Descrição do Produto:
O Natural Factors Stress-Relax Nighttime Magnesium Bisglycinate Powder é uma fórmula avançada projetada para promover um sono reparador e relaxamento profundo. Com uma combinação sinérgica de magnésio bisglicinato, melatonina, L-teanina e Pharma GABA, este pó é ideal para aqueles que enfrentam dificuldades para dormir ou que desejam melhorar a qualidade do seu descanso noturno. O magnésio bisglicinato é conhecido por sua alta absorção e eficácia na redução da tensão muscular e do estresse, enquanto a melatonina ajuda a regular o ciclo do sono, facilitando a transição para um estado de relaxamento. A L-teanina, um aminoácido encontrado no chá verde, contribui para a redução da ansiedade e melhora a clareza mental, enquanto o Pharma GABA oferece um efeito calmante, promovendo um estado de tranquilidade. Este produto é livre de glúten, lactose e aditivos artificiais, tornando-se uma escolha saudável e segura para quem busca um suporte natural para o sono.
1. Melhora da Qualidade do Sono: Promove um sono mais profundo e reparador, ajudando a acordar revigorado.
2. Redução do Estresse e Ansiedade: A combinação de ingredientes atua para acalmar a mente e o corpo, reduzindo a tensão acumulada.
3. Fácil Absorção: O magnésio bisglicinato é altamente biodisponível, garantindo que o corpo absorva eficientemente os nutrientes.
4. Regulação do Ciclo Circadiano: A melatonina ajuda a regular o relógio biológico, facilitando a adaptação a novos horários de sono.
5. Sem Aditivos Nocivos: Produto livre de glúten e lactose, ideal para pessoas com restrições alimentares.
Misture uma colher medida (aproximadamente 5g) do pó em um copo de água ou outra bebida de sua preferência, cerca de 30 minutos antes de dormir. Para melhores resultados, utilize diariamente e ajuste a dosagem conforme necessário, sempre respeitando as orientações de um profissional de saúde. É recomendado iniciar com uma dose menor para avaliar a tolerância individual. Mantenha o produto em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta.
sc –
I’ve taken Natural Factors’ products before so I had high expectations. I can’t say that it met them or exceeded them. The taste has an undercurrent of bitterness to it, although it does have an overall sweet taste. I liked that I could just mix it with water. Did I notice I slept better? Not really. It has several ingredients that theoretically should help. Unfortunately, for me, they just didn’t.
I think I’ll just stick to a high dose magnesium supplement. That seems to be the only thing that works for me (besides a white noise machine).
For the price, I guess it’s worth a try to see if you’re one of those people who responds to it.
Ripptide808 –
This magnesium powder easily mixes in with any liquid, like water or tea. I like to add it to my tea. It is on the sweeter side, so, depending on the size of my drink, I might not do a full scoop. It helps me unwind at the end of the day, and get a good nights sleep. It is also great for regulating my digestion.
Customer Review –
This is a review for “Natural Factors, Stress-Relax Nighttime Magnesium Bisglycinate Powder with Melatonin, L-Theanine and Pharma GABA, Supports Sleep & Relaxation, 4.23 oz Powder, Tropical”
Taste: not fantastic; it isn’t overly strong, so that is a plus. You can use some other water flavoring to mask or enhance the taste, so that’s good.
Relaxing properties: I’ve used it several times on nights where I have had a frustrating or overly busy/crazy day at work and have not been able to shake the day off by bedtime. I can see a mild benefit from taking this powder.
I will finish the container, but I’m pretty sure I would not repurchase it for the flavor alone. But like I said, you can mix it with other things that taste better. So if the price is right, give it a try. It did promote a mild relaxing feeling for me.
K :) –
I’ve used melatonin gummies before and those usually helped me get to sleep when I had trouble before, but I was a little skeptical in using a liquid-based solution for it. After a few nights of using it, I woke up having to use the restroom. I typically avoid drinking liquids right before I go to sleep because of this, and having this type of situation realized that this wouldn’t work for me personally. While it does work in helping me get to sleep, the downside of potentially disrupting that sleep so that I would have to use the restroom is a downside that you have to consider when using this.
Connie D. Stevens –
This is a healthy sleep aid that actually works. And now it is unavailable.
Stacy Talbot –
Honestly, the price vs the amount given is a little steep for me. The melatonin is a very low dose, so depending on how sensitive you are too it will impact if it helps. The flavor, eh not the best. It’s also not the worst, it is tolerable and has a slight after taste. My main goal is the magnesium. I have gotten magnesium gummies with less of a hit to the bank and same benefits, so really on the fence because the product is decent.
MamaToTwo –
My teenager and I both have a hard time getting to and staying asleep. We both started this product together and have had a somewhat similar experience with it. You mix one to two scoops in water or other liquid of your choice (we chose water) and we mixed the powder with a motorized whisk and then add a bit more liquid to drink before bed. Unfortunately neither of us were able to fully mix our powder into the water and we agreed that the taste was not great – too vitamin-y and I really dislike stevia so it was a double no on the taste for me. We also really disliked the slimy powder that was at the bottom of the cup- I was able to choke mine down but my daughter who has a lot of texture issues had to pass on finishing the powder.
As for how it worked: my daughter said that she took it 15 minutes before bed and although she usually lays awake in bed for at least 20 minutes she didn’t stay awake for even 5 minutes once she laid down. She said it really reduced her wake ups during the night and she awoke feeling well rested and refreshed.
I found that it helped me get right to sleep as well although it didn’t reduce my nighttime waking.
I suggest using very hot water and an electric hand whisk to try and dissolve the product and I also suggest using juice rather than water for the main liquid you put the powder in.
Ripptide808 –
I like taking magnesium before bed. I have been doing it for a little while now and I feel like it helps me fall asleep faster. I’m not scrolling on my phone forever before falling asleep anymore. I have used magnesium lotions, taken magnesium pills, but this is my first time trying a flavored powder. It tastes ok – tropical punch is not my favorite flavor because it is so sweet, but I like to mix it with a sparkling water. I can drink it just regular with water too, but the sparkling water adds some tang and is more fun.
I will keep using magnesium to help me relax and fall asleep for sure. It’s a safer option than taking melatonin which can make it hard for you to produce your own melatonin in the future.