Descrição do Produto:
O Horbäach Soy Protein Isolate Powder é um suplemento de proteína isolada de soja de alta qualidade, disponível em embalagem de 3lb. Este produto é ideal para veganos, pois não contém ingredientes de origem animal, e é livre de OGM (organismos geneticamente modificados) e glúten. Com um sabor neutro, ele se torna uma adição versátil a diversas receitas, permitindo que você aumente a ingestão de proteínas sem alterar o sabor dos seus pratos favoritos. Cada porção oferece uma fonte rica de aminoácidos essenciais, contribuindo para a construção e recuperação muscular, tornando-se uma escolha perfeita para atletas, praticantes de atividades físicas e qualquer pessoa que busque uma alimentação equilibrada. O Horbäach Soy Protein Isolate Powder é facilmente solúvel em líquidos, podendo ser misturado em shakes, smoothies, iogurtes ou até mesmo em receitas de panificação e sobremesas.
1. Fonte Completa de Proteínas: Contém todos os aminoácidos essenciais, promovendo a recuperação muscular e o crescimento.
2. Ideal para Dietas Veganas: Perfeito para quem busca uma alternativa à proteína animal, mantendo a qualidade nutricional.
3. Sem OGM e Glúten: Garantia de um produto puro e saudável, adequado para pessoas com restrições alimentares.
4. Versatilidade na Cozinha: Pode ser adicionado a diversas receitas, desde shakes até pratos quentes, sem alterar o sabor.
5. Apoio à Saúde Geral: Contribui para a manutenção da massa muscular e pode auxiliar na perda de peso, promovendo saciedade.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se misturar 1 a 2 colheres de sopa (aproximadamente 25g a 50g) do Horbäach Soy Protein Isolate Powder em 200ml de água, leite vegetal ou sua bebida preferida. Utilize um liquidificador ou shaker para garantir uma mistura homogênea. O produto pode ser incorporado em smoothies, iogurtes, ou adicionado a receitas de panificação, como pães e bolos, para aumentar o teor proteico. Para otimizar a absorção, consuma logo após o treino ou como parte de uma refeição equilibrada ao longo do dia.
Grace –
I’ve been using this powder over a month now. The powder is unflavored, obviously it won’t taste that good alone. I use it in banana pb smoothies after workouts and the flavor is almost completely masked. Even if you find it tastes different at first you will get used to it. Chunks dissolve completely if you mix it the right way. It’s a great alternative if you’re looking for a cheap protein powder that consists of the right ingredients. Haven’t experienced any bad side effects either.
Vonesha Simon –
It’s not completely flavorless and unfortunately foams way too easily. If you’re looking for something that adds a lot of volume, this is perfect for you. I am not looking for that and have to go to great lengths to mask the protein taste.
Kindle Customer –
This is the only protein powder I purchase. It adds a thickness (i.e., creamy) to the smoothie, which helps to ‘fill in’ the richness of the drink. I enjoy adding two scoops of protein powder, 5 small bananas, 1 scoop of plain Greek Yogurt, and 1 cup of frozen strawberries with just enough silk or almond milk, to fill the blender. This serves two people easily, resulting in a very filling breakfast drink that takes me through the day. The powder is unflavoured, which is good so that it doesn’t conflict with the task of the strawberry-banana flavor of the shake itself. Overall, a very filling and satisfying morning drink!
Scott Broughton –
It’s cheap and has the right stuff in it, at least it has that going for it. If that is all you want then by all means buy it. But it tastes horrible. Not just bad but…. ugh. Some of the other reviews said it was ‘tasteless’?? Nooooo. If ‘bland’ had a black sheep cousin that shows up at family reunions drunk and steals change from peoples cars, that is more like it than ‘tasteless’. It tastes like a cardboard pizza box got wet then dry rotted on a NYC subway grate during the middle of a summer heat wave. I’ve tried blending with soy milk, coffee creamer, bananas, frozen fruit, vanilla extract. I’ve tried combinations of those where the powder was less than a quarter of the blend. You know what has made it enjoyable? Not drinking it. This is thirty bucks I may literally throw in the garbage.
I’ve tried at least a dozen protein powders of all sources. This one is by far superior to them all, or any variety. I’m not vegan, but I simply like the taste or lack thereof in this soy isolate protein powder. I use a blender, always crucial no matter what kind of powder you’re using, and add Stevia, coconut milk, sugar free syrups for coffee, and other things depending on my mood. 25g protein in one easy to consume drink with the lowest calories per gram possible, with no carbs, sugar, etc. Here’s my best smoothie recipe:
¾ cup coconut milk, ¼ cup unsweetened canned pumpkin (freeze blobs in ice cube trays!), ½ cup ice cubes, stevia, splenda, sugar substitute etc of your choice, vanilla extract, sugar free caramel syrup (like Starbucks has, buy it here on Amazon), cinnamon, allspice, and a pinch of nutmeg. Blend really well. LET IT SIT for 10 minutes then blend again. Pour into a cute cup. Add zero sugar redi-whip qhipped cream. It’s important to let it rest after the first blending. It makes the powder absorb completely and tastes better. Viola! Pumpkin pie smoothie! It’s so yummy!
Whatever brand or type of protein powder you’re using, let it sit for a while then blend again and it will be much more pleasant of a texture.
Happy Vegan –
After the advice of nutritionists who were eager to (a) PUMP up MUSCLE in the elderly (b) with SOY protein AND resistancwe (weight-bearing) exercise, I bought this (on sale – 2 containers) and take one scoop per day (I was advised not to TRY to consume more because more than ~20 grams at one meal of any kind of protein won’t be absorbed or used at anyone time).
Incorporating soy protein into your diet along with resistance exercise is a proactive approach recommended by nutritionists to enhance muscle strength, especially in older individuals. Soy protein, known for its high-quality amino acid profile, supports muscle building and maintenance, aiding in the preservation of muscle mass. Pairing it with resistance exercise further promotes muscle growth and functional strength.
With the guidance of nutritionists, you’ve made an informed decision to invest in your health by purchasing soy protein, taking advantage of a sale to acquire two containers. Adhering to the recommended intake of one scoop per day aligns with optimal protein absorption, as consuming excessive amounts in a single meal, exceeding approximately 20 grams, may surpass the body’s capacity to effectively utilize it. By following this regimen, you’re maximizing the benefits of soy protein supplementation while ensuring efficient nutrient absorption for muscle support and overall well-being.
I usually buy flavored powders, but decided to try this soy protein powder since it was recommended in a women’s magazine.
I am pleasantly surprised at how well this powder blends (no clumps!) and that the taste is not bad (no chalky taste) considering it is unflavored.
I add frozen or fresh fruit, sweetener (Stevia), herbs and spices, and other healthy ingredients and make a smoothie with this powder.
It is good value for the money, too. 3 lbs is a lot more than most protein powders.