Descrição do Produto:
O Pó de Proteína de Semente de Abóbora, com 750 gramas, é uma fonte rica e natural de proteína vegetal, ideal para quem busca uma alimentação saudável e equilibrada. Este produto é extraído de sementes de abóbora de alta qualidade, garantindo um perfil nutricional excepcional. Com um sabor suave e levemente adocicado, o pó é versátil e pode ser facilmente incorporado em diversas receitas, como smoothies, shakes, bolos, panquecas e até mesmo em pratos salgados. Cada porção oferece uma quantidade significativa de aminoácidos essenciais, além de ser uma excelente fonte de magnésio, zinco e ferro, nutrientes fundamentais para o bom funcionamento do organismo. O Pó de Proteína de Semente de Abóbora é livre de glúten, lactose e aditivos artificiais, tornando-se uma escolha perfeita para veganos, vegetarianos e pessoas com restrições alimentares.
1. Alto Teor de Proteína: Cada porção fornece uma quantidade significativa de proteína, essencial para a construção e reparação muscular.
2. Rico em Nutrientes: Contém magnésio, zinco e ferro, que ajudam a fortalecer o sistema imunológico e a manter a saúde óssea.
3. Apoio à Saúde Digestiva: As fibras presentes nas sementes de abóbora auxiliam na digestão e promovem a saúde intestinal.
4. Versatilidade na Cozinha: Pode ser adicionado a diversas receitas, facilitando a inclusão de proteínas na dieta diária.
5. Opção Saudável e Natural: Livre de aditivos artificiais, é uma alternativa saudável para quem busca evitar produtos processados.
Para aproveitar ao máximo os benefícios do Pó de Proteína de Semente de Abóbora, recomenda-se adicionar 1 a 2 colheres de sopa (aproximadamente 30g) em smoothies, shakes ou iogurtes. Também pode ser utilizado em receitas de panificação, como pães e bolos, substituindo até 25% da farinha. Para pratos salgados, experimente misturar o pó em sopas ou molhos. É importante armazenar o produto em local fresco e seco, e consumir dentro do prazo de validade para garantir a qualidade e os nutrientes.
domenic –
The protein powder is the best kept secret. I have not used any other protein powder since I came across it. It has a higher protein concentration so you only need two scoops where others require 3 or 4 and it is also the most cost-effective protein powder on the market, easy to digest, mix and tasteless. I have a sensitive stomach and has been using this protein for more than five years and haven’t look back. The ingredient is pure pumpkin seeds. My favourit.
Jason Jones –
Thrown into smoothies, this protein powder is basically tasteless and I appreciate that is has more natural origins than most other protein powders. But it has a sort of weird texture, and I haven’t been able to find a way to make my beloved beltsander brownies or other mug cakes with this protein.
Andrew –
This is perfect for a low sodium diet. A good way to add a little extra calories and protein to your diet. It’s easy to mix with liquid may get some clumps but it doesn’t alter the taste of anything you put this in. The container stays sealed so once the lid is on, nothing will spill.
Robin –
I love this protein powder. It has a good flavor, blends easily and is not too gritty. When I first ordered the powder, it didn’t arrive (my building signed for it, but it somehow disappeared). I wrote Omega and they responded within 24 hours. They were super friendly and sent out another order immediately. I received it within two days.
The powder is great an the service is superior. I highly recommend this brand.
On another note, I’ve been on the hunt for the perfect Vegan protein powder for a while. I’ve found what I consider to be a great mix: I mix together this Pumpkin Seed powder, Raw Protein’s Sprouted Grains brand powder and hemp powder. I do this because I feel like I get a broader mix of amino acids and minerals, etc. I’m not a nutritionist, so I could be totally off-base here, but for me it works. I mix all three together in a big container, add in a good amount of Spirulina, ground flax and psyllium, throw in spinach, a frozen banana and berries and blend for about 3 minutes to get it nice an smooth. This keeps me full for hours and gives me a ton of energy.
