Descrição do Produto: Raw Power MSM Powder, 100% Puro (16 oz, Fabricado nos EUA)
O Raw Power MSM Powder é um suplemento de metilsulfonilmetano (MSM) de alta qualidade, 100% puro, disponível em uma embalagem de 16 oz. Este produto é fabricado nos Estados Unidos, garantindo rigorosos padrões de qualidade e pureza. O MSM é um composto natural que contém enxofre, essencial para a saúde das articulações, pele, cabelo e unhas. O pó é facilmente solúvel em água ou sucos, permitindo uma incorporação prática na sua rotina diária. Ideal para atletas, pessoas ativas e aqueles que buscam melhorar a saúde geral, o Raw Power MSM Powder é uma escolha eficaz para quem deseja aumentar a flexibilidade, reduzir a dor nas articulações e promover a regeneração celular.
1. Saúde das Articulações: O MSM ajuda a reduzir a inflamação e a dor nas articulações, promovendo maior mobilidade e conforto.
2. Melhora da Pele: Contribui para a saúde da pele, ajudando a manter a elasticidade e a hidratação, além de reduzir sinais de envelhecimento.
3. Fortalecimento do Cabelo e Unhas: O enxofre presente no MSM é fundamental para a produção de queratina, promovendo cabelos mais fortes e unhas saudáveis.
4. Recuperação Muscular: Ideal para atletas, o MSM auxilia na recuperação muscular após exercícios intensos, reduzindo a dor e a rigidez.
5. Apoio ao Sistema Imunológico: O uso regular de MSM pode fortalecer o sistema imunológico, ajudando o corpo a combater infecções e doenças.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se misturar 1 colher de sopa (aproximadamente 15g) de Raw Power MSM Powder em 240ml de água ou suco, uma vez ao dia. Para maximizar a absorção, consuma o produto em jejum ou entre as refeições. É importante começar com uma dose menor e aumentar gradualmente, conforme a tolerância do organismo. Consulte um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação, especialmente se você estiver grávida, amamentando ou tomando medicamentos.
Fishermen “Frank” –
It is a great product that is made in the US. It has done wonders for me with my joint and tenon problems. I had total shoulder replacement and I do think it has helped with my very speedy recovery. I have more strength then I have had in years past. I am very happy. Everybody heals differently and has different reactions to different products. So you will just have to try it for yourself to see how it helps you or not..I think it will..I do know that as you age you need MSM more then ever,because you do not get enough from the food we eat anymore.
RelcAShopper –
I’ve tried so many. I am allergic to Mag Stearate and I react to their capsules. Label untrue so dont trust this brand.
* I really hate their shipping chrg and the shipping arrival is very slow. :~/
update – another brand helps gut and pain much more
Molly Malone –
I just finished testing this out and NO, I would NEVER recommend it! If I could have given a ZERO star review, I would have.
To those reviewers that do recommend it, I ask this: how did you test it? If all you do is use it then you have proved nothing except that you believe it works for you – and that may be totally due to the placebo effect for all anyone knows. Now, the placebo effect is valuable, but it proves neither purity of the product nor efficacy. Do not allow yourselves to be duped, your health is too important.
1 – It is absolutely NOT 100% pure as stated – that is not even chemically possible, the very best are 99.7-99.9% pure.
2 – It costs about 2-3 times as much as other brands like NOW and Swanson’s of similar but slightly better quality. Save your money.
It is wrong to make claims that are fraudulent, though companies do it all the time. I check things out for myself but most people do not even know how and they are being duped. This is unethical in the extreme!
Here’s how to test all MSM on the market, friends. Anyone can do it and you don’t need to be a chemist:
A – dissolve 1t of the stuff in a small amount of hot water – enough to make it all dissolve. Don’t swirl just stir gently if needed so the liquid doesn’t travel up the sides of the glass. Use a clear glass custard cup or similar so you can see it.
B – Set it on your kitchen counter or somewhere to let all the water evaporate, it takes a couple of days.
C – Results:
GOOD Quality: If this is good MSM it will form large needle-shaped crystals stretching across the entire bottom of the container. They will be mostly clear and will sparkle in the light because they are properly formed, with planes and angles. If you use distilled water, your crystals will be fabulous because the water is so pure.
I used well water, no fluoride, no chlorine. This did not form any sizeable crystals at all, the ones in the bottom were 1-2mm across and the rest were dendritic, traveling up the sides of the glass – that’s not pure sulfur! This was actually worse than the Swanson’s that I tested it against! [Read: Swanson’s is both better and cheaper!]
