Descrição do Produto: The Builder Collagen Peptide Protein Powder
O The Builder Collagen Peptide Protein Powder é uma revolução no cuidado capilar, especialmente formulado para homens que buscam fortalecer, revitalizar e dar brilho aos cabelos. Recomendado pelo renomado médico especialista em restauração capilar, Dr. Alan J. Bauman, este pó de proteína de colágeno multi-colágeno foi desenvolvido com o objetivo de aumentar a força dos folículos capilares, proporcionando um brilho juvenil e saudável.
Com uma fórmula que combina três peptídeos de colágeno patenteados – Verisol, Fortigel e Fortibone – The Builder potencializa a produção natural de colágeno, focando especificamente na saúde dos cabelos. Estudos científicos demonstraram que este produto melhora o volume capilar, promove o crescimento dos fios e fortalece a estrutura do cabelo, tornando-o mais resistente e vibrante.
Além de seus benefícios para os cabelos, o colágeno presente neste produto também promove a saúde do couro cabeludo. Suas propriedades hidratantes ajudam a manter um couro cabeludo saudável e bem hidratado, reduzindo a secura e a descamação, que são problemas comuns enfrentados por muitos homens.
A fórmula do The Builder não se limita apenas aos cabelos; ela também apoia a saúde da pele, proporcionando um brilho juvenil e ajudando na renovação celular. O colágeno é um componente essencial para a saúde dos ossos, suporte das articulações e manutenção da elasticidade da pele, ligamentos, tendões e músculos. Com 100% de colágeno puro, sem sabor e sem odor, este produto é livre de aditivos e ingredientes desnecessários, garantindo que você receba apenas o que há de melhor para o seu corpo. Produzido nos EUA, cada embalagem oferece um suprimento para um mês.
– Fortalecimento Capilar: Aumenta a força dos folículos capilares, resultando em cabelos mais saudáveis e resistentes.
– Aumento do Volume: Comprovado cientificamente para melhorar o volume dos cabelos, proporcionando uma aparência mais cheia e vibrante.
– Saúde do Couro Cabeludo: Hidrata e mantém o couro cabeludo saudável, reduzindo problemas como secura e descamação.
– Pele Radiante: Apoia a renovação celular e a elasticidade da pele, contribuindo para um aspecto jovem e saudável.
– Pureza Garantida: 100% colágeno puro, sem aditivos, garantindo a máxima eficácia e absorção pelo organismo.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se misturar uma colher de sopa (aproximadamente 10g) do The Builder Collagen Peptide Protein Powder em sua bebida favorita, como água, suco ou smoothie, uma vez ao dia. É importante agitar bem para garantir a dissolução completa do pó. Para resultados otimizados, utilize diariamente e combine com uma dieta equilibrada e hábitos saudáveis. O uso contínuo é fundamental para perceber os benefícios ao longo do tempo.
Diane C –
I really like this collagen peptide protein powder. When I first opened the jar, I was struck by the way the product had settled in transit. It only looked half full. As you can see in my photos, I pulled out my kitchen scale and was assured that all of the product was indeed there. It was as heavy as it should have been.
I have been using collagen peptide protein powders for several years now and I really like how much healthier and more flexible my fingernails are. It also makes my hair look a little better. I have had comments that my hair is shinier than before taking the collagen powder.
I put this Bauman MD collagen powder in my morning tea. It dissolved quickly, easily and completely. There was no sticky residue on my spoon as I stirred it in. I did not notice any unpleasant taste or smell from this powder. The texture of my tea was a bit thicker, but it was not at all bothersome to me. Just one scoop is a serving containing 12.5 g of collagen peptides which is the amount I prefer to take.
This product is made in the USA, which is important to me when buying supplements.
I recommend this quality collagen peptide protein powder.
Diane C –
The powder is very fine and doesn’t need stirred if it’s added prior to the liquid.
That’s how it is with black coffee and there’s no smell or taste.
It’s also soluble in cold liquids which is a sign of ‘fully hydrolyzed collagen’
and of course is great for smoothie – juice – soups.
