Descrição do Produto: MILK DUST Protein Powder 660g
O MILK DUST Protein Powder é a escolha ideal para mães que estão amamentando e buscam um suporte nutricional eficaz. Este pó de proteína foi cuidadosamente formulado para fornecer um impulso de energia e nutrientes essenciais, ajudando as mães a se sentirem revitalizadas durante a jornada da amamentação. Com uma combinação rica de vitaminas e minerais, incluindo ácido fólico e biotina, o MILK DUST também contém ferro, que é fundamental para repor as reservas do corpo que podem ser esgotadas durante a amamentação.
Feito com ingredientes 100% naturais e à base de plantas, o MILK DUST é uma solução perfeita para mães que desejam aumentar a produção de leite. A fórmula inclui proteína de ervilha, proteína de arroz integral, sementes de chia, sementes de abóbora e sementes de linhaça, garantindo uma nutrição completa e balanceada. Este pó de proteína não contém aromatizantes artificiais ou produtos químicos, oferecendo um sabor doce que satisfaz a vontade de algo doce, enquanto se mistura de forma cremosa e suave, podendo ser combinado até mesmo com água pura.
Com o MILK DUST, as mães podem deixar de se preocupar com a quantidade de leite que produzem. A combinação única de ervas e nutrientes presentes neste produto promove a produção de leite, tornando-o um favorito entre as mães que trabalham, pois é fácil de preparar como um smoothie matinal ou um shake rápido no trabalho. Disponível em uma variedade de sabores, como baunilha, chocolate e morango, o MILK DUST é um essencial para a amamentação.
– Aumento da Produção de Leite: Fórmula projetada para ajudar a aumentar a produção de leite materno de forma natural.
– Nutrição Completa: Contém uma mistura equilibrada de proteínas vegetais e nutrientes essenciais para a saúde da mãe e do bebê.
– Praticidade: Fácil de preparar, ideal para mães ocupadas que precisam de uma solução rápida e nutritiva.
– Sem Aditivos Nocivos: Livre de laticínios, soja, glúten, OGM e adoçantes artificiais, garantindo uma escolha saudável.
– Variedade de Sabores: Disponível em diferentes sabores, tornando a experiência de consumo mais agradável.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se misturar 1 a 2 colheres de sopa do MILK DUST Protein Powder em 250 ml de água, leite vegetal ou em seu smoothie favorito. Pode ser consumido uma ou duas vezes ao dia, conforme necessário. Para um impulso extra de sabor e nutrição, adicione frutas frescas ou vegetais ao seu shake. Agite bem ou utilize um liquidificador para garantir uma mistura homogênea.
Lindz –
Must have got a bad batch, I bought two cans and they both taste terrible!!!! Previously it was really good and I liked it. It helped my supply. Now I can barely choke it down and it has a weird odor. No response from seller.
Sydney Powell –
Super honest review. I am on the tail end of my pregnancy and was looking for something to help with sugar cravings and energy. I read a few reviews on Pinterest and decided to give it a try. First thing I noticed is it’s green. 👍🏼 This is good. I like to see my greens in my shakes. Second the smell. So incredibly sweet. 👎🏻 It was a bit overwhelming. On day one I blended it up with what I had strawberry, mango, pineapple blend and almond milk. I choked it down. It was nauseatingly sweat. Blended up just fine. I did finish it but did not enjoy it. All that sweet fruit was not a good idea. Day two switched it up. Frozen Strawberries, a banana, peanut butter to combat the sweet and of course almond milk. Blended up great and ahhhhh way better. Taste is still very sweet but more enjoyable. But here’s while I’ll keep
Using it. While it’s not the best taste ever I don’t expect any to be. It is what it is but most importantly it worked. I was full all morning. I had no desire to run to Dutch bros and get an iced mocha and a donut. I love sugar and this has helped me. Period. It’s been one week. Hopefully it’s not just a honeymoon phase but I will finish the tub and If the the love affair runs out I’ll update but so far it does what it says in way of weight management and sugar craving. Can’t attest to milk supply yet.
