Banyan Botanicals Neem Powder – Pó de Neem Orgânico Azadirachta Indica – Erva Ayurvédica Purificadora para Pele Saudável
Com milhares de anos de uso, o neem é amplamente reconhecido como uma das plantas mais versáteis conhecidas. Esta erva intensamente amarga e refrescante possui uma longa lista de aplicações tanto para suporte interno quanto externo, trazendo suas qualidades clareadoras, purificadoras e secantes para a pele, cabelo, sangue, boca, fígado, sistema linfático e muito mais. O pó de neem é um dos mais celebrados na Ayurveda para promover uma pele saudável e um rosto limpo. Externamente, ele resfria, acalma e lubrifica a pele, cabelo, unhas e couro cabeludo, enquanto internamente ajuda a purificar o sangue e o fígado, encorajando um sistema linfático saudável e eliminando toxinas.
O pó de neem pode ser transformado em uma pasta utilizada para cuidados com a pele DIY, tratamentos capilares em casa e, para os mais aventureiros que não se importam com o gosto amargo, como um creme dental herbal para limpar a boca. Com tantas maneiras de utilizar este pó, não é surpresa que o neem seja uma erva essencial em muitos lares. A Banyan Botanicals se compromete a produzir produtos ayurvédicos da mais alta qualidade, utilizando ervas orgânicas certificadas pelo USDA, que são obtidas de forma sustentável e comercializadas de maneira justa. Todos os nossos produtos são testados por terceiros para garantir qualidade e segurança.
– Pele Saudável: O neem é conhecido por suas propriedades purificadoras que ajudam a manter a pele limpa e livre de impurezas.
– Ação Antibacteriana: Ajuda a combater bactérias e fungos, promovendo um ambiente saudável para a pele e couro cabeludo.
– Desintoxicação Interna: Contribui para a purificação do sangue e do fígado, melhorando a saúde geral do corpo.
– Versatilidade de Uso: Pode ser utilizado em diversas aplicações, desde cuidados com a pele até tratamentos capilares e até mesmo como pasta de dente.
– Sustentabilidade: Produzido com ervas orgânicas e de comércio justo, respeitando o meio ambiente e as comunidades locais.
Para utilizar o pó de neem, misture uma quantidade desejada (geralmente 1 a 2 colheres de sopa) com água ou iogurte até formar uma pasta homogênea. Aplique a mistura na pele ou cabelo, deixando agir por 15 a 30 minutos antes de enxaguar com água morna. Para uso interno, recomenda-se consultar um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer regime de suplementação. O pó de neem também pode ser adicionado a cremes ou loções para potencializar seus efeitos purificadores.
victoria –
Azadirachtin is so repulsive to insects that they would rather starve to death than touch anything with traces of neem. Another neem compound is called salannin and it’s equally as effective of a repellent. In a few studies, it’s even been proven even more effective at repelling biting insects than those repellents containing the chemical concoction of DEET.
Neem also has many moisturizing properties and helps get rid of excess dryness and scaling. It helps soothe irritated skin. The anti-bacterial properties of neem prevent development of any further skin infection. Because Diatomaceous Earth can by very drying, Neem helps protect your pet from excess dry skin.
I can not rave about this product enough. I had an INFESTATION. It was horrid. I foster cats so I always have several and one of our new fosters brought in fleas. They quickly spread to our 6 cats and 3 dogs and we’re everywhere. You could see them jumping in the air and 2 of the animals were allergic so they bit and scratched at themselves raw to the point of severe hair loss. Anyone who had had fleas know they reproduce quickly and before you know it it gets put of control. If you flea bomb the house and bathe the animals and wash up everything and miss one of then they are back angrier then ever the next week. I became desperate and found this recipe and followed it and I am happy to say we have been flea free!!! I got all the products off of amazon. Here is the recipe.
