O Pó de Pimenta Caiena Orgânica Starwest Botanicals é um produto de alta qualidade, elaborado a partir da variedade Capsicum annum, originária da Índia. Com uma impressionante pungência de 35.000 SHU (Unidades de Calor Scoville), este pó é ideal para aqueles que buscam adicionar um toque picante e vibrante às suas receitas. Certificado como orgânico pela QAI, o produto atende às diretrizes do Programa Nacional Orgânico do USDA, garantindo que você esteja consumindo um item livre de pesticidas e aditivos químicos. Além disso, a certificação kosher, concedida pelos Serviços de Certificação Kosher, assegura que o produto é adequado para dietas específicas. O Pó de Pimenta Caiena também é produzido em conformidade com as boas práticas de fabricação atuais (cGMP), o que significa que cada etapa do processo de produção é rigorosamente controlada para garantir a qualidade e a segurança do produto.
- Nome Botânico: Capsicum annum
- Origem: Índia
- Certificado Orgânico pela QAI – De acordo com as Diretrizes do Programa Nacional Orgânico do USDA
- Certificado Kosher pelos Serviços de Certificação Kosher
- Conformidade com cGMP (boas práticas de fabricação atuais)
1. Aumento do Metabolismo: A pimenta caiena é conhecida por suas propriedades termogênicas, que podem ajudar a acelerar o metabolismo e auxiliar na queima de calorias.
2. Melhora na Circulação Sanguínea: O consumo regular de pimenta caiena pode promover uma melhor circulação sanguínea, contribuindo para a saúde cardiovascular.
3. Alívio da Dor: A capsaicina, o composto ativo da pimenta caiena, é frequentemente utilizada em cremes e pomadas para alívio de dores musculares e articulares.
4. Apoio ao Sistema Digestivo: A pimenta caiena pode estimular a produção de enzimas digestivas, melhorando a digestão e aliviando desconfortos estomacais.
5. Propriedades Antioxidantes: O pó de pimenta caiena é rico em antioxidantes, que ajudam a combater os radicais livres e a proteger as células do corpo.
Para aproveitar ao máximo os benefícios do Pó de Pimenta Caiena Orgânica Starwest Botanicals, recomenda-se adicionar uma colher de chá a pratos como sopas, molhos, marinadas e até mesmo smoothies. A dosagem pode ser ajustada conforme o seu paladar e a intensidade desejada. Para uso tópico, pode-se misturar o pó com um óleo carreador para criar uma pomada que pode ser aplicada em áreas afetadas por dor. É importante começar com pequenas quantidades e aumentar gradualmente, permitindo que o corpo se acostume com a picância.
9 yards –
Great product, I use a bag in 5-6 months. Mostly mixed with cinnamon ( not the common one – can OD on that ) in smoothie. Only down side is the bag. Great that its not a jar, just hard to reseal as the spice gets into the zip lockers
Lady M –
Very fast delivery.
I made pills out of it and take 2 every day for my blood vessels
Lynell –
This was my first time ordering a Starwest Botanicals product, and I have been very impressed with the quality of this product (Cayenne Pepper). I’ve done research on this company prior to ordering, and I was sold on their commitment to quality (a real problem these days, when all that matters is the bottom-line for companies).
From previous cayenne peppers that I’ve used (and had at home), I can confidently say that this is the most finely ground, potent, and pure cayenne pepper I’ve used. It may “only” be 35K HU but it’s very hot indeed.
The color of the pepper is very uniform deep orange-red, and there don’t appear to be any fillers, giving a very dense high-quality powder. You will be impressed. The packaging was adequate, good for short-term transport, although I would probably transfer the powder into a metal/glas/air-tight container to prevent spoilage. As always, Amazon’s Prime shipping came through within 2 days.
Nicholle –
This pepper is very fresh and good quality. I would buy it again.
Hostage67 –
Product is great, relatively cheap for the amount of Cayenne you get, it has great color, great flavor, great heat. A little will go a long ways so this product should last quite a long time. I use about 1 teaspoon to flavor a pan full of chicken. It was enough to give it a perfect amount of heat without overwhelming the other flavors. Would definitely recommend purchasing this product to anyone, and will purchase again myself when I run out.
This arrived in a silver ziplock bag. The outside of the bag clearly states it is 1lb. You could easily keep it in the bag since it is a ziplock, but I purchased several 10 1/8 canning jars to place my spices in. The 1lb bag filled 3.5 jars(roughly 35 ounces) if that gives you a better idea of the amount of spice you are purchasing. The pure volume of spice is quite a bit, but add on top of that how potent this stuff is and one bag will last you a very long time.
As mentioned above a single teaspoon is enough to flavor a full pan of chicken and give it a decent amount of heat (and I enjoy heat). A tablespoon of this in a similar pan of chicken was too much heat. What I really love about this spice is that it adds great heat without drowning all the other flavors. Even when I used a tablespoon and it was really too much heat for the dish, it still didn’t drown out all the other flavors. I can’t say how much I really enjoy this spice, this is hands down the best quality spice I have in my cabinet. I would highly recommend this purchase to anyone looking for some high quality Cayenne and based on this purchase I would recommend Starwest spices period. I will be looking for other starwest spices myself in the near future.
Nicholle –
I am very pleased with this product. The price is great for the amount you get compared to grocery store prices. The quality of this product is also great. It is rich, great smelling and seems to be much fresher than the store bought jars. I love that I can just keep filling my own jar.
I buy many products from this company and am always pleased.
Konrad A. –
I buy this product at my local grocery store in small packs. It’s a great product but after comparing it to the one I already buy in store I’ll continue to buy at my local store. The heat is medium and overall it’s a great product. I was a little disappointed with the fact that the 90K was cheaper than this one and my local store also carries the 35k for less.
Great value pack. My wife and I take our cayenne and turmeric drink in the morning. This is the best deal I could find. The flavor is good.
Tina –
Starwest Botanicals Organic Cayenne Pepper is superb cayenne pepper. It has a great smell and taste. It mixes will for my daily cayenne drink mixed with lemon juice and maple syrup. It is is an excellent soup boost. It gives a nice little kick to otherwise boring food. Love it!!
Sean Bryant –
I, like probably most other people, have been buying my Cayenne Pepper in the grocery stores, paying $6 to $7 dollars for a small bottle of cayenne pepper, whose origin and age and freshness have always been questions in the back of my mind. Well, I figured I’d take the plunge and purchase this 16 ounce (1 pound) bag on Amazon. I am NOT disappointed in the least. When I opened the bag of Starwest Botnicals Organic Cayenne Pepper, the aroma leaped out, and it really said “Cayenne Pepper”! A little taste on the tip of my finger screamed “Cayenne Pepper!” The product is fresh, the product is delicious, and really blows the regular national brands found at the supermarket right out of the water! There is no comparison.
Now, as to storage: The bag is resealable with a zipper-type seal. I take a regular spice jar (from a used jar of cayenne pepper), and keep that filled. I use cayenne with relative frequency, so it does not go stale for me, but I take the zip bag of cayenne, and put another bag over it and seal that tightly, and keep the bag in the freezer; that way, I know it will keep fresh. I plan on reordering this again and again, because the quality is there, and the vibrant flavor is beyond compare, other than getting fresh cayenne peppers, drying them and pounding them to powder yourself… but who has time for that????? Anyway, buy with confidence! You will not be disappointed!