Descrição do Produto:
Descubra o poder transformador do nosso Pó de Proteína de Peptídeos de Colágeno Sem Sabor, disponível em um prático recipiente de 1 LB, que oferece 45 porções. Cada porção contém 10 gramas de colágeno e 9 gramas de proteína, sendo uma fonte rica de Peptídeos de Colágeno Bovina dos tipos I e III. Este produto é ideal para quem busca uma suplementação eficaz e versátil, pois é Keto-Friendly, Gluten-Free e Non-GMO, além de ser compatível com dietas paleo.
Revitalize-se de dentro para fora com nosso pó de colágeno hidrolisado, que apoia a saúde da pele, cabelo, unhas, ossos e articulações. Com uma composição rica em aminoácidos essenciais, ele é fundamental para a construção e reparação dos tecidos do corpo, promovendo uma aparência mais jovem e saudável. A praticidade do nosso produto se destaca pela sua capacidade de dissolução instantânea em água, shakes, café, smoothies ou alimentos, tornando a inclusão do colágeno na sua rotina diária simples e eficaz. Com apenas uma colher por dia, você terá um suprimento que dura 45 dias.
A qualidade é nossa prioridade. Nossos suplementos de colágeno são produzidos em uma instalação registrada pela FDA e fabricados sob diretrizes cGMP, garantindo que você receba um produto da mais alta qualidade.
– Apoio à Saúde da Pele: Contribui para a elasticidade e firmeza da pele, reduzindo sinais de envelhecimento.
– Fortalecimento de Cabelos e Unhas: Promove o crescimento saudável e a resistência de cabelos e unhas, evitando quebras.
– Saúde das Articulações: Ajuda na manutenção da saúde das articulações, aliviando desconfortos e melhorando a mobilidade.
– Suporte Ósseo: Fortalece a estrutura óssea, essencial para a prevenção de doenças como a osteoporose.
– Versatilidade na Dieta: Pode ser facilmente incorporado em diversas receitas e bebidas, adaptando-se ao seu estilo de vida.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de uma colher (scoop) do Pó de Proteína de Peptídeos de Colágeno Sem Sabor diariamente. O produto pode ser misturado em água, shakes, café, smoothies ou adicionado a alimentos como iogurtes e sopas. A dissolução é instantânea, facilitando a sua inclusão na rotina. Armazene em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, para preservar a qualidade do produto.
Comanchee –
Not sure of the effectiveness of this product as collagen supplements are a long term product. My biggest complaint is that it doesn’t mix well in coffee. In a blender with a protein drink it works. Also the product is super fine, and there is a dust storm every time you open the container, The dust goes everywhere. I won’t buy it again.
Leamarie –
Great product
ElysetheEevee –
I’ve been using this powder when I make some milk at night (I use a milk alternative powder and mix it in a bottle with water). I tend to dump a bit of whatever vitamin supplement or whatever else in this mix when I need it.
I’ve noticed I’ve been having joint pain everywhere lately. I know I don’t have the best diet, given some massive GI issues and other health problems. I’m positive I’m getting almost nothing that aids with joint health lately, and my hair and nails have been getting worse, too.
I thought that maybe trying this supplement might help with some of my joint issues. I’ve been taking the recommended amount (or just under) daily for the last few days after receiving it. I make sure to drink a good couple bottles of water after, just for good measure. I’ve been going a bit easier on the supplement, just to make sure it doesn’t have any side effects for me. So far, I haven’t felt anything out of the ordinary. I also haven’t had the joint pain I typically have now. I’m hesitant to say that this supplement helped so quickly, but it was pretty much the next day after starting that my knees and other problem areas didn’t have the same stiffness and pain they’ve had for months now.
I will keep trying to rule out hormonal changes and other variables. However, if you’re looking for just that small extra boost as you age or do intensive activities, this supplement seems to help.
I wanted something flavorless so I could mix it into the milk powder I’d talked about, as I sometimes like to add the Banana flavored Nesquik powder to it (which they don’t sell in the US, and it’s expensive to buy online, so I want to be able to taste it). Otherwise, it’s worked with just the milk powder, as well, and there isn’t any added residual flavor, either. It seems to dissolve pretty well in room temperature, cold, and warm water. I haven’t tried using this with other drinks like teas, actual milk, and so on, so I can’t comment there.
The price seems decent for what it is. This particular mix isn’t only collagen alone, but contains specific amino acids and other things to help. Recommended so far! If anything pops up, I’ll update my review.
Raye –
I got this because I like to try and offset the collagen loss my body is most likely ( more like definitely) having. After our twenties our bodies start making less collagen and our ability to compensate for that which we naturally loose usually becomes a deficit and this problem gets worse as we get older. Thankfully however it is thought that with collagen supplements that we may be able to assist our bodies with it’s collagen’s needs and possibly maintain an optimal healthy amount. After 5 years of using collagen I am a very firm believer as I am extremely pleased with the results I got and continue to get. So a few of the important aspects of collagen is making sure you get enough to do any good. The recommended amount is about 12 grams (12,000 mgs) a day. One scoop of this is about 10 grams and that’s normal. I like later in the day to add in capsule form a focused collagen. Last month I was adding 2 grams of type 2 poultry/chicken collagen for my joints and this month I am adding type 1 marine collagen for my skin especially on my face. This brand is using a bovine collagen which is a type 1 and 3 collagen. It makes for an excellent base IMO as it may help the skin and smooth tissue as well and possibly the joints a little. So its not as focused and more of an all around collagen. This is hydrolyzed which means it’s broken down small enough for our bodies to absorb and use. Some brands use the word peptide and that is same thing as hydrolyzed so do not be confused in thinking there is a difference. I really like the fact this brand listed it’s zero carbs and even though collagen always is zero carbs,, I still like to see it. I also see where they listed calories and protein which helps me know where I am at on my diet. It is rare I see carbs, calories and protein listed on collagen,,,, so happy to see that. Also do notice the amino acids in collagen which may save you with having to buy any of those as supplements since they are naturally found in collagen. And finally this has no taste which is the way I prefer it as I like it my coffee.
Now whether it be your skin on your face or your legs it takes a very long time with collagen to show. With joints it may help but you would need type 2 collagen IMO for best results. And how much time for any improvement depends on diet, sleep exercise etc. But one way to picture it since it took quite a while to loose collagen to the point you decided to take action is by imagining a sand castle that got damaged by the waves. Supplementing collagen is repairing that castle one grain of sand a day. So it’s a slow process but at least hopefully you are repairing and replacing rather than loosing. As stated after 5 years plus use it’s been one of the best investments I have ever made IMO.
This is a small company and I love to support these. These are supposed to be Lab Verified however I prefer 3rd party lab tested and tested in the US/UK or Canada. This has no weird smells or any taste and I had no sides from this collagen powder. I never feel anything when I take this and just trust it’s doing it’s job. At the time of this review with the $5 dollar off coupon I think this is very good price considering this will last me for a little longer than a month ! If this works well with you and your collagen needs I would think in 6 weeks or so you should start noticing a very small difference possibly. Do notice I tared the scooper weight out and it weighed 10 grams just as the seller stated. Good Luck and hope this was helpful.