Descrição do Produto: LEGION Casein Casein Protein Powder (Baunilha Francesa)
A proteína em pó LEGION Casein é a escolha ideal para quem busca maximizar o crescimento muscular e a recuperação, especialmente durante a noite. Com 11,4 gramas de aminoácidos essenciais por porção, este pó de caseína micelar de padrão ouro é formulado para sustentar o crescimento muscular, a força e a recuperação, sem causar inchaço ou gases. Com ingredientes limpos e naturais, você não encontrará corantes artificiais, enchimentos ou aditivos desnecessários – apenas uma caseína isolada deliciosa e nutritiva.
Uma das grandes vantagens da LEGION Casein é sua capacidade de promover a recuperação noturna. Ao fornecer uma fonte de proteína de liberação lenta, este produto garante que seu corpo receba a nutrição necessária mesmo enquanto você descansa. Ao acordar, você se sentirá renovado, recuperado e pronto para enfrentar o dia com energia.
O sabor é outro destaque. Feita com leite irlandês proveniente de pastagens, a LEGION Casein utiliza aromatizantes naturais e adoçantes à base de plantas, como Stevia e Eritritol, que não apenas agradam ao paladar, mas também apoiam seus objetivos de fitness. Transforme a recuperação muscular em um prazer, misturando a proteína em pó em suas sobremesas favoritas ou shakes de caseína. Experimente os sabores irresistíveis como Cereal de Canela, Torta de Creme de Banana, Chocolate Holandês, Morango e Baunilha Francesa para um lanche delicioso, baixo em calorias e rico em proteínas.
A LEGION está na vanguarda dos suplementos esportivos naturais, com uma base crescente de mais de 250.000 clientes satisfeitos. Temos orgulho de fornecer as ferramentas necessárias para que as pessoas alcancem suas metas de fitness.
– Aumento da Ingestão de Proteínas: Ideal para maximizar o crescimento muscular e a recuperação.
– Recuperação Noturna: Proporciona uma fonte de proteína de liberação lenta para recuperação durante o sono.
– Sabor Superior: Feito com leite irlandês de pastagens e adoçantes naturais, garantindo um gosto delicioso.
– Versatilidade: Pode ser adicionado a sobremesas e shakes, tornando a recuperação um prazer.
– Qualidade Garantida: Sem ingredientes artificiais, enchimentos ou aditivos, apenas uma fórmula limpa e eficaz.
Para obter os melhores resultados, misture uma porção (aproximadamente 30g) de LEGION Casein em 200-300ml de água, leite ou bebida vegetal de sua preferência. Agite bem ou utilize um liquidificador para garantir uma mistura homogênea. Consuma antes de dormir para maximizar a recuperação muscular durante a noite ou como um lanche saudável ao longo do dia. Ajuste a quantidade de líquido conforme sua preferência de consistência.
Jesse Lugus –
At first I was worried since the scoop was double the size of the birthday cake flavor. I mixed it with yogurt like I’m used to with other powders but this one ran thick. I added soy milk to make it a bit more smooth. It tasted like a cinnamon sugar cookie. I like it, I think I like the birthday cake consistency a bit more when it comes to mixing it with yogurt. They both are delicious flavors. The cinnamon roll is a bit too dense for me as a shake. It can only be in the blender a second or it’s all foam which upsets my stomach. Otherwise if I get it just right it’s still very heavy for me and collects at the bottom like sand. The birthday cake flavor which is not casein is lighter and still can get foamy if in the blender for too long but not nearly as gritty in a shake or nearly as heavy. I am a small gal with a weak stomach though, so keep that in mind! The flavors are amazing, the cinnamon roll and birthday cake flavors are delicious.
Taylor –
I have been using this product for a year now and I love the taste. It serves as a dessert and if you keep it in the freezer it turns out to be pudding.
Nisha –
Tastes pretty good. I usually hate stevia, and the dream would be an unflavored casein; but this was pretty yummy. After hearing that Dr Bill Campbell consumed casein with his breakfast to keep full, I was curious. I tried it and it worked well. It’s a pleasure to drink. No bad aftertaste. If you’re like me and you like the feeling of being full, this is amazing. Strongly recommended.
