Descrição do Produto:
O Drink Wholesome Vanilla Egg White Protein Powder é a escolha ideal para quem busca uma fonte de proteína de fácil digestão, especialmente para aqueles que possuem estômagos sensíveis. Com um sabor suave de baunilha, este pó de proteína é feito exclusivamente a partir de claras de ovos, garantindo uma absorção rápida e eficiente, sem os desconfortos comuns associados a outras fontes de proteína. Se você enfrenta problemas digestivos, este produto é a solução perfeita, pois foi desenvolvido para ser gentil com o seu sistema digestivo.
Além de ser livre de laticínios, o Drink Wholesome é uma excelente opção para pessoas com intolerância à lactose. Ao eliminar os laticínios da fórmula, garantimos que você possa desfrutar de uma proteína de alta qualidade sem os efeitos colaterais indesejados. A nossa fórmula é completamente isenta de aditivos, emulsificantes e espessantes, tornando-a segura para todas as idades, incluindo crianças, gestantes, lactantes e idosos.
Um dos grandes diferenciais deste produto é que ele não causa inchaço ou gases, um problema comum com muitas proteínas em pó disponíveis no mercado. Com o Drink Wholesome, você pode se sentir leve e satisfeito após o consumo, sem preocupações com desconfortos abdominais. A versatilidade do nosso pó de proteína permite que você o utilize de diversas maneiras: basta misturá-lo com água ou leite vegetal para criar um shake proteico delicioso, ou adicioná-lo a smoothies, aveia e outras receitas para um impulso nutricional.
– Fácil Digestão: Ideal para estômagos sensíveis, promovendo uma absorção rápida e sem desconfortos.
– Sem Lactose: Perfeito para quem tem intolerância à lactose, garantindo uma opção segura e saborosa.
– Sem Aditivos: Com uma fórmula limpa, é seguro para todas as idades e condições, incluindo gestantes e lactantes.
– Sem Inchaço: Proporciona uma experiência de consumo leve, sem os incômodos de gases ou inchaço.
– Versatilidade de Uso: Pode ser facilmente incorporado em shakes, smoothies e receitas, aumentando a ingestão de proteínas de forma prática.
Para preparar uma deliciosa bebida proteica, adicione uma medida (aproximadamente 30g) do Drink Wholesome Vanilla Egg White Protein Powder a 250ml de água ou leite vegetal de sua preferência. Misture bem até obter uma consistência homogênea. Para uma opção ainda mais nutritiva, experimente adicionar o pó a smoothies, aveia ou iogurtes. A dose pode ser ajustada conforme suas necessidades nutricionais, sendo recomendada a ingestão de uma a duas porções diárias, dependendo da sua rotina de exercícios e objetivos de saúde.
Marcus Jones –
This is the best protein powder I’ve had! I much prefer it over both the plant and whey based products I’ve used before.
It is much easier on the stomach, tastes better, and blends more smoothly into proteins. I definitely recommend giving this a try even if you don’t have dietary restrictions.
It really helps keeping you full for a long period of time and is a great value.
E –
I wanted a dairy-free protein powder that didn’t have fake sweeteners in it. I had bought plain egg white protein powder off of Amazon before but the issue was I would always have to add a bunch of other ingredients to make it drinkable, otherwise it was just gross. Well, I don’t have time to be adding a bunch of stuff, and all the ready-to-drink shakes are either whey protein (dairy) which I can’t have, or even the vegan ones are full of sweeteners that upset my stomach, like stevia, monk fruit, sucralose, acesulfame potassium, etc.
So I started searching on Amazon for an alternative. This is the only thing I found that met my requirements. The ingredients are simple, natural, and it tastes pretty good. It’s a little bit more expensive that the big brand protein powders but it’s made of actual natural ingredients that don’t hurt my stomach, and save me time which is all I can ask for. Plus the customer service has been great. I would suggest either shaking it for a while in a shaker bottle or putting it in a blender. Its got egg white protein which tends to clump if not well mixed and it doesn’t have any nasty anti-clumping agents, so yeah, mix it well.
Tanya –
I absolutely LOVE this protein powder
FINALLY a protein powder made from REAL ingredient’s that is gut friendly and doesn’t taste chalky
I’ve tried a lot of protein powders in the past that have caused so much bloating, GI issues, and taste so chalky, but I do not have to worry about that anymore now that have found Drink Wholesome
I’ve been drinking Drink Wholesome since its been on the market, I wont drink anything else.
My favorite flavor is vanilla my husband loves the chocolate. If your a coffee lover, You must try the coffee flavor, its delicious!
I don’t only use drink wholesome in my protein shakes I also add it into my overnight oats, put into my favorite baking recipes for some added protein, and I just started adding the vanilla flavor to my morning chai lattes a nice little added treat to my fall drink….
Meagan Rose –
After a few times drinking this, the sucker punch to the mouth of coconut lessens, but it’s still there.
Takes a bit more shaking than other protein powders to blend, and while it recommends mixing it with milk, I find it tastes better with water and a few ice cubes. Cuts out some of the richness and makes it go down easier.
This stuff is waaaaaaaay more expensive than I’d ever planned on spending on protein powder, but it doesn’t have artificial sweeteners or soy, so I’ll take what I can get.
No stomach aches, no nausea, no bloating. I’ve been using this stuff not quite daily for about two months. It’s helped me get over a plateau at the gym. Over all, good product. Just wish it wasn’t so expensive.
Naz Gilliland –
I was looking for a product with no bad ingredients and no pea or whey as I’m allergic. This is the only product I’ve found in my search and it tastes good too. I use it as recommended with coconut milk (allergic to milk) and use a milk frother to mix it up. It did get clumpy with just juice and didn’t mix as well with a shaker. I also put in the liquid first and then put in the powder to get it to mix nicely. It has a coconut flavor with a slight aftertaste which I think is the monk fruit but I love it! I don’t think it has any smell that I can detect. Some other products I’ve tried taste horrible and I’m glad this tastes good!
Natalia Botvina –
I’m really impressed with this protein shake that contains egg whites! The taste is smooth and delicious, and it provides a great source of high-quality protein. I love that it’s low in fat and carbs while still being incredibly filling. It mixes easily and doesn’t leave a chalky texture, which is a huge plus. Perfect for post-workout or as a quick snack. Highly recommend for anyone looking for a clean and effective protein boost!
Arnas Butkus –
This is the best protein powder for my very sensitive stomach and I love the taste. I can’t tolerate most other types, but this has been a game changer. I would give it 5 stars, but the price is too high for the quantity you receive. It’s not sustainable to keep this in stock. Also the packaging sucks and the press seal NEVER works.
Tanya –
I have gastric issues that have brought me to a place where I can no longer digest solid food. Literally have THE most sensitive stomach possible. I also have never found a protein powder I can digest without problem.
I can digest this. I have no pain, no indigestion, no flatulence. It tastes awesome, I feel great, and I am now a lifelong customer of this brand.
So far have only tried the vanilla egg white but have a bag of chocolate egg white coming, as well as their milk powder, and have samples of their other flavors.
If you have trouble with protein powders, or even if you don’t, buy this one. It’s delicious and safe.