Kaitlyn Mc –
I am beyond satisfied with milk dust. I love the flavor- it’s just enough- it meshes with whatever you add to it. Which is much better then any other “protein” product I have ever had. My baby is seven months old and I have been using it for about five months now, i am ABSOLUTELY in love withthe lactation bars… but you need to go directly to website for those. Little pricey for some but truly worth it. I gained a lot of weight during my first preg and now am only 7lb away from pre-pregnancy. These two products combined are a must. When they say “curb sugar cravings” it is an understatement. It completely manages my appetite. I stay full and I actually enjoy the taste of both. I always have had a decent milk supply so I can’t exactly say it “boosted” the amount- however I know for a fact it provides an amazing NUTRIENT boost to my milk which is the absolute most important thing for my little man. !! Try it!
Amazon Customer –
I was introduced to Milk Dust from my neighbor. She had been looking for a protein powder that would help with weight loss and milk supply.
I had tried it a couple of time but honestly, didn’t want to spend that much on protein powder. I had just had my third girl and my neighbor had had her fourth kids 6 weeks before me.
Fast forward a few months and she had lost all her baby weight and I was still many pounds away from it. I decided to try it and I have loved it! I have noticed the flavor has curved my sweet tooth, helped me balance my eating habits all while keeping my milk supply constant. It has been a great addition to my daily routine!
I have now introduced my sister (who had a little girl 2 1/2 months after me) and many of my nursing friends on to it.
While I prefer Milk Dust in a smoothie, my sister will drink it mixed with water. The consistency and taste is one of the best protein powders I have tasted.
This is an awesome protein powder for nursing moms and despite my initial thought well worth the money! Go out and try it, you won’t regret it!
SarahL –
After struggling with low milk supply and the busy mom challenge (we all know too well) of getting enough calories to be able to efficiently breast feed. I found my remedy, Milk Dust.
I’m not vegan, however… I do not partake in dairy or beef products. This creates a problem when getting a tasteful protein powder mix. I’ve gone through powder after powder hoping it was “the one”… I ended up settling with “good enough” Until I found this stuff. Honestly, milk dust is the best tasting vegan powder I’ve had. And surprisingly enough it mixes better too. I don’t even have to blend it, or mask a horrible taste in a smoothie full of other ingredients. Sure, there’s a couple little clumps that don’t manage to dissolve but I shake it up in a mason jar with oat milk so if that bothers you use a blender cup or, blend it in a blender. The other reviews mentioning the flavor as vanilla cinnamon are pretty on point. I love that it has superfoods such as chlorella in it and you can’t taste it.
I bought this to up my calorie intake and boost my low milk supply. It works, like better then I expected. I’m now pairing it with a Moringa supplement and I have so much milk I actually get engorged and leak, that never happened before. The only thing I would change about this product is the cane sugar. I wish it had none but with this being the only thing that’s boosted my supply, and helps me get in more calories during the day, and it’s not a large amount of it.. I’ll turn the other cheek to the cane sugar for now.
I procrastinated for weeks on buying this because of the price, but once I did the math and added up what I was spending on multiple products (bars, supplements, protein products) I’m actually saving money by getting it all in one with milk dust. The jar lasts me about 2 weeks, drinking daily, some days I have 2 shakes. The price reflects the quality. I’m just happy I finally found something that helps and tastes good!
Dee guidera –
I dont leave reviews because i have a busy life 🤣, but i wanted other mothers to know in case they have an emergency like i just did .I ordered this in an emergency because my milk supply started depleting randomly and i was having a panic attack , as soon as i got it i opened it and mixed it with 10oz of water and started drinking my coconut water within a few hours i pumped a decent amount of milk . It tastes good with water instead of milk and its a good amount for the price. Theres no grit and it mixes smooth. Its worth the price . Hopefully this will be the only time this happens to me but I would buy again if needed