Descrição do Produto:
Descubra o poder do Keto MCT Oil Powder Collagen Prebiotic Acacia Fiber, sabor baunilha, 16oz. Este produto inovador combina o melhor da natureza para oferecer uma experiência única e nutritiva. Com uma fórmula que inclui MCT Powder extraído de cocos, colágeno de gado alimentado com pasto e fibra prebiótica de acácia, cada porção é uma explosão de sabor e benefícios para a saúde. Com 10g de MCT Powder Oil, 5g de colágeno em péptidos e fibra prebiótica, você terá uma mistura perfeita para potencializar sua dieta cetogênica. O sabor rico de baunilha torna cada uso uma delícia, tornando-se um item indispensável para quem busca saúde e bem-estar.
- Ingredientes Premium: MCT Powder (60/40, C8/C10) com PEPTÍDEOS DE COLÁGENO DE GADO ALIMENTADO COM PASTO e FIBRA PREBIÓTICA – 10g de MCT Powder Oil, 5g de Colágeno em Pó PLUS Fibra Prebiótica de Acácia com um sabor rico de baunilha. Um item essencial para a dieta Keto!
- Mistura Fácil, Sabor Delicioso: Use 1-3 colheres de chá em café | Use 2-3 colheres de sopa em smoothies. Aperfeiçoamos nossa mistura de adoçantes sem açúcar. Você não vai acreditar que não contém açúcar! Ajuste de acordo com seu nível de doçura desejado.
- Perfeito para Smoothies, Café, Shakes, Assados e Chá: Adicione 1-3 colheres de chá ao café para um cremoso sabor baunilha. Ou adicione 2-3 colheres de sopa em smoothies (uma colher cheia = 3 colheres de sopa) para potencializar seu dia. Com pressa? Adicione diretamente à sua bebida favorita para um shake rápido.
- Zero Açúcar, 0g de Carboidratos Líquidos: Adoçado com nossa mistura perfeita de Stevia Orgânica, Eritritol e Fruta do Monge. Este não é um alimento de baixa caloria.
1. Apoio à Dieta Keto: Ideal para quem segue uma dieta cetogênica, ajudando a manter a cetose com zero carboidratos líquidos.
2. Saúde da Pele e Articulações: O colágeno de gado alimentado com pasto promove a saúde da pele, cabelos e articulações, contribuindo para um envelhecimento saudável.
3. Aumento de Energia Sustentável: O MCT fornece uma fonte rápida e eficiente de energia, perfeita para quem precisa de um impulso durante o dia.
4. Saúde Digestiva: A fibra prebiótica de acácia ajuda a promover um sistema digestivo saudável, melhorando a flora intestinal.
5. Versatilidade na Cozinha: Pode ser facilmente incorporado em diversas receitas, desde bebidas até assados, tornando a alimentação saudável mais prática e saborosa.
Para aproveitar ao máximo o Keto MCT Oil Powder Collagen Prebiotic Acacia Fiber, adicione 1-3 colheres de chá ao seu café para um cremoso sabor de baunilha ou misture 2-3 colheres de sopa em smoothies para um impulso nutricional. Para uma solução rápida, você pode adicionar diretamente à sua bebida favorita. Ajuste a quantidade de acordo com seu gosto pessoal e desfrute de uma experiência deliciosa e saudável sem açúcar. Ideal para uso diário, este produto é uma excelente adição à sua rotina de bem-estar.
SusanJ –
So Great Lakes daily keto collagen non dairy creamer has been on back order so I’ve been desperately looking for an alternative for my morning coffee frappuccino. This sadly isn’t it. The taste is okay-ish. But the collagen qty is way lower for the volume needed (3 large scoops) and it doesn’t even quantify how much mct per serving so as to avoid digestive issues resulting from too much of a change. So I’m mixing with the Great Lakes plain and enduring until they are back in production. I am just not a fan of sugar alcohol or stevia for sweetening purposes when it didn’t need anything added. Great Lakes uses organic vanilla and acacia fiber instead of sugars which negates this problem. Theirs tastes fine. Let people add their own sugar if it’s necessary instead of forcing it on to those who don’t enjoy ultra sweet tastes. That said, it blended well into my drink but was overall, for me, disappointing.
Karat –
My usual brand of Vanilla MCT powder is out of stock, so I tried this one instead. I love it. My other brand just lost a customer.
Linda –
I got this because I’d been reading that MCT oil is good for Keto. People seem to like it in their morning coffee. I don’t drink coffee, but I’ve been using this MCT powder in my hot tea. It blends in immediately. And it tastes so good! This first jar lasted me about a month. It’s kind of pricey, but worth it for a once-a-day treat. My shipment contained a flyer offering “50% off your next purchase.” If you get this flyer, be sure to take advantage of that offer. I had a little problem receiving the email with the 50%-off code, but Left Coast Performance’s great customer service straightened it out for me. Highly recommend this product.
I bought my first Left Coast Performance MCT powder a couple months ago in the Vanilla flavor. Next, I bought the Unflavored to try for when I didn’t need the Vanilla flavor. I’ve decided that the Unflavored is fine, but I can’t seem to give up that delicious Vanilla. The flavor is not artificial at all–unlike, for example, some protein powders I’ve tried. Another thing I love besides the flavor of this Vanilla MCT powder is the Collagen, which I really didn’t pay any attention to when I placed my first order. I had no expectations of that being of any benefit. However, after only a month, I noticed that my usually weak and brittle fingernails were very strong–and still are. A wonderful bonus!
AProlificReader –
A scoop of Unflavored in my coffee every morning, makes it creamy which helps me cut back on creamer. Immediate improvement in my nail strength and growth. Share it with my daughter on the weekends and her hair is hair isn’t breaking as much. I have this on monthly subscription so I never run out.
Jenelle Blavat –
I was in love with the previous formula which had less ingredients and more protein per scoop, plus more servings per container. The vanilla flavor is still delicious and this mixes well in coffee. Mostly I’m not loving the addition of erythritol which upsets my stomach. For those looking for satiety, this ingredient is proven to help as an appetite suppressant and I feel full after drinking it in my morning coffee… but for me, it’s more of a bloated full. Unfortunately I will now have to switch from this product entirely as satiety is not my health goal in drinking this but rather a brain boost, sugar-free coffee mix with the bonus of collagen peptides and protein. If this is seen from the manufacturer, please consider offering your old formula again. You could tout this new formula as an appetite suppressant…maybe that was your goal in adding erythritol?
Jenelle Blavat –
I’m ALWAYS a skeptic. Reviews in the past have let me down. I purchased this anyway, and I was pleasantly surprised. The positive reviews have been spot on!
I purchased the unflavored. I’ve used it 3 days in my coffee. It dissolves wonderfully, no clumps, no thickness on the bottom. No taste so I can enjoy the flavor of my coffee and creamer.
I will try the vanilla next. I plan to subscribe and save. Hopefully, I will notice the benefits this month as well!
alaughingirll –
Great tasting and very sweet. If you’re a keto person you’ll find everything you need to make an exceptional coffee and get your mct oil / probiotics /collagen fix. Great all in one product!
Emmers –
I mix it with my morning coffee. Not chalky or lumpy. Tastes great! It helps me get back into ketosis and stay there. Highly recommended.