HW –
Their creamy smoothness has only improved over the years! My new favorites are Cinnamon Cereal, Chocolate, and Banana Cream Pie (tastes like Runts banana candy). Vanilla was ok and strawberry wasn’t very good. Super filling shake that is great for weight loss!
It’s hard to find a quality protein powder with minimal ingredients. Finding a grass fed protein powder at reasonable prices is difficult. Most of the grass fed powders I have seen are in the ultra high luxury end of the market. This one is in the reasonably priced high end market.
-I like that it’s grass fed because grass fed dairy products have better micronutrition
-Mixed with milk it is extra creamy
-0g fat and almost no carbs (I like to get my carbs and fat from tastier sources and not protein powders)
-Slow digesting and helpful for weight loss
-I tried both flavors (vanilla and chocolate). Both wrappers did not peel nicely from the top. (I had to peel the wrapper twice because the inner layer stayed intact). This is a minor complaint that the manufacturer should probably fix…
To the last point, about weight loss: I think casein protein powders are underrated for weight loss. They’re very helpful to feel full longer. One of my favorite ways to eat a very filling breakfast on few calories is:
-casein protein shake
-cottage cheese + a little bit of jam
-A few egg whites
It’s slow digesting protein staked with slow digesting proteins. I feel full for 4-8 hours easily off of that.
HW –
Let’s start by being upfront about casein protein: It’s weird. It has a unique consistency and doesn’t mix as nicely as whey in water. That said, you can’t beat the Legion Casein protein.
My previous experience was with a banana flavor from a different company (rhymes with Shmoptimum Bluetrition) that left me feeling very uneasy about using casein as a supplement. The taste was VERY artificial and chemically. It was nearly impossible to get into solution without a blender and had a very chalky consistency. What I liked was that after dinner and before bed I could have casein as a snack without resorting to high-sugar treats. When the banana stuff ran out, I looked to see what else was available and found the legion protein.
I think this stuff is leaps and bounds ahead of the other brand. First, the flavor is a mild chocolate, like a baker’s chocolate and gives you the feeling you’re eating real food, not a lab product. Second, the consistency is much better than others. It easily goes into solution in a normal blender bottle with a few shakes. Last, you get a great full feeling without any stomach distress or night farts (which is good unless you have a fondness for dutch ovens).
If I could, I rate the product at 4.5 stars because the scoops of protein are so large that it’s tricky not to spill when retrieving from the bottle and it does require at least 10-12 oz water. That said, I’ll be buying again in the future.
AJ –
I have used Legion Athletics’ protein powder for a couple of years and they are possibly the only supplement company that puts their consumers first instead of money. I switched between ON 100% Natural Miscellar Casein and Pro Jym as my PM protein just before bed to keep me full while I sleep because there is evidence that having a slow-digesting protein before bed helps keep protein synthesis going while you sleep.
When I heard Legion was working on a miscellar casein protein powder, I knew I was in for another great product. I bought this and the new Mint Chocolate Whey+ together. Strangely it tastes more like dark chocolate with an 80% cocoa content instead of mint chocolate. To me, at least.
This casein protein powder from Legion is my new go-to pre-bed protein. The milk chocolate flavor tastes like its name suggests. I add three ice cubes and cinnamon to my shake, using the Ninja blender and a cup of Fairlife skim milk.
At 110 calories for the milk chocolate and 120 for the vanilla, this is the lowest calorie and leanest protein powder you’ll find. It’s low in carbohydrates, virtually fat free, only 1g of sugar, 24g of protein, naturally flavored and sweetened and NO artificial sweeteners, flavors or colors, cheap fillers or other unwanted junk. Uh-uh, Legion doesn’t take that route.
My only complaint is the powder does have a little chalky texture but again, there’s no fillers. I’m sure Legion will resolve it should they decide to tweak the formula. Besides that, a solid miscellar casein powder. Definitely getting this again and in the 5 lbs. tub once it’s available. Looking forward to new flavor of this protein. A s’mores flavor, cinnamon roll, even a gingerbread flavor for the holidays would be nice down the road. Definitely looking forward to the protein bar Legion’s made.
If you’re training hard and your diet is good, get Legion’s products. You won’t be disappointed. It may be a little more expensive but it’s well spent.