Descrição do Produto: Herbtonics Multi Collagen Protein Powder
Descubra o poder transformador do Herbtonics Multi Collagen Protein Powder, um suplemento de colágeno que combina cinco tipos essenciais de colágeno (I, II, III, V e X) para proporcionar uma beleza radiante e saúde robusta. Este produto inovador é a solução ideal para quem busca revitalizar a pele, fortalecer as articulações e melhorar a saúde geral. Com uma fórmula rica em colágeno hidrolisado, o Herbtonics garante máxima absorção, permitindo que seu corpo aproveite todos os benefícios de forma eficaz. O colágeno é fundamental para a manutenção da integridade da pele, cabelo, unhas, articulações, músculos e até mesmo do sistema digestivo.
Ao incorporar o Herbtonics Multi Collagen em sua rotina, você está investindo na saúde das suas articulações. A combinação de colágeno proveniente de ingredientes premium, como colágeno marinho, frango alimentado com pasto, gelatina bovina e membrana de casca de ovo, oferece uma fórmula perfeita para a saúde articular. Essa tradição de alimentos ricos em colágeno tem apoiado a saúde óssea e muscular por séculos, e agora você pode fazer parte dessa história.
Além disso, o Herbtonics é produzido nos Estados Unidos em uma instalação certificada pela GMP, garantindo os mais altos padrões de qualidade e segurança. Cada lote é testado por terceiros para pureza, potência e qualidade, assegurando que você está recebendo o melhor em cada porção.
– Pele Radiante: Melhora a elasticidade e a hidratação da pele, reduzindo sinais de envelhecimento.
– Articulações Fortes: Promove a saúde das articulações, aumentando a flexibilidade e reduzindo o desconforto.
– Cabelos e Unhas Saudáveis: Fortalece cabelos e unhas, prevenindo quebras e promovendo um crescimento saudável.
– Digestão Melhorada: Contribui para a saúde intestinal, ajudando na digestão e absorção de nutrientes.
– Fórmula Premium: Ingredientes de alta qualidade garantem pureza e eficácia, proporcionando resultados visíveis.
Para obter os melhores resultados, misture uma colher de sopa (aproximadamente 20g) do Herbtonics Multi Collagen Protein Powder em 240ml de água, suco ou sua bebida favorita. Pode ser adicionado a smoothies, sopas ou receitas de panificação. Recomenda-se o uso diário para maximizar os benefícios do colágeno e promover uma saúde ideal. Armazene em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta.
Mytinybookshelfs –
Im loving this product . I have terrible terrible knees from playing soccer in my youth and now that im a mom of 2 ive gain a bit of weight so my knees take the toll. I am a pharmacy tech so my shifts are actually really long 9+ hours .since ive been taking this my knees havent quite hurt as much …i used to have to deal with swelling and extreme pain and now i can handle the bending a standing a bit more. I’ve been taking in for maybe about 3 weeks and i definitely feel the improvement. The powder is easy to mix and i tend to drink it in my teas and orange juice in the mornings . It has absolutely no taste sometimes it doesnt mix well with ice cold drinks but hey its better in my opinion than swallowing a horse pill ..this stuff is amazing and ive already recommended it to my mother in law .
Leila B –
It takes two days for me to receive my collagen. It was well sealed and when I opened it…full jar to the top, unlike my last multi collagen from different vendor, ridiculously feel cheated because the collagen powder was only half of the container.
You can mix it with cold and hot beverages without clump. It helps me qith my joint, my nail looks great now and strong, my skin is firmer and less dry. Highly recommend it. And the price is great.
Pamela P. –
I like this protein powder because it has the five types of collagen. It also dissolves instantly in hot coffee. You almost don’t have to stir it. It just disappears. There is almost no flavor, but there is a very slight one. I’ve tried many others and so far, as far as dissolvability goes and flavorless this is one of the best. The price isn’t bad either. My nails are super strong and grow quickly. So hopefully it’s doing what it’s supposed to.
Keri DMD –
I put off trying this product after I purchased it because I was honestly afraid I wouldn’t like the taste. I LOVE coffee, and I wasn’t about to ruin it! First off, it passed the smell test, because I couldn’t smell anything. (I’m not sure what people are smelling when they say it smells awful. I have a very sensitive nose, and smell nothing.) I finally brought myself to try it, and was expecting a difficult time getting it to dissolve. However, I put a scoop in my hot coffee and with a little mixing, it all dissolved fine. As it turns out, I didn’t taste a thing – it didn’t change the taste of my beloved coffee at all. I’m so happy I found this and look forward to the results it will give me with my arthritis. I feel great about putting it in my coffee every morning, and because I’ve been able to easily digest it, I will likely start using it twice a day.
Deb Sowers –
This is my second canister of this product. I chose it because it contains 5 types of collagen and all 9 essential amino acids.
It is tasteless and odorless and mixes easily. I add it to my black coffee or green tea daily.
I’ve noticed less joint pain since I’ve been using it.
Erik –
I have been guinea pigging myself of supplements for years and collagen was my latest adventure.
I started using collagen about a year ago because my shoulder would kill me every morning when I woke up. Pop, click, pow! It was horrible. So I went to the supplement store and spoke with one of the people working there and they pointed me in the direction of the collagen supplements. So it began. I bought my first tub and I did notice a small change in the stiffness of my shoulder in the morning. So I was like ok, it is working and I was excited about that. Because everyone knows that any supplementation takes time and consistency. But what I couldn’t get over is the upset stomach from these products. So this was aggravating as hell because my shoulder was getting better (slowly) but my stomach wasn’t. So back to the internet for more research! I looked and looked and after 6 failed attempts with other products I found Herbtonics and the rest is history! Thank god. This product tasted good and above all my stomach was ok with it and yes, my shoulder continues to improve. Oh yeah, I am 50 years old. 🙂 Have a great day!
suebee –
So far so good. I am ordering my second can. Others complained about the mixing but put it in your cup first and then slowly add your coffee. Perfect results without even mixing it. There is definitely an odor that I find annoying but I put the scoop in my cup the night before and then when I pour my coffee in the morning no problem. I feel like I am starting to show an improvement in my hair but since I only use one scoop a day, I will be able to judge better at the end of my next container. Don’t notice joint relief, but some have said it is good for your gut and I seem to agree with that as my heartburn is far less than before. So I give it a solid 4 rating for now.
Rehabannie –
I am allergic to beef bone broth collagen products. I couldn’t figure out why I was feeling ill after starting this product until I read the ingredients in detail. Beware!