> After some reading come to find out there are various forms / grades / qualities of collagen.
This Bauman MD brand stands out as one of the higher end forms
As apposed to this collagen designated type 1-2-3-4-or- 5
this is from Fortigel – Fortibone – Verisol (3 reregistered trademarks of GELITAAG.
All of which are higher end collagens that’s been proven to be more effective.
> Fortigel is said to have optimized specific collagen peptides which have been proven
to activate the growth of new cartilage by stimulating cells and help ease joint discomfort
which support making joints smooth and mobile
> Fortibone it’s said to have been developed to promote bone health by increasing bone density
and reducing the degradation process.
VERISOL consists of special collagen peptides that influxes the skins collagen metabolism directly from the inside so it increases the skin moisture to reduce wrinkles.
> Taking Verisol peptides orally effects the collagen metabolism in the dermis rather than only reaching the other layers – as is the effect of Verisol when in skin creams / tropical products.
> Verisol collagen is derived from either porcine (pig) – bovine or marine
and collagen from those sources is the most effective because it’s exactly the same
as the human body’s collagen so the body doesn’t know the difference.
THIS verisol is from bovine.
Non GMO – GMP – no gluten / soy / dairy free.
Made in the U.S.A.
@justtinasworld –
I can’t express enough how pleased I am with The BUILDER Multi Collagen Complex Peptide Protein Powder. As someone who’s always been conscious of hair health and the quest for a youthful appearance, this product truly stands out.
First and foremost, the endorsement by Dr. Alan J. Bauman, an Award-Winning Hair Restoration Physician, instilled a sense of trust and confidence in me. Knowing that this product was formulated to boost hair follicle strength and enhance shine made it an easy choice for me to try.
The triple-action collagen boost provided by three patented collagen peptides—Verisol, Fortigel, and Fortibone—sets this product apart from the rest. It’s not just about superficial improvements; it’s about addressing hair health at its core. The scientific studies backing this product’s claims have shown improvements in hair volume, growth, and strength. These results speak for themselves and are precisely what I was looking for.
One aspect of hair care that is often overlooked is scalp health, but not with The BUILDER. Collagen’s hydrating properties are a game-changer, helping maintain a healthy, moisturized scalp and reducing dryness and flakiness. It’s clear that this product takes a holistic approach to hair care.
The benefits don’t stop at hair; The BUILDER supports radiant skin and a youthful glow. Collagen plays a pivotal role in collagen turnover and cell renewal, contributing to not only healthy hair but also bone health, joint support, and the overall health of connective tissues. It’s like a comprehensive package for overall well-being.
What truly sets The BUILDER apart is its purity. This product contains 100% pure collagen, unflavored and odorless, with no fillers or unnecessary ingredients. The collagen peptides are solely sourced from bovine, and it’s made in the USA. This level of transparency and purity gives me confidence in what I’m putting into my body.
In conclusion, The BUILDER Multi Collagen Complex Peptide Protein Powder has become an essential part of my daily routine. It’s backed by science, endorsed by a reputable physician, and has shown tangible improvements in my hair’s strength and shine. The focus on scalp health and the broader benefits to skin and overall well-being are added bonuses. I appreciate its purity and the care that goes into sourcing and formulating this product. It’s a one-month supply that I’m more than happy to invest in for lasting results. If you’re looking to boost your hair health and embrace a youthful glow, I highly recommend The BUILDER.
majormusiclover –
This collagen peptide powder is a bit expensive for what you get compared to other powders (about double the price) and the main reason for this appears to be their unique blend of peptides. The powder is very fine, and generally mixes well, but and can and will clump pretty bad if you’re not careful. Especially if you add it after adding liquid and dump it all in at once into a shaker bottle. I also had a minor issue with the packaging where the lid was cracked. It still came securely sealed and all, but I have to put the lid on very carefully because it is split. Definitely not something I would expect from such a high priced collagen product. The taste is like nost collagen, and easily masked, just a little gross if you just go raw collagen in water. Overall it’s a good product, though I expected a little better out of this price point, or a better price.
Barbara J. Costa –
Didn’t like it