POOR quality: Lousy MSM will be either contaminated or improperly made, or likely both. What you will then see instead of well formed clear crystals are short, fat, cloudy crystals of irregular shape, or none at all. In each case of the poor MSM I have tested there was also some sort of powdery looking residue that grew up the sides of the container and over the rim and down the other side. It grew as long as there was still water to evaporate, then stopped when the water was all gone. Very creepy. Does anyone know what that is? It is not disclosed, the label on this Raw Power brand says 100% pure right on the container! It is not. Do you really want to be eating this unknown and undisclosed sludge? I don’t! This effect was so strong that in this particular case I got minute 1-2mm crystals, which was a first since I usually get a few 3-6mm chunky ones along with this effect. I also got one third of the glass container covered in dendritic crystals, like ice crystals growing on glass – very pretty, but that is not pure sulfur.
According to my simple crystal growing experiment – which is a correct method to use in determining the quality of MSM – this is the worst brand on the market!
Save your money, buy either NOW or Swansons which are both a little better – both had this creeping, powdery sludge effect but gave larger crystals as well, or better yet buy one of the higher end brands. Google The Sulfur Study or The Cellular Matrix Study or’s SuperSulfur, or 7 Lights brand, I’ve tested 7 Lights and it’s excellent.
Molly Malone, 6/3/13
Abijah –
I chose this product because, as the title says, the manufacturer states(claims) this product is made in the USA, and not imported(China), and distilled 4 times with
the facility being dedicated to the singular purpose of making MSM and nothing else.
A curious side note is that this facility is located in Vancouver, WA which is where the facility that makes OptiMSM is located, and their product is also distilled with a 4 stage process and their mfg. facility is singularly dedicated also.(I don’t know, just stating claims, not facts)
I didn’t buy it from them because they claimed it is made from a natural wood product, because from the limited amount of research I’ve conducted, plant or petrochemical doesn’t make much difference, if any at all as the purity is probably the overriding factor(btw, all is plant as petrochemical is Plant transformed by heat & pressure over time, I just don’t buy the millions of years stuff).
And I certainly did not buy it for their claim of 100% pure MSM, as I don’t think we can chemically produce anything into 100% pure(someone who knows, please correct me if I’m wrong, also amazon may be the responsible party for that number, as they’re constantly printing the incorrect weights & measurements & other details of listed items).
I did like the fact that the MSM came in a sealed silver mylar envelope that keeps everything inside, inside and everything outside, outside.
After 2 weeks of 1/4 tsp. am & pm, 2 weeks of 1/2 tsp. am & pm, I am now up to 1 measured teaspoon every am & pm. (Note; after 3 days, suspending pm intake because of too much oxygen/energy from the MSM, i.e, up all night).
I’m not sure right now of the amount of MSM I’ll be taking in the morning to make up for not taking any in the pm, but somewhere between 1 & 2 tsp. for 4 more weeks seems about right for me.
I will update this abbreviated review after another 4 weeks are up to report the effects, if any(besides the insomnia).
Update: 3/3/13 >
[I decided on 1 tsp. at 8:30 am & 1 tsp. at 12:30 pm]
Additionally, I have been paralyzed for the last 20 years, and take several medications for pain and muscle spasms.
For those in the medical field it is common knowledge that paralytics and certain meds result in a condition called constipation.
All 3 meds + the paralysis cause a quadruple effect on my constitution
I’ve never made this public before for what should be obvious reasons, but maybe this information may be helpful for others who cope with this chronic problem.
While I can’t say MSM has “cured” me, that would be a rather poor choice of words, but I can state that it has alleviated the situation rather dramatically, e.g., 1x 1-2 wks. vs. 1x <1 wk.
Will it help another person with chronic constipation, I certainly don’t know, but it is one of the stated benefits that MSM is known for.
And, as the saying goes, your mileage may vary.
I sincerely hope the information given of this not normally publicly discussed situation, will help others too.
c000n –
I can feel a difference in the texture of my hair when I take this, my hair quickly becomes softer, silkier and I feel sexier. Without it my hair feels “haggish” since after I went through “the change.” I love products that have a definite perceivable impact.
Michele Tusken –
Dissolves easily. and it’s a VERY fine powder so I can use a little less. I take 2 tbsps per day to keep arthritis pain at bay. I’ve also purchased the capsule version directly from the Rawpower website. They offer free shipping on orders over $49 dollars. Great, where ever you get it from and thankfully made in the US from natural sources, not China and not from petroleum products. Whew!!!! Thank You Rawpower & Thor (owner of Rawpower)!
Jimmy –
Thank you finally found real msm.
Shiloh –