Descrição do Produto: Terrasoul Superfoods Organic Gelatinized Maca Powder, 16 Oz
O pó de maca gelatinizada da Terrasoul Superfoods é um superalimento excepcional, proveniente da raiz de maca peruana, conhecido por suas propriedades energizantes e equilibradoras de hormônios. Com 16 onças de pura potência nutricional, este produto é 100% orgânico, verificado como não transgênico, livre de glúten e vegano, garantindo que você esteja consumindo apenas o melhor para o seu corpo. A maca é um adaptógeno natural, que ajuda a aumentar a resistência física e mental, promovendo uma sensação de bem-estar e vitalidade.
A Terrasoul Superfoods é uma empresa familiar que se dedica a buscar os superalimentos mais frescos e de alta qualidade de todas as partes do mundo. A missão da empresa é tornar esses alimentos incríveis acessíveis a todos, mantendo preços justos e garantindo que os agricultores e funcionários recebam salários dignos. Com um compromisso inabalável com a qualidade, cada pacote de pó de maca gelatinizada é cuidadosamente processado para facilitar a digestão, permitindo que você aproveite todos os benefícios dessa raiz poderosa sem desconfortos.
Além disso, a Terrasoul oferece uma garantia de satisfação de 100% com reembolso, respaldada por uma equipe de atendimento ao cliente excepcional, assegurando que você tenha uma experiência de compra tranquila e satisfatória.
– Equilíbrio Hormonal: A maca é conhecida por ajudar a regular os hormônios, sendo especialmente benéfica para mulheres durante a menopausa.
– Aumento de Energia: Ideal para quem busca um impulso energético natural, sem os picos de açúcar que outros suplementos podem causar.
– Facilidade de Digestão: A forma gelatinizada do pó de maca torna a absorção de nutrientes mais eficiente, minimizando desconfortos digestivos.
– Versatilidade na Cozinha: Pode ser facilmente incorporada em smoothies, vitaminas, bolos e outras receitas, enriquecendo sua dieta com nutrientes essenciais.
– Apoio ao Bem-Estar Mental: A maca é um adaptógeno que pode ajudar a reduzir o estresse e a ansiedade, promovendo uma melhor saúde mental.
Para aproveitar ao máximo os benefícios do pó de maca gelatinizada da Terrasoul, recomenda-se adicionar 1 a 2 colheres de sopa do produto em smoothies, shakes ou iogurtes. Também pode ser misturado em receitas de panificação ou em bebidas quentes, como café ou chá. Para uma absorção ideal, combine com ingredientes ricos em gorduras saudáveis, como abacate ou manteiga de amêndoa. É importante começar com uma dose menor e aumentar gradualmente, conforme a tolerância do seu corpo.
I’ve been using Maca on and off for over five years now and have tried a few brands. With prices seeming to have risen since the last time I bought a batch, which was usually by the kilogram (2.2lbs) from my usual online supplier, I turned to Amazon to see if I could get a better deal. Terrasoul had a great price per pound, and good reviews. Granted, I’ve only tried a few brands previously, but when learning about Maca, I researched it a lot, and learned about its “constituent profile”, its tonic/adaptogen-like effects, etc. And within 3-5 days of taking a heaping tsp/day I can tell whether the quality is good enough to affect my endocrine system enough to notice. Well, Terrasoul’s got the goods. More energy, without feeling jittery, more endurance for my runs (I’m a long distance runner), and noticeable elevation of libido.
For those who are familiar with Chinese Tonic Herbal Medicine, I would classify Maca as similar in effects to American Ginseng, as it boosts foundational “chi”, but seems to have a Yin nature to it. There are primarily three sub varieties of Maca, black, red, and tan/cream colored. Each with somewhat slightly differing advantages to its benefits. I’ve read in the question and answer section for this product, that they use a blend of all three, so I’d consider it wide spectrum, as all three are combined into one product. I like that.
I find it funny some people complaining about the taste. I guess whether something tastes good or not is pretty subjective, but I will say that Terrasoul’s product smells and tastes like Maca should; butterscotch-ish, maybe bit of cocoa, and as one of my best friends described the smell upon his first time ever encountering maca, “Like whatever makes graham crackers smell and taste like graham crackers.” It mixes well w/many things, chocolate, vanilla, cinnamon, coffee, almond milk,etc, etc. There are plenty of great recipes online.
Lastly, no matter what brand you choose, make sure the Maca is gelatinized, as its a cruciferious vegetable, and when taken in purely raw form can cause intestinal distress as well as problems with, hormone, and thyroid function (especially in females), as opposed to the gelatinized, which helps regulate/optimize the endocrine system, thyroid function, and makes it easier for the body to absorb and utilize correctly. It’s actually more potent in this form as well, so you get more for your money.
Idle Wild –
I LOVE this maca powder. It is very finely ground and dissolves fairly easily with no clumping (of course no maca dissolves completely). I can stir it in with a spoon. It also tastes delicious, kind of malty and butterscotchy, and not bitter at all like some maca I have tried. I think this is the best maca I have tried, and while I am not a maca connosiuer, I have tried at least a half a dozen brands, including a couple with proprietary blends.
It gives me energy and I can tell it improves my mood (subtly) and has a positive impact on my hormones by enhancing libido, easing PMS, etc. I am in my early 30’s with 3 little kids, so I can use extra energy and a little more mojo sometimes! However, some people I know say that the libido effect is so pronounced that they don’t like to give it to their husbands- lol 🙂
This is also a really good deal for gelatinized maca. That is the only kind I buy. Not only is it several times more potent, it is easy to digest. I do eat a paleo/primal diet pretty strictly, and I noticed when I bought a packet of raw maca (unwittingly) that I had terrible stomach cramps afterwards. Never with this.
I put this in my version of bulletproof coffee:
4 oz coffee, 2 Tbsp good butter, 2 Tbsp MCT (XCT) oil, 1 scoop Collagen peptides, 1 scoop Goat whey, 1 teaspoon Maca, 1 teaspoon raw cacao, 1 teaspoon reishi powder. I whiz it in my breville frother but you can put it in a blender too. It comes out super frothy and very delicious! This is my breakfast and it powers me through the morning. Sometimes I do pu-erh tea instead of coffee.
Maca is also very delicious in smoothies and homemade lara bars.
JSmith –
I used maca in the past but then gave it up even though I thought it was a tasty addition to my morning smoothie. Then I had thyroid surgery & things were ok until 18 months after the surgery when I started a new relationship & lost my job. My stress response sucked but I didn’t want to go on a synthroid because I still have half a thyroid & it still functions (in the way a 7th grader deals with a crush). I immediately gained 8 pounds & could feel my thyroid killing me, so I did a ton of research & took matters into my own hands. I ordered an herbal thyroid support, Sam-e, DHEA, 5-HTP, maca & matcha to replace my morning coffee. I also upped my calcium intake. It’s the combination of these that is giving me my energy back. This maca is not gritty & tastes great. I stir it into yogurt. I also increased my workouts & started daily brain exercises. I’ve consistently done yoga & meditation too. After my first day trying the maca, I slept for a few hours & woke up refreshed. Usually after you sleep with a dysfunctional thyroid you wake up tired. I really think maca helps. It’s hard to isolate any one thing but I think it provides a clean energy support. I feel especially calm after taking it, a relaxed outlook. If you’re having serious thyroid issues & trying to avoid a synthroid, you’re probably going to need several supplements, and they’ll probably work but you need to trial & error the perfect combination. Or you could just cut to the chase & get on a synthroid. I’ve almost gotten there. But I’ll tell you, it’s an amazing feeling when your doctor confirms that your lifestyle choices are healing your body from the inside. I don’t have to go back to my endocrinologist for 5 years.