Descrição do Produto: Manitoba Harvest Hemp Yeah! Balanced Protein Fiber Powder
Descubra o poder da natureza com o Manitoba Harvest Hemp Yeah! Balanced Protein Fiber Powder. Este pó de proteína à base de cânhamo é a escolha perfeita para quem busca uma alimentação saudável e equilibrada. Com uma porção de 30g, você obtém impressionantes 15g de proteína, 8g de fibra e 2g de ácidos graxos ômega 3 e 6, tornando-o um aliado poderoso para sua dieta. Ideal para veganos e vegetarianos, este produto é uma fonte completa de proteína vegetal, contendo todos os aminoácidos essenciais que seu corpo precisa.
A versatilidade do Hemp Yeah! é um dos seus maiores atrativos. Ele se mistura facilmente em smoothies, proporcionando um sabor delicioso e nutritivo. Além disso, pode ser adicionado ao iogurte, cereais quentes ou utilizado em receitas de panificação, elevando o valor nutricional de suas refeições. Com a garantia de ser livre de conservantes, não transgênico e adequado para dietas cetogênicas, este pó de proteína é uma escolha consciente para quem se preocupa com a saúde e o bem-estar.
O Manitoba Harvest Hemp Yeah! Balanced Protein Fiber Powder é mais do que um simples suplemento; é uma solução prática para quem deseja aumentar a ingestão de proteínas e fibras de forma saborosa e saudável. Com embalagem que pode variar, você pode ter a certeza de que está adquirindo um produto de qualidade, que se adapta ao seu estilo de vida.
– Alto Teor de Proteína: Com 15g de proteína por porção, é ideal para quem busca aumentar a massa muscular ou manter uma dieta equilibrada.
– Rico em Fibras: Com 8g de fibra, ajuda na digestão e promove a saciedade, contribuindo para o controle do apetite.
– Fonte de Ômega 3 e 6: Os ácidos graxos essenciais são importantes para a saúde cardiovascular e cerebral.
– Versatilidade na Cozinha: Pode ser facilmente incorporado em diversas receitas, desde smoothies até pães, aumentando o valor nutricional das refeições.
– Certificado Non-GMO e Vegano: Garantia de um produto livre de organismos geneticamente modificados e adequado para dietas veganas e sem laticínios.
Para aproveitar ao máximo os benefícios do Manitoba Harvest Hemp Yeah! Balanced Protein Fiber Powder, recomenda-se adicionar uma porção de 30g (aproximadamente 2 colheres de sopa) em seu smoothie favorito, misturando bem até obter uma consistência homogênea. Também pode ser incorporado em iogurtes, cereais quentes ou utilizado em receitas de panificação, como pães e bolos, para enriquecer o conteúdo nutricional. Para melhores resultados, combine com frutas, vegetais ou outros ingredientes de sua preferência, garantindo uma refeição equilibrada e saborosa.
jennifer b. –
This is absolutely my favorite plant protein. I use it in my smoothies every day with fruits and vegetables. I like the taste off fruits and veggies so I prefer an unflavored protein powder that does alter the flavor of fresh ingredients or have a fake sweet taste. This hemp protein does not have an overwhelming earthy flavor. It is the perfect addition to my daily smoothies.
andrea tamburini –
Excellent product. Very versatile. Actually, I even like it just with water – tastes green. A bit pricey but still an excellent product, and it goes a long way.
RK –
This is a quality hemp product with a balanced amount of protein and fiber. I had used Nutiva for many years but recently found it harder to source. This is not organic, but otherwise it works great as replacement for Nutiva and the price is right. Now, hemp protein is not for everyone. Some people will not like the sandy texture or the dry nutty flavor of hemp generally (i.e., folks trying this type of product for the first time). It’s possible the nutty flavor of Nutiva was slightly better, but it’s pretty close. In any event, this is a great plant-based protein and source of fiber and minerals all in one. I’m very satisfied and recommend. One small caveat: I did come across a small strand of plastic wrap in a recent tablespoon of hemp I used–would suggest the company consider their process/sifting system to limit this to the maximum extent possible!