Erin –
I just spoke with the company and the product is raw. It is defatted by pressing the seeds and they sell the oil separately. Similar to hemp powder but 1.5 scoops as opposed to around 4 is needed and the taste is a bit lighter. There are 40 servings instead of most shakes which have 15-30 and it’s only 20 bucks. Nice long scoop comes with it.Saving that one. BPA free. 1g fat, 1.5g carb, 9.5g protein. I would have given it 5 stars if it was pure powder but this is a real food product and I wouldn’t want it altered.
newyorkwoman –
Having difficulties properly digesting and having food allergies and sensitivities makes it difficult to find a protein that is safe for me. It is so helpful to have this available online and with subscription so that I can always feel assured that I can safely eat. It has a very neutral flavor so I can add it to any food, smoothie, or dessert and it tastes great. This product has helped me put on some weight after losing much weight to malabsorption. I do wish it was a bit less in price since it’s the only product of its kind that helps me because I go through one container within a few weeks in my household. Nevertheless it’s a great product.
Craig Jackson –
Omega Nutrition Pumpkin Seed Protein Powder, 21-Ounce, is a very nice product. It tastes great — a hint of pumpkin — and mixes well. HOWEVER, there are a few caveats. First, it is not a complete protein because it is lacking in lysine. This pumpkin powder has 37 mg of lysine per gram of protein. 51 mg per gram of lysine is required. This deficit may be overcome by mixing this product with pea protein powder which has an abundance of lysine. Secondly, as other posters have pointed out, pumpkin seed can be very difficult to digest. They are correct. Thus the protein has a significantly lower bio-availability than egg white or soy proteins. My best guess is that only 80% may be available, as opposed to 100% egg white and 95-100% soy protein isolate. Lastly, the label suggests a huge overstatement of the amount of protein in this product by stating the amounts per 100 grams. No other protein powder is labeled this way. The protein should be broken out in mg per grams of protein. Below is the way it should be labeled:
histidine 23.37
isoleucine 47.84
leucine 75.47
lysine 37.11
methionine+cysteine 35.84
phenylalanine+tyrosine 64.89
threonine 29.53
tryptophan 46.26
valine 52.26
After all of the criticism, let me say that I truly like this product and highly recommend it. It is minimally processed. Some of the fat is removed — that is all! No fillers or preservatives. Personally, pumpkin seeds do not agree with me. So I was delighted to discover this powder which does.
Shnnn –
This checks all of the boxes, gluten free, vegan, no allergens (for me anyhow). Was so happy to find this product, loved the taste! Would purchase again!
J Daniel Valencia –
The good:
I really like this. It’s natural, and unadulterated. It tastes good and smells good and was on paper the best pumpkin seed powder I could find. Pumpkin seeds have many nutritional benefits besides protein content, including fiber.
The bad:
It’s also not a complete protein, and the amount of protein isn’t really impressive if you’re looking for a serious supplement of protein.
The verdict:
If you’re looking to supplement with protein and aren’t using it just for a weightlifting pump, you’re best served using a variety of different protein sources. I am currently using this with soy, hemp, egg, and beef. Each provides a different spectrum of protein and all have additional health benefits besides just being protein dense.
Jason Jones –
PURCHASE AT YOUR OWN RISK!!! P65 Warning on product.
I’ve purchased the pumpkin seed protein from this company before once I ran out, I placed another order. Excited, I was ready to use the protein powder immediately once it was delivered. To my sad surprise the new label not only stated the product manufacturing location changed which is to be expected if a company is growing but also on the new label it now has a P65 warning this product can now expose you in o chemicals including Cadmium, Lead and Mercury! This I was not pleased with as it is Not listed in the product description. I reach out to the company with no response which lead me to complain to Amazon directly for a full refund. I will be recycling the container and dumping the product in the garbage!