Descrição do Produto: Moringa Powder – Superfood Blend com Matcha e Chá Verde
O Moringa Powder é uma mistura poderosa de superalimentos que combina o extraordinário pó de moringa com matcha e chá verde, oferecendo uma explosão de nutrientes essenciais para o seu bem-estar. A moringa, conhecida como “árvore da vida”, é rica em vitaminas, minerais e antioxidantes, promovendo uma saúde robusta e energia duradoura. O matcha, um chá verde em pó de alta qualidade, é famoso por seu potencial de aumentar a concentração e a clareza mental, enquanto o chá verde complementa a fórmula com suas propriedades antioxidantes e de aceleração do metabolismo. Juntos, esses ingredientes criam uma sinergia perfeita que não só nutre o corpo, mas também revitaliza a mente, tornando este produto ideal para quem busca um estilo de vida saudável e equilibrado.
1. Aumento de Energia Natural: A combinação de moringa, matcha e chá verde proporciona um impulso energético sem os picos e quedas associados a estimulantes artificiais.
2. Melhora da Concentração e Foco: O matcha é conhecido por suas propriedades que melhoram a função cognitiva, ajudando a manter a mente alerta e produtiva.
3. Apoio ao Metabolismo: O chá verde é um aliado no aumento do metabolismo, auxiliando na queima de gordura e no controle de peso.
4. Rico em Antioxidantes: A moringa e o chá verde são fontes ricas de antioxidantes, que combatem os radicais livres e ajudam a proteger as células do corpo.
5. Fortalecimento do Sistema Imunológico: Os nutrientes presentes na moringa ajudam a fortalecer o sistema imunológico, promovendo uma saúde geral melhor.
Para aproveitar ao máximo os benefícios do Moringa Powder, recomenda-se adicionar 1 a 2 colheres de sopa do pó em smoothies, sucos ou iogurtes. Também pode ser incorporado em receitas de bolos, panquecas ou sopas. Para uma bebida energizante, misture o pó com água quente ou leite vegetal e desfrute de uma deliciosa infusão. É importante começar com uma dose menor e aumentar gradualmente, conforme a tolerância do organismo. O uso diário pode potencializar os efeitos benéficos, promovendo uma rotina saudável e equilibrada.
R –
Catfit Moringa, Matcha, Green Tea, and Resveratrol powder comes with 2 tubs – 8 oz each. I love moringa been using for years and love the benefits. Therefore had to order for all ingredients I place seperately into my daily smoothie – nice to have all in one. Does not come with a scoop however easy to measure out 3 grams to put in drink or smoothie. Smells and tastes as moringa and matcha should slight bitterness but appreciate no added sweeteners for no need as it is delicious as it is or by preference can mix it up as you like. Long shelf life with clear printed date easy to find. Great value for 2 jars to total 16 oz. Will order again!
Matthew Tracy –
I love this was a set of 2. It will last me awhile which is nice.
I did open both as I was hoping one of them had a scooper. But that is ok. I have extras I can use.
I never tried Matcha until maybe 10 years ago. It is acquired taste but I love it.
I didn’t start buying for at home until about 4-5 years ago though. I love adding superfoods into my daily diet.
I like it is low in carbs, calories and is sugar free and no sweeteners added. like it helps with energy levels and boost metabolism. Has lots of vitamins to help support my immune system
I love the health benefits of Matcha.
The expiration date is 10/26 and is printed on the lid. Which gives me plenty of time to use both containers.
I have tried by adding into smoothie and protein shake in morning. It taste delicious.
fyyf –
I’ve been using the Moringa Powder Superfood Blend for a few weeks now, and I’m really happy with the results. The combination of pure ingredients like moringa, matcha, green tea, and resveratrol provides a great energy boost without the jitters. I appreciate that it’s vegan, gluten-free, and made with safe, natural ingredients. It mixes easily into water or smoothies and has a mild, earthy taste that’s not too strong. Overall, it’s an excellent supplement for supporting energy, immunity, and antioxidants in a safe and effective way.
K.J. –
These jars are big for matcha, and you get two here!
It does say to use more than my other (pure) matcha tins, maybe that’s to make up for being a blend. Others recommend 1-2 grams, this recommends 2-3 grams per serving.
I put in about 3 grams and mixed it well in hot water, and it tastes great, like other matchas. Maybe a LITTLE chalky? Might be because I put more of this in than I do others. It’s still good, it was just a little different than I was used to.
I let it cool down, and poured it into a glass of ice, and I think I like it iced even better. I’ll be drinking this a lot because it’s easy, good and (supposedly) has health benefits.
Breyen Dambach –
The taste is good and I’ve noticed changes energy wise. 10/10
Doc –
i am a matcha lover. always start my day with a small bowl of matcha. recently, i began adding moringa to my daily supplements and feel it is beneficial for me. that was why when i saw the Catfit Moringa Powder – Superfood Blend with Matcha, Green Tea & Resveratrol, i just had to order it.
i am very impressed by this product. as i am very familiar with good quality matcha, imported from japan, i was pleasantly surprised by this blend. it has a nice color (1 of the very important indicators of a good quality matcha), smooth taste. i drink matcha the traditional way, using a bamboo whisk and blending 2 scoops of matcha powder with hot (never boiled) water in an authentic japanese matcha bowl, also found on amazon. so, i prepared this blend of matcha, green tea and resveratrol, the same way i prepare pure matcha. the result was a nice, slightly sweet morning delight.
the powder came in a jar, with enough product for 75 servings. nicely presented and reasonably priced. recommended.
Doc –
First I thought I was purchasing an 8oz container of this. I received 2 of those. So the price for what you get is excellent.
I like to have a Matcha Latte in the afternoon but the fuss of making something from scratch at work is just too much. So I decided to give this a try. I personally don’t buy into the “organic” label. What appealed to me was that this is truly sugar free, and no other sweeteners added. I can decide if and what to use to sweeten my beverage. And no hidden sugars in the form of agave, honey, rice syrup, or sugar alcohols not all of which are diabetes friendly.
The expiration date goes out quite a way and is clearly printed on the lid.
On opening the container the tub is sealed with a foil to preserve freshness. Removing this revealed a fine green powder with a heavenly Matcha aroma. I tasted a bit from my finger and it was delicious. I have tried it with warmed Almond “milk” (unsweetened), and the powder dissolved readily with a bit of stirring, and it tasted wonderful. No bitterness. And if the Matcha-Moringa combo has antioxidant benefits so much the better.
This is going to be my new favorite for afternoon break time. I can highly recommend this.
Alex James –
This Moringa Powder blend is a fantastic addition to my daily routine. The combination of moringa, matcha, green tea, and resveratrol provides a noticeable energy boost that keeps me going throughout the day without the jitters I get from coffee. I’ve also noticed an improvement in focus and overall vitality since I started using it.
The powder mixes easily with water or smoothies, and the taste is surprisingly pleasant—much better than I expected for a supplement. It’s a great way to support energy, immunity, and antioxidants in one simple step. I also appreciate the clean, natural ingredients and the fact that it’s vegan and gluten-free. Definitely recommend this for anyone looking for a healthier pick-me-up!
(Disclaimer: This review is based on my personal experience and is not intended as medical advice. Please consult your doctor for health concerns.)