Descrição do Produto: Anthony’s Organic Inulin Powder (1 Pound)
Anthony’s Organic Inulin Powder é um suplemento alimentar de alta qualidade, extraído da raiz de chicória, que se destaca por suas propriedades prebióticas. Com um peso líquido de 1 libra, este pó é 100% orgânico, sem aditivos ou conservantes, garantindo um produto puro e natural. O inulina é uma fibra solúvel que desempenha um papel crucial na saúde digestiva, promovendo o crescimento de bactérias benéficas no intestino. Além disso, é uma excelente alternativa ao açúcar, pois possui um sabor levemente adocicado e pode ser utilizado em diversas receitas, desde smoothies até produtos de panificação.
Este pó é facilmente solúvel em líquidos, tornando-se uma adição prática a shakes, iogurtes e até mesmo em receitas de sobremesas. A versatilidade do Anthony’s Organic Inulin Powder permite que os consumidores o integrem facilmente em sua dieta diária, contribuindo para uma alimentação equilibrada e saudável. Com um perfil nutricional rico em fibras, este produto não apenas ajuda na regulação do trânsito intestinal, mas também pode auxiliar na sensação de saciedade, sendo uma opção ideal para quem busca controlar o peso.
– Saúde Digestiva: Promove o crescimento de bactérias benéficas, melhorando a flora intestinal.
– Controle de Peso: Aumenta a sensação de saciedade, ajudando no controle do apetite.
– Alternativa ao Açúcar: Pode ser utilizado como um adoçante natural em diversas receitas.
– Fácil de Usar: Solúvel em líquidos, ideal para shakes, smoothies e receitas.
– Produto Orgânico: Livre de aditivos e conservantes, garantindo pureza e qualidade.
Para aproveitar ao máximo os benefícios do Anthony’s Organic Inulin Powder, recomenda-se adicionar 1 a 2 colheres de sopa (aproximadamente 10 a 20 gramas) do pó em sua bebida favorita, como água, sucos ou smoothies. Também pode ser incorporado em receitas de panificação, como pães e bolos, substituindo parte da farinha. É importante começar com pequenas quantidades e aumentar gradualmente, permitindo que o corpo se adapte à ingestão de fibras. Mantenha o produto em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, para preservar suas propriedades nutricionais.
Richard –
If you are looking to boost your Viili, Fil Mjolk, or other yogurts – this is a great addition! A half teaspoon per quart of milk is plenty to help feed your pro-biotics 🙂
Michigander –
I’m just completing my third batch of Lactobacillus Reuteri “yogurt” using this organic inulin with either reuteri capsules or a culture from the previous batch. Very successful so far – the yogurt is spectacular and so delicious! We’re grateful to have found this organic ingredient!
Wholesome Living –
I easily dissolve a spoonful into every cup of coffee I drink and the fiber keeps my guts in fine shape! Well priced and free prompt prime shipping
C. Gannage –
I use this product to make sibo healing dairy cultures like l.reuteri and l. gasseri. The inulin tasted fresh and did it’s