1 cup Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth
1/2 cup Neem Powder
1/2 cup Yarrow Powder
20 Drops Eucalyptus Essential Oil *Leave out the essential oil if using for cats*
Mix all ingredients together and put in a shaker top container like an empty baby powder bottle or salt shaker
Apply in a well ventilated area or outside, try not to let your pet inhale it
Apply from head to tail along your pets spine in dry conditions. Brush your pets fur going the opposite direction so the powder comes in contact with the skin. Avoid the eyes and nose. Rub the powder on the belly and legs. Try to get the flea powder on as much skin as you can. I also found the fleas seem to like the tail, the area right above the tail and the belly/groin area so I made sure to pay extra attention to those areas to get them well covered.
How often to apply flea powder?
To use this as a general repellent (with no serious flea infestation), applying once a month during active flea season (end of spring/summer) is sufficient. If the pet gets a bath or gets wet, it will need to be reapplied.
If you have a flea infestation:
You will need to apply more often, depending on how bad of an infestation you are dealing with. I applied every day until I saw no more traces of fleas (now I’m just using it as maintenance). Some are successful with applying as little as once a week, but others need it more often – it just depends on the level of infestation. Also remember to reapply if your pet gets wet (important!).
If you have a flea infestation, you will also need to apply this flea powder to your floors, windowsills, door sills, pet bedding, sofa, etc. Focus your efforts where your pet spends the most amount of time, since fleas and their eggs will be the most concentrated in those areas. Just apply a light dusting to the areas in your house and leave it there overnight. Vacuum in the morning or sometime the next day. Do this once a week for 4 weeks if you have a flea infestation.
If you got through all this and you are like me and had nothing to lose and are ready to set your house on fire and cut your losses then please try this. I was desperate and felt so sorry for my animals and this was a miracle. Good luck everyone!!
Frankie –
For those who are new to neem, the taste of product may be off-putting, as it is incredibly bitter.
HOWEVER, I’ve tried several other neem products before (in various forms), and this one truly is the best in terms of efficacy. Though there are many benefits to neem, I find the most noticeable results on my skin – my complexion is clear & glowing after just a couple of weeks!
I usually just add the it to a cup of water, and chug it down – as I said before, the taste can be intense, but I find this to be the most affective way. Plus, the taste is so strong, it can really overpower anything else you may add it to (e.g. juice or smoothie). But honestly, whatever you can to do make it more manageable, do it!
Also, the value for this product is really good. As long as you stick to the serving size (I find you don’t need any more), one bag can last you almost 3/4 of the year!
If anything I said previously wasn’t an indication, I highly recommend this product!
John Dough –
You won’t find a more bitter experience but it can cure whatever ails you
Jay –
I make my horse’s supplements using dried herbs to cut down on extra chemicals, expense, and waste. While I would rather use actual leaves, this certainly works just fine. He doesn’t like powdery things, though, so I have to make a mash to ensure he actually eats this (which, to be fair, also goes for some of his other supplements). But, it works great – neem helps repel lice and ticks, and in the time I’ve been feeding this to him I’ve never noticed either on him. Since I use just a tablespoon a day, this package lasts me quite a while
Alex R –
I took up Ayurveda system of health a few years ago and quickly found the most incredible source for most of the Ayurvedic products I buy: BANYAN BOTANICALS……..I have found no company better than Banyan, headquartered in New Mexico, but with farms in India, etc….All of Banyan products are CERTIFIED ORGANIC (therefore, contain no heavy metals often found in some products from India)…..All Banyan products are plant, herbal, natural based substances with complete, clear explanations of the Ayurvedic uses……And equally important to me, Banyan products are relatively inexpensive, with 20% off deals monthly and sometimes even bigger sales for customers……Shipping is easy and simple and they are also sold at Amazon in case you want to use your Prime and get your order in 2 days…..I am a 76 year old man living in the Tucson desert and I feel great using Ayurvedic diet (supplied mostly by Banyan) plus Pu Erh tea, all of which keep me well and healthy, mentally alert, energetic, etc., even at my age ! Thank you Banyan Botanicals ! yogi, tucson desert
victoria –
some high quality neem powder… Like matcha. Great churna /rasayam. Wish it was less expensive… But sometimes you gotta pay for quality and convenience i suppose.