Beaslybub –
So the trick with covering up the taste of the hemp is a good balance of fruits with strong/tangy flavors. Bananas are a must as a foundation for the texture. Strawberries, blackberries, raspberries, pineapple, and kiwi will be the most effective for taste, especially a combination of berries+tangy fruit. I usually make a smoothie with:
-a scoop full of hemp (the little one they supply in other protein powders, or 3 to 3.5 tablespoons at MOST)
-1/3 to 1/4 banana
-a T of flaxseed, ground
-a sprinkling of frozen kale
-a small handful of frozen strawberries
-a few slices of pineapple or a few slices of kiwi
-a small handful blackberries/raspberries and blueberries
-2 ounces of apple juice for a bit of sugar
-water up to the top of the fruit
If you still don’t like the taste, remove a little hemp protein and do around a half serving (2-2.5 T.). Still provides some much needed protein and fiber, and the fruit also adds some of both as well.
This is my recipe for a healthy, low sugar, high fiber fruit smoothie (about 12-14 ounces) that is fairly tasty (I say fairly because you’ll still have a bit of grassy hemp flavor, but I don’t mind it).
This smoothie will also keep your digestive system running like clockwork! I almost never skip a day of these because I notice the difference quickly.
This hemp protein is the best plant-vast protein for smoothies out there, in my opinion.
Old review:
I’ve tried several different proteins to boost my fruit smoothies, but almost every one contains some nasty sweetener that makes every smoothie taste like pure sugar. This has been the best alternative by far. Reasonable price, contains a ton of healthy hemp protein and fiber, and has very few ingredients (and no sugar or artificial sweeteners), which adds a major boost to my smoothies while feeling like I’m not getting a bunch of additives I don’t want in it.
The one downside for some, perhaps (not an issue for me), is that you definitely can taste the hemp. It’s no worse than a slight grassy flavor like wheat grass, though, so I don’t have a problem with it at all. You get used to it quickly. I do about 3/4 scoopful from those little plastic scoops you find in powdered drinks, so something like 4-5 tablespoons per smoothie. If taste is a huge issue for some, you can put less in or add more fruit/flavorful foods.
This hemp is a healthy way to fill you up longer and keep your digestive system working well. I love it and will keep buying it!
Kili –
I had never had hemp protein before getting this. I added it to another smoothie I was doing, specifically the Earth Chimp vegan protein in chocolate, 1/2 banana, this powder, coconut milk and put chia seeds on top. I love the Earth Chimp but little of this hemp powder made the whole thing creamier. It added for lack of another word, buttery taste and really smooth consistency to it. The taste was really good too. My only complaint is that the package is not resealing at the top. I’ve had to roll it over and secure it with a clamp to put it in the refrigerator. This hemp protein should be refrigerated after opening so the zipper bag is pretty important. I took off a star for that. I will repurchase though, may have to transfer it to another container for refrigerator to keep it fresh and from absorbing any odor from anything else. Try it, its really good and this brand is highly rated.
Megan Redling –
I am allergic to peas and cannot eat protein powders that have gone through a manufacturing process due to their high glutemic acid content. This takes most options off the table. I’ve found this to be a good alternative. It’s not the tastiest option, but it helps me hit my protein goals. It mixes well in a shaker cup or blender. It’s difficult to mix with a spoon.
Bob Dillin –
A great protein source for vegetarians on a keto or slow or low carb diet. It has high protein content and ZERO net carbs!
It can be blended into a protein shake. However it’s a little grainy and will not totally dissolve in water – which is why it has zero net carbs – it contains a lot of fiber. It has a mildly nutty smell and taste that I like however, it may not be to everyone’s taste. The product is very dry and therefore doesn’t go well sprinkled on a salad. I add it to my dressing with a bit of water and blend well.
Because of the zero net carbs I give this product a big thumbs up. For that reason I am willing to overlook the downside of the bulky, dry grainy texture and have found creative ways to work it into my low carb and keto diet.
Sara Sweer –
This product has no flavor to it at all. It was terrible in my smoothy