produto:
O 365 by Whole Foods Market, Protein Powder Hemp Organic, 16 Ounce é uma fonte de proteína vegetal de alta qualidade, extraída da semente de cânhamo. Este pó de proteína orgânica é ideal para quem busca uma alternativa saudável e nutritiva para complementar a dieta. Com um sabor suave e levemente adocicado, ele se integra facilmente a smoothies, shakes, receitas de panificação e até mesmo em pratos salgados. Cada porção oferece uma quantidade significativa de proteínas, fibras e ácidos graxos essenciais, promovendo a saciedade e contribuindo para a saúde muscular. Além disso, é livre de glúten e produtos lácteos, tornando-se uma excelente opção para veganos e pessoas com restrições alimentares. O produto é certificado orgânico, garantindo que você está consumindo um item livre de pesticidas e aditivos químicos.
1. Fonte Completa de Proteínas: Contém todos os aminoácidos essenciais, promovendo a recuperação muscular e o crescimento.
2. Rico em Fibras: Ajuda na digestão e proporciona uma sensação de saciedade, auxiliando no controle do peso.
3. Ácidos Graxos Essenciais: Contribui para a saúde cardiovascular e melhora a função cerebral.
4. Versatilidade na Cozinha: Pode ser adicionado a diversas receitas, desde smoothies até pratos quentes, facilitando a inclusão de proteínas na dieta.
5. Produto Orgânico: Garantia de qualidade e pureza, sem adição de substâncias químicas ou transgênicos.
Para aproveitar ao máximo o 365 by Whole Foods Market, Protein Powder Hemp Organic, recomenda-se misturar 2 a 3 colheres de sopa (aproximadamente 30g) do pó em 250ml de água, leite vegetal ou suco. Para um smoothie nutritivo, combine com frutas, vegetais e uma fonte de gordura saudável, como abacate ou manteiga de amêndoa. O pó também pode ser incorporado em receitas de panificação, como pães e bolos, ou polvilhado sobre saladas e iogurtes. Armazenar em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, para preservar a qualidade do produto.
Hydeii –
Mixes well with liquids, with a barely noticeable taste. I add it to shakes and sauces for extra protein. Slightly gritty texture but only noticeable if it’s not mixed well in a drink. Recommend blending it into drinks and sauces to avoid clumps and unpleasant texture.
I bought this as a lot of the protein powders I was using had so many extra ingredients in them and while sometimes it’s great to have additional vitamins, a lot of times there were fillers like stevia extract. I really like that this one was just straight to the point, just hemp seed and nothing else.
It doesn’t really have any strong taste and for my purposes I mix it in smoothies with lots of fruit and veggies so I have not tried it on its own. I’d say it’s good consistency relative to other protein powders, not chalky, and blends easily.
It’s a small container but I use it sparingly so no issues for me there and I personally feel it’s a nice cheap option for high quality powder.
SapioSapien –
I was having difficulties meeting my daily protein requirement while staying under my calorie limit. I was making my own protein mix by grinding up various seeds and nuts but went looking for something with lower fat and calorie content. I found hemp powder, and since I was already using hemp hearts in my mixture, I thought I’d try swapping those out for this product because it does have fewer fat grams. Eventually, I switched to just using the hemp powder in my shakes. The texter is gritty and the flavor is overpowering initially (especially if using the full amount), but it helps me meet my protein needs while staying under my calorie limit, as I’d hoped. I highly recommend starting with a small amount (maybe a tablespoon) and slowly working up to the 1/4 cup serving. I have about three of 1/4c servings a day and have had no negative side effects (so far). I also like that it’s much cheaper than many other protein powders and completely unsweetened. I’d definitely recommend it to a friend.
Hydeii –
I’ve purchased hemp heart protein powder before, which has a nice, mildly nutty flavor. This hemp, not hemp heart, protein powder has a much stronger, more bitter flavor. The protein content of hemp heart protein powder is also higher. My bad for not reading the description more carefully, but if you have not purchased before, look for hemp heart rather than hemp.
James H. –
Love the ingredients and the price but the taste was noticeable and I didn’t love that. Blends well though.
MaxMuscle84 –
I’ve been using this brand of hemp protein powder since my normal brand went out of stock at my local health food store. The nutrition profile on this stuff is awesome! People complain about the taste, but who the heck drinks hemp protein plain?!?!?! If you mix this stuff with almond milk, frozen banana, blueberries, and some cacao powder it tastes great. I like that it’s organic and made in Canada. For a 1 pound container the price is excellent. This is an unflavored, highly nutritious, extremely planty food supplement. Do not expect it to taste like a desert! Mix it with other flavorful things and you won’t mind it at all.
Kyle –
Almost every protein powder I’ve ever tried has triggered my migraines. I decided to give this one a go and I am so happy I did. Doesn’t trigger my migraines and blends really well in my smoothies. Also, I nutritionally it’s way healthier then typical protein. I mix this with almond milk, chia seeds, blueberries, and I have a full day’s worth of fiber in one smoothie. It does have an earthy taste but I add a decent amount of splenda, which makes it taste great.
Erykah Dreme –
I will mix a small amount with other stuff to mask the nasty taste.