Descrição do Produto: Santa Cruz Paleo Beef Isolate Protein Powder, Horchata
Descubra o poder da proteína com o Santa Cruz Paleo Beef Isolate Protein Powder, sabor horchata. Este suplemento inovador é a escolha perfeita para quem busca uma fonte de proteína limpa e nutritiva, especialmente para aqueles que têm sensibilidade a proteínas vegetais ou whey. Com 20g de proteína por porção e apenas 92 calorias, este pó de proteína de carne bovina isolada é uma maneira eficaz de apoiar seus músculos e a saúde da pele, graças ao seu rico conteúdo de peptídeos de colágeno.
O Santa Cruz Paleo é feito com proteína isolada de carne bovina alimentada com pasto e terminada em pasto, garantindo que você receba um produto de alta qualidade, livre de glúten e açúcares. A fórmula é composta por ingredientes limpos, incluindo cacau em pó, sabores naturais, gengibre, cravo, canela, cardamomo, noz-moscada, pimenta-do-reino, sal do Himalaia e extrato de folha de estévia. Sem aditivos artificiais, enchimentos ou agentes antiaglomerantes, este pó é uma alternativa saudável e saborosa às proteínas tradicionais.
Além de ser fácil de misturar, o Santa Cruz Paleo pode ser adicionado a smoothies, shakes de proteína ou até mesmo ao seu café da manhã. Experimente combiná-lo com leite de coco, leite de amêndoa, laticínios integrais ou água de coco para um impulso nutritivo que se encaixa perfeitamente na sua rotina diária.
– Proteína de Alta Qualidade: 20g de proteína por porção, ideal para recuperação muscular e suporte à saúde.
– Rico em Peptídeos de Colágeno: Contribui para a saúde da pele, cabelo e articulações.
– Fórmula Limpa e Saudável: Sem glúten, açúcares ou aditivos artificiais, perfeita para dietas restritivas.
– Versatilidade de Uso: Pode ser facilmente incorporado em diversas receitas, desde smoothies até cafés.
– Apropriado para Dietas Específicas: Compatível com dietas paleo, keto e low carb, atendendo a diferentes necessidades alimentares.
Para obter o máximo benefício do Santa Cruz Paleo Beef Isolate Protein Powder, adicione uma medida (scoop) do pó a 200-300 ml de sua bebida preferida, como leite de coco, leite de amêndoa ou água de coco. Misture bem em um liquidificador ou shaker até que o pó esteja completamente dissolvido. Para um smoothie nutritivo, combine com frutas, vegetais e uma fonte de gordura saudável, como abacate ou manteiga de amêndoa. Utilize uma vez ao dia ou conforme necessário para atender às suas necessidades de proteína.
Ciara Atashi –
First off, it’s extremely hard to find BEEF ISOLATE protein powder. I wanted to get my protein from meat, not whey, plants, etc. Not only was this product that, but it has ZERO other ingredients or additives! I absolutely love it. You do have to blend it for a bit and yes it is frothy at first, but I personally like that; it makes it taste very light and almost like a fresh milkshake. Here is my very simple protein shake recipe that I’ve created:
– 1 scoop of the plain protein powder
– slightly more than 1 cup of unsweetened plain coconut milk
– 1 date (take the pit out first if it has it)
– half of a banana
– ice
And there you will have a creamy protein shake, with a very light, barely sweetened taste, along with a boost of potassium, fiber, and vitamin D! This has been one of my favorite supplement products to date. It is well worth the price, for the quality and lack of any additives or fake sweeteners.
Karan Muthu –
I will preface this review with the fact that I’ve never tried authentic horchata before. I decided to give beef isolate protein a try since I am lactose intolerant, and other types of protein powder upset my stomach. I saw Brendan make protein pancakes using this beef isolate protein powder and decided that would be the first recipe I made when I got my own bag. I added one ripe banana, one whole egg, one scoop of horchata-flavored protein, and some sprouted oats in a blender and blended them until smooth. I used ghee to fry the pancakes and topped them with maple syrup. These honestly tasted so good, and I was shocked since I didn’t taste any beef flavoring. I highly recommend people try this out and make smoothies or even pancakes with this protein powder. The only issue I have with this protein is that even in a blender, the mixing seems inconsistent. I typically have to stop blending, remove the blender, and stir the contents within before blending again. Other than the minor complications with mixing, I highly vouch for it! The taste is impressive, and the macros are even better!
*EDIT*: After testing out multiple ways to make the pancake mix, I found that blending the banana, egg, and oats first and making them a good mix mixture first made the protein easier to blend. After making that mixture, blending in the beef isolate protein became a breeze.
Sarah Diaz –
Blends well and tastes rich and creamy. Love this protein powder. It doesn’t make me feel bloated or give me gas like whey protein does.
CP0716 –
The chocolate flavor is delicious when made with whole or 2% grass-fed milk. The only downside I can come up with is that it doesn’t dissolve quickly. You have to shake it and let it sit for a minute, shake again and let it sit, and repeat a few more times but it mixes all the way in eventually. That might be annoying for some people but I think it’s definitely worth waiting a few minutes! I bought it for the fact that it’s made with beef isolate, stevia and just a few other simple ingredients, and not whey protein or a ton of sugar. Will definitely continue to buy even though it’s pretty spendy.
McKenzie Mullens –
This protein powder is a great tool that my husband uses for getting his daily protein intake and building muscle. It has good flavor but isn’t super sweet or fake-tasting protein power. It might be an acquired taste for some, but its benefits are worth it try this product again in a different flavor!
Morgan –
After looking into the company, I decided to try their protein powder as I’ve been looking for alternatives to non-dairy protein powders, other than vegan options. Opened it up, and it smelled like sugar cookies. This seemed promising. Added recommended amount of water (10oz) and added a scoop.
Right off the bat, it does Not dissolve or even mix with the water. Even using an electric mixer on top of shaking did nothing to break it down enough to be smooth to drink. It was clumpy and reminded me of when you accidentally get collagen powder on slightly wet hands (that sticky, grainy feeling) but never breaks down because of whatever else they have in there that makes it impossible to fully dissolve. I tried multiple attempts, and wanted to like this but each experience was the same.
Now I’ve had chunky drinks before, and am willing to power through, but what really makes it unbearable is the perfume like fragrance that hits you at your first sip. I don’t know what goes wrong once water is added, but it completely changes the smell. The first sip is even more shocking to the system as you are hit with a sickeningly sweet yet chemically flavor due to too much clove and stevia, and whatever else is in “natural flavor”. Being the last ingredient, I had hoped the stevia flavor wasn’t going to be a huge part of the flavor profile, but based on the flavor you would have thought it was first. Major disappointment.
Honestly, just don’t do it. Maybe their other flavors are better, but save your garbage can the space and skip over this one.
S.G. –
If you are on the fence buy it. The only protein powder that doesn’t make my stomach hurt. Mixes well and tastes good. I even add it to my morning coffee.
Solid stuff. The horchata flavor is much better than the natural flavor, which tastes a bit funky but I understand that it’s beef isolate. This is a good addition to adding variety to protein shakes outside of the regular whey