Descrição do Produto: Magnesium Powder – Mistura de Bebida Anti-Stress para Calma
Descubra o poder do Magnesium Powder, uma mistura inovadora que transforma sua rotina diária em um momento de tranquilidade e bem-estar. Este produto não é apenas um suplemento; é uma experiência sensorial que combina ciência e sabor. Ao misturar ácido cítrico e carbonato de magnésio com água, você cria uma bebida efervescente que resulta em citrato de magnésio, um composto conhecido por suas propriedades relaxantes. Ao adicionar água morna, você testemunha a mágica do “Magic Fizz Drink”, onde o carbonato de magnésio se transforma em citrato de magnésio, proporcionando uma explosão de bolhas que torna o consumo ainda mais prazeroso.
O Magnesium Powder é formulado para apoiar a calma e o relaxamento, ajudando a aliviar o estresse e promovendo um estado de espírito sereno. Com a potência do citrato de magnésio, este produto não só contribui para a regularidade intestinal, mas também para o bem-estar geral, tornando-se um aliado essencial na sua rotina de saúde. O sabor refrescante de limonada de cranberry transforma a ingestão diária de magnésio em um momento de prazer, fazendo com que você aguarde ansiosamente por essa pausa revigorante.
Além disso, a forma de citrato de magnésio garante uma absorção fácil e eficaz, permitindo que seu corpo aproveite ao máximo os benefícios deste mineral vital. Com o Magnesium Powder, você não apenas cuida da sua saúde, mas também transforma um simples copo d’água em um ritual de autocuidado.
– Suporte ao Relaxamento: Ajuda a aliviar o estresse e promove um estado de calma.
– Regularidade Intestinal: Contribui para a saúde digestiva e bem-estar geral.
– Sabor Agradável: O sabor de limonada de cranberry torna a ingestão de magnésio uma experiência prazerosa.
– Fácil Absorção: A forma de citrato de magnésio garante que seu corpo absorva rapidamente os nutrientes.
– Praticidade: Ideal para quem busca uma solução rápida e eficaz para o estresse diário.
Para preparar sua bebida anti-estresse, adicione uma colher de sopa (aproximadamente 10g) de Magnesium Powder em um copo de água morna. Misture bem até que o pó esteja completamente dissolvido e aproveite a efervescência mágica que se forma. Recomenda-se consumir uma vez ao dia, preferencialmente à noite, para maximizar os efeitos relaxantes e promover um sono reparador. Mantenha o produto em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, para preservar sua eficácia.
Tri-ing in the Sip RN –
This tastes really good and seems to work well at helping me to relax before bed. Everything I make is made with room temperature water from a countertop water filter, not cold water, so I didn’t bother trying to warm it up any more than it already was. It mixes up and dissolves well and the taste for a full glass made with one scoop is great. I’d go so far as to call it perfect. I love the taste of this stuff, so more than just relaxing me enough to help me actually fall asleep it’s also like a little nightly treat that I really enjoy. The price is actually reasonable too. I’d get this again.
Jennifer –
I’ve been taking Natural Calm for years, but saw this and thought I’d give it a try. This is slightly more mg than the Natural Calm per serving and I noticed it in my bowels, sorry tmi. But it let me know that it is real as you never do know with supplements! The taste is great, I really like it. The only downside is the powder “fumes” always get into my nose and make me sneeze. I don’t even see it but it happens every.single.time. I’m not shaking it or holding it up close to my face when opening, so I don’t know why it happens. Otherwise, it’s a great product and I’d recommend it.
Teresa A. –
Good price on sale. Flavor is very good. Very carbonated tasting. One scoop didn’t mix completely in about 10 oz of water. But a little swirl helps it go down.
L.E. –
I recently quit drinking, and I also take a magnesium supplement. I was looking for different beverages that I can drink, at night, in my wine glass. So usually I drink seltzer water and I add drops of magnesium plus some other calming drops. It is my own mocktail, and I feel like I have an eventual ritual that still tastes good and is good for me.
I found this on Amazon, and was interested in trying it. One reviewer mentioned that the instructions say to add 2 ounces of water to one scoop of powder and they felt that those instructions were wrong. It is correct because you are supposed to add one scoop of powder to 2 ounces of WARM water, let your drink fizz, then add more warm or cold water to desired amount.
I didn’t follow the instructions either and just went ahead and added one scoop of powder to a glass of cold water. It worked out fine, but using warm water will help things dissolve even better. So I do recommend using the warm water first.
The flavor was nice. It tastes like lemonade. I enjoy taking my magnesium like this, and this will become a regular part of my evening ritual. One scoop is 350mg which it supposed to be 83% of your Daily Value. The dosage seems believable.
The company website is listed on the bottle along with their address which is in Utah. It also says made in China, so at least they are honest. It’s just magnesium so I don’t really doubt what I am getting here.
My only real complaint, and I am not marking it down for this because I knew about it beforehand is the fact that they use sucralose as a sweetener. Meh. Not my favorite, but I am only drinking a glass a day, so I am not going to worry too much.
NOTE – You may have seen the line above my review that says, ”Amazon Vine Customer Review of Free Product.” So you may be thinking, ”Who cares what this person says because of course they will say nice things because they got something for free?!?” I know because I used to feel the same way when I read reviews!
Well, you may not have realized this, but vine reviewers are subject to having to pay taxes on these items. So, in a way, it’s not really ”free.” Also, we have no reason not to give full honest opinions. We don’t get dropped out of the program for rating things too high or too low. Therefore, my goal is to review the products honestly and thoroughly. I hope that I did that for you today.
Tri-ing in the Sip RN –
This has a flavor that mixes nicely with my evening tea. I use it as part of my sleep hygiene routine. The bottle states it is a 30 day supply.
I have been using this for about a week. It is hard to know if it has made a difference. I take a number of supplements and it is always hard to tell if any single one of them is making a huge difference. I can say that I have not had any negative side effects from using this.
The container had a seal over the opening once the cap was removed.
There is an expiration date on the bottom of the container. I will easily be able to use the product before the expiration date as it is good for 1y9m.
The address on the bottle brings you to a large building where it looks like there are a number of nutraceutical companies housed in Utah (based on Google maps). I was not able to see the name of the company on the building Google street view was limited to one side of the building.
Their website is excellent and features this product. I give two thumbs up to this company. Bravo Built by Nature company.
🌿 𝔽𝕖𝕣𝕟 🌿 –
I ordered the Magnesium Powder – Anti-Stress Drink Mix for Calm & Regularity – Magnesium Citrate Supplement cranberry flavored, and I’m happy with it. I have been taking powdered drinks like this off and on for a couple of years, so I always love trying new ones. I prefer the ones that have both magnesium and calcium in them, however, if it doesn’t have calcium I will just supplement on my own like this one. This is a smaller sized jug compared to the really big ones I get, but it’s filled pretty full. It comes with a scoop which is hard to get in but once I remove the moisture packet and push it down well, it is fine when I put the cover on. It mixes up and dissolves easily and fizzes a little. It’s a nice flavor and very subtle without being too sweet which I like. It helps me start to fall asleep within 20 minutes, so I have to make sure everything is done for the rest of the night before I take this and then I get right into bed so I don’t get a second wind. I can’t take things like this during the day since they make me tired. I also stopped my several decade nail biting habit when I started taking magnesium like this consistently at night and I didn’t even try it. I just was trying to figure out what made me stop biting them and I realized it was because I was taking magnesium and apparently it calmed my body enough in general to no longer feel I needed to bite. Overall, I don’t have any complaints as it’s doing exactly what it is supposed to which not all blends work for me and this does, thank you.