Descrição do Produto: Magnesium Orotate Powder
O pó de Magnésio Orotato da é uma escolha excepcional para quem busca otimizar sua saúde e bem-estar. Este suplemento, que oferece 1000mg de Magnésio Orotato por porção, é uma fonte rica e altamente absorvível de magnésio, essencial para diversas funções corporais. O magnésio é um mineral fundamental que desempenha papéis críticos, desde o suporte imunológico até a manutenção da saúde geral. Com a adição deste pó à sua rotina diária, você garante que seu corpo tenha os blocos de construção necessários para uma vitalidade duradoura.
A fórmula do nosso pó de Magnésio Orotato foi meticulosamente desenvolvida para elevar sua rotina de bem-estar. Não se trata apenas de um suplemento; é um investimento diário na sua saúde. Com 65mg de magnésio por porção, este produto é projetado para fornecer o equilíbrio perfeito de minerais essenciais, promovendo uma saúde ideal.
A conveniência do formato em pó permite uma integração fácil em qualquer estilo de vida. Diga adeus aos regimes complicados de pílulas! Basta adicionar o pó de Magnésio Orotato ao seu smoothie matinal, suco ou até mesmo água pura, e você elevará sua ingestão nutricional diária sem qualquer complicação.
Ao escolher nosso suplemento, você experimenta a confiança que vem de um produto que não apenas atende a rigorosos testes de terceiros, mas também mantém os princípios de clareza e integridade em sua formulação e produção. Produzido em uma instalação que cumpre os estritos padrões cGMP, nossos suplementos de Magnésio Orotato são um testemunho do nosso compromisso com a qualidade. Você pode confiar na consistência e excelência do nosso produto, lote após lote.
– Suporte ao Sistema Imunológico: O magnésio é essencial para a função imunológica adequada, ajudando a manter o corpo protegido contra doenças.
– Melhora da Saúde Muscular: Contribui para a função muscular saudável, reduzindo cãibras e promovendo a recuperação após exercícios.
– Apoio à Saúde Mental: O magnésio desempenha um papel importante na regulação do humor e pode ajudar a reduzir a ansiedade e o estresse.
– Aumento da Energia: Essencial para a produção de energia celular, o magnésio ajuda a combater a fadiga e a aumentar a vitalidade.
– Facilidade de Uso: O formato em pó permite uma fácil adição a bebidas, tornando a suplementação prática e acessível.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se misturar uma colher de chá (aproximadamente 5g) do pó de Magnésio Orotato em 240ml de água, suco ou smoothie. Consuma uma vez ao dia, preferencialmente pela manhã, para maximizar a absorção e os benefícios ao longo do dia. Armazene em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, para preservar a qualidade do produto.
Torus X –
I would like to thank Bulksupplements for the free sample of my choosing that they sent me. I like to cap some of my own supplements to save money and their prices seem reasonable. As to this Magnesium Orotate Powder, I was puzzled by another reviewer’s comment that the company told him it was a food grade mixture, and not fully reacted. I tracked down the contact phone number and spoke just now to a helpful and pleasant woman to ask her about this. She told me that the person who could answer a technical question like this is on vacation, but she would ask around to see what she could find out and get back to me if she found an answer. I’ll see what happens and do a follow up when I get an explanation. There might be nothing at all to this and their magn orotate might be the same as I would get from Advanced Research, for example, or there might be something to this that might apply to other products as well. I would like to know. On another note, I know that there is a huge problem these days with supplements coming from China that are polluted with heavy metals and other things. This even includes products that are classed as organic, like various roots, herbs, etc.. It turns out that for something to be called organic just refers to a method of growing, not necessarily anything about its purity. So, if, for example, if the water used to grow the item is polluted, which is often the case in China, you’re going the get a polluted product even though it’s certified “organic”. I asked the woman if they tested each batch they purchased of whatever and she said they do that and they test for heavy metals specifically and I would assume they probably also test for other common pollutants. So that’s a real plus for them.. When I ever find the answer to my first question I’ll do another review.
T Hensley –
Bougt this to help with staying asleep at night. It really works! Even If I don’t get 8 hours of sleep, I feel like the sleep I do get is good sleep.
Jim B –
It was brought to my attention that I was a candidate to be magnesium deficient based on several lifestyle choices. I have been supplementing with capsules for over a year, taking six 100 mg capsules per day. Recently I found this magnesium Orotate available in powder form with a much higher potency level that can be dissolved in water. I placed the order and within the promised amount of time I received my product in perfect condition. I have been very pleased with my purchase and know that it works as advertised due to the symptoms related with taking higher doses. After realizing my ceiling level, I backed off the dosage slightly and take that amount twice daily. I enjoy the supplements that can be dissolved in water, I feel that they are more readily available. I plan to purchase additional supplements in this form in the future.
Patrick S. –
Mixes really well and absorbs quickly. One of my favorite forms of magnesium and go to.
ChristinaTinaBoBinaBananaFanaFoFina –
After discovering that I had high blood pressure and being told by my GP that he wanted to prescribe medication to manage it, I began researching natural means of reducing my blood pressure, as I had no intention of taking a pill to reduce something that I felt I could manage with diet and lifestyle. I found Bulksupplements on Amazon and ordered the Magnesium Citrate, took it regularly for a month and a half and then went in for another evaluation. My GP was astonished with my results and could not believe that I had only added magnesium to my diet via smoothies, coffee, or water. I recently purchased Magnesium Orotate and have received the same great results. Thanks Bulksupplements for offering a quality product at a great price.
A. Hammick –
For my blood pressure, I tried magnesium citrate to no effect. Even magnesium threonate, which two doctors recommended to me, did nothing except act as a laxative.
At first I thought the low price and bulk packaging were suspect, but it’s just a good product with no frills. This is the only company I found that makes orotate, so it’s even more special.
I can honestly say that this ororate is the most effective and best buy. In terms of improving sleep, it took only a few days. I haven’t slept this deeply in years. I actually wake feeling rested instead of grouchy. As for blood pressure, the effect is not as dramatic as I hoped, but it’s measurable, so I’ll keep using it.
Barbara –
I did a lot of research on the most easily absorbed form of magnesium (and calcium). A few of the things I learned are that you need magnesium for a lot of things, not just bone and joint health. Binding Magnesium to orotates creates a readily absorbable form of magnesium that can penetrate cell membranes, enabling the effective delivery of the magnesium ion to the innermost layers of the cellular mitochondria and nucleus.
You should also avoid taking magnesium and calcium together. I like Bulksupplements Pure Magnesium Orotate (and Calcium Orotate) because I can just mix it with food or liquid and I don’t have to swallow giant pills. Normally these mineral supplements are crazy expensive and this is the best way to get the quality without paying a fortune.
VitaT –
Seems to help with inter-cellular transport of Magnesium in the heart. While I did not feel an increase in energy, my weight was down slightly the day after taking it. This could be a result of other protocols. I usually take Magnesium Citrate from Bulk Supplements but wanted to try this to see if it was any better. I tried one CC with calcium orotate. The product mixes well as does Magnesium Citrate. They both float to the bottom..