Descrição do Produto:
O Colágeno em Pó Peptídeos – Proveniente de Gado Alimentado com Pasto, Hidrolisado, Amigo do Paleo e Keto – é um suplemento revolucionário que promete transformar sua rotina de cuidados com a saúde e beleza. Este produto é uma fonte essencial de colágeno, um dos nutrientes mais importantes para garantir a saúde e vitalidade da sua pele, cabelo, tendões, cartilagens, ossos e articulações. Com o passar dos anos, a produção natural de colágeno pelo corpo diminui, resultando em sinais visíveis de envelhecimento, como perda de cabelo, cabelos grisalhos, unhas quebradiças, distúrbios na pele, rugas e problemas nas articulações.
O nosso colágeno é puro, proveniente de gado alimentado com pasto, sem OGM e glúten, garantindo que você receba um produto de alta qualidade. O pó de colágeno da Pride é rico em proteínas altamente digestíveis, aminoácidos e colágeno dos tipos 1 e 3, extraído da pele de bovinos criados em pastagens. A sua fórmula hidrolisada permite uma absorção aprimorada, dissolvendo-se instantaneamente em líquidos quentes ou frios. Você pode facilmente incorporá-lo em sua rotina, misturando-o em café, chá, smoothies, sucos, sopas, molhos, aveia ou iogurte, proporcionando um suporte nutricional adicional.
Além disso, este suplemento é seguro para dietas Paleo e Keto, sendo uma excelente opção para quem busca manter uma alimentação saudável e equilibrada. A Pride Nutrition garante a qualidade de seus produtos, oferecendo uma política de satisfação de 100%, sem perguntas.
– Pele Jovem e Radiante: Promove a elasticidade e firmeza da pele, reduzindo rugas e sinais de envelhecimento.
– Cabelos Mais Saudáveis: Fortalece os fios, reduzindo a queda e promovendo um crescimento saudável.
– Articulações em Boa Forma: Auxilia na reparação das articulações, aliviando dores e desconfortos.
– Unhas Fortes e Saudáveis: Previne a quebra e promove o crescimento de unhas mais resistentes.
– Fácil de Incorporar na Dieta: Pode ser adicionado a diversas receitas, tornando o consumo prático e saboroso.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se misturar uma colher de sopa (aproximadamente 10g) do Colágeno em Pó Peptídeos em sua bebida ou alimento preferido. O produto é altamente solúvel e pode ser adicionado a líquidos quentes ou frios, como café, chá ou smoothies. Para uma absorção ainda mais eficaz, consuma diariamente, preferencialmente em jejum ou antes de atividades físicas. A consistência no uso é fundamental para perceber os benefícios ao longo do tempo.
Pj –
I have been taking this product for months now. I have seen a huge difference in my hair fullness and nails. My hairstylist who has done my hair for most of my life even asked me what I did different. My joints after workouts ache less. I definitely feel a difference when I am out and waiting on a new supply and don’t use it. I love that his one has amino acids in it as others do not. It has no taste and is a part of my coffee every morning. It is more cost effective to get the bigger supply.
DrChrissi –
This is a good product. The website is wonderful, and if you have any questions they are very responsive. They know the answers and are quick to reply. Which is a HUGE PLUS! The only small issue I had was the taste compared to the others Ive tried. I usually use Vital Proteins(but their pricing is crazy) and to me it didnt altered my taste in anything. This one had a slight taste to it, but NOT big enough to keep me from Repurchasing it. Would recommend this Company and Product.
Stephen tibbs –
it did great for my arthritic shouylders but gave me kidey stones.
True Tiger –
Not happy with this product. I read numerous reviews where others listed the product has no taste. Not true. Its has an awful taste. I have mixed this powder in coffee(the strongest black coffee) and tea. Wish I could return it for something else because it will probably end up in the trash.
jleasure –
I have been using this product now for 3 months and love it. I have noticed a difference in my skin, hair, nails and even the joint pain I was having in my hips. I recently decided to switch to Dr. Axe Collagen because I thought if the Pride woks this well…imagine what the name brand of Dr. Axe would do…right?? WRONG! I used the Dr. Axe for a week and had horrible stomach cramps, bloating and my joint pain was back. I also started to get acne breakouts which is rare for me! Needless to say, the Dr. Axe crap was sent back and I am now back on the Pride Nutrition which I will NOT be switching from again! I use this once daily in my morning coffee, it mixes clean and no taste. LOVE IT!
MH –
Only 4 stars bc its only been 7 days of use but my nails and skin are looking much better than before I started mixing this product with my protein powder. I get ridges in my nails and this is taking the ridges and bumps away. Really true.
Updating this review; I really like this product. I am on the second jar now and I have a great improvement in my nails, skin, and my joints. I like that it dissolves quickly in any hot beverage; you can’t taste it. I also have stomach issues and this has been nothing but great for that. Thank you for a wonderful product!
Rachel R. –
I love this product because it is very high quality for a great price. Since I have been taking collagen peptides my skin has looked amazing. Has helped reduce aging(fine lines/wrinkles), and also helped clear up some acne issues I had been struggling with for years. I have had several family memebers and friends ask what I have been using to get such a youthful glow. I have also noticed my hair has looked very shiny and is growing like crazy. This brand of collagen peptides mixes very well with any liquid, and has no taste, and no grittiness. I have tried others that were more expensive and since trying Pride Nutrition, I am now on my 3rd straight order, and will definitely be ordering more in the future. I highly recommend this product, you will be very happy with the results.
Lizzie_Anne –
I’ve been having some hair fallout lately and this supplement is actually working for me. I don’t see any new hair growth, but my hair is getting stronger. It’s still falling out when I wash it, but not nearly as much as before I began taking this supplement. It has no odor or taste at all, is snow white in color and packaged very well. I add it to my morning coffee every day. The measuring scoop settles in the jar, so you have to fish it out; it’s in there! Seeing improvement in about three weeks of using it, so I’m feeling really optimistic about this supplement. I have also noticed some improvement in the lines and wrinkles on my face, so that’s a double win for me. I’m a fan for now and will keep using it to see if results continue to improve. If so, I will purchase from this vendor next time as well.
UPDATE: I just purchased my third powder, and it is working. My hair is growing faster, this supplement has made it stronger. I do still lose some hair when I wash it, but I believe everyone does and it’s back to a acceptable level for me. My nails are growing faster and stronger and it does for sure help with smoothing my wrinkles out a bit. And…..It helps with my joint pain that I was having in my hips. I’m definitely going to continue using this!