Descrição do Produto: Surthrival: Black Walnut Protein Powder
O Surthrival Black Walnut Protein Powder é uma proteína em pó premium, feita a partir de nozes pretas selvagens, colhidas de forma ética e sustentável nos Estados Unidos. Com 17g de proteína por porção, este produto é ideal para veganos, adeptos do Paleo e pessoas que buscam uma alternativa sem glúten em sua dieta. A proteína de noz preta é rica em aminoácidos essenciais, promovendo a recuperação muscular e o aumento da massa magra. Além disso, é uma excelente fonte de antioxidantes e ácidos graxos saudáveis, contribuindo para a saúde geral do corpo. Com um sabor suave e versátil, pode ser facilmente incorporada em smoothies, shakes, receitas de panificação e muito mais. Cada embalagem contém 1lb (aproximadamente 454g) de pura nutrição, sem aditivos artificiais ou ingredientes prejudiciais.
1. Fonte de Proteína de Alta Qualidade: Com 17g de proteína por porção, é ideal para quem busca aumentar a ingestão proteica de forma natural.
2. Sustentabilidade e Ética: Produzido a partir de nozes selvagens, colhidas de maneira ética, respeitando o meio ambiente.
3. Versatilidade na Cozinha: Pode ser adicionado a diversas receitas, como smoothies, bolos e barras de proteína, facilitando a inclusão na dieta diária.
4. Apoio à Saúde Muscular: Rico em aminoácidos essenciais, ajuda na recuperação muscular e no desenvolvimento da massa magra.
5. Adequado para Diversas Dietas: É uma opção vegana, paleo e sem glúten, atendendo a diferentes necessidades alimentares e preferências.
Para aproveitar ao máximo os benefícios do Surthrival Black Walnut Protein Powder, recomenda-se misturar 1 a 2 colheres de sopa (aproximadamente 15-30g) em seu smoothie ou shake favorito. Também pode ser incorporado em receitas de panificação, como pães e bolos, ou polvilhado sobre iogurtes e cereais. Para uma absorção ideal, combine com líquidos quentes ou frios, e agite ou misture bem até obter uma consistência homogênea. Armazene em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, para preservar a qualidade do produto.
Bob K –
The powder is very light weight and doesn’t seem to clump or pack. The serving size is 1/4 cup, but so far, I haven’t found a scoop in the pouch. But I have a couple of 1/4 cup scoops, and a couple of extra measuring cups.
The powder seems to mix well in water or milk, or pretty much anything. It seems to leave a slight residue on the glass when you’re done. So, it is suspended rather than dissolved.
There is almost no flavor. That’s really nice if you’re planning to mix this into something that tastes good, and you’re not wanting to detract for the already good taste. But unlike other products that can make a “milk” like drink, you might want to add flavor if you’re going to be drinking this plane.
The powder does add some structure to cooked/baked items. You might need to experiment with the liquid content. It doesn’t seem to affect the texture much of a smoothie.
The nutrition of this powder is pretty good. With a 30g serving you get 17g of protein, 2g of fat (but probably a good fat), and 7g of carbs, but no added sugar. I don’t know what the other 4g is made up of. There is a substantial amount of iron and a little other minerals. But the label doesn’t give information about other vitamins or minerals.
Kristen –
I love this stuff! It tastes soo good!!! I can’t drink a smoothie without it anymore!!
Elisabeth Petruskie –
This would a great, healthy protein for people but don’t share your treats with your pup (or horse).
E –
I’m very impressed with this black walnut protein powder. It’s a wonderful addition to my diet. There’s so many good things to say about this product. Some things I’ll mention. Like the fact that the black walnuts come from wild, and not agricultural land. The powder has no added anything, except Walnuts. It’s processed naturally. I get 17 grams of protein per serving. It’s vegan, Paleo and gluten free. And it has no taste. There’s also more wonderful things to know about this product, and about the company too. I love this powder. I’m putting it in my cereal as of now, but plan on putting it in my smoothies. This is such a wonderful good for you product. This black walnut protein powder will be going into my cart again. I’m doing something good for my body. Excellent product to take camping. I’m very happy I found this. Highly recommend!
Elisabeth Petruskie –
This walnut power is a great source of protien and other health benefits that comes with walnuts. Walnuts are just plain good for you. They provide heart health benefits and help with diabetes. This Surthrival: Black Walnut Protein Powder is plain and simple walnuts. Black Walnuts are from North America and have similar qualities to the traditional walnut. Only the Black Walnuts have a harder, black shell.
I use this walnut powder in my hot cereal in the morning. It gives my cereal a little more substance and staying power. I have tried it in almond milk and it mixes fine. It has very little flavor. That makes it very versatile to use. I like to eat walnuts and this powder actually does have a good flavor. Black walnuts are supposed to have a stronger flavor than traditional walnuts. You could technically just eat this powder, and it tastes fine. But probably not the best experience and way to use this. It is a fine walnut powder similar in texture to flour. It mixes and blends pretty well. There is still the sense that you are drinking powder.
I like using the black walnut powder, especially in my cereal. It is somewhat expensive. And you have to use a 1/4 cup to get the 17 grams of protein. That amount of protein is adequate but not great. I just think that it is a good way to use walnuts and get the many benefits of walnuts.
E –
I love the product design, and it’s nice to find a protein powder that’s not derived from soy or milk (whey) — I know there is pea protein, but I think more competition in a given area is always a good thing for us consumers!
I do wish this product included more recommended ways to use it, other than the generic suggestions they provide (smoothie, shakes, baked goods; the first two are basically the same!), but for now, I’m satisfied adding it to oatmeal, etc. in the morning for an extra boost of long-term energy
I’m also a little concerned about green-washing. The bag states “Clean CO2 Extraction,” but this is not necessarily any more or less clean than any nut product, since the trees are just sitting there pulling CO2 out of the air while they photosynthesize
To make a compelling argument that this is “Clean CO2 Extraction,” I feel it must be addressed how these are grown, processed, shipped, etc. *relative to the standard approach*
(t does say this is not grown on agricultural land, but this is an agricultural product, so, by definition, anywhere these are collected is technically agricultural land… It also says these are foraged, which makes me wonder about the CO2 expelled from driving around finding trees, but I digress
Regardless, if you’re looking for an alternative protein, this is a good choice (just don’t buy it purely on the claimed sustainability, at least not with more evidence first!)
Atua –
Vegan replacement
Malama ‘Aina –
This stuff is great! My new favorite protein powder, for sure. Thanks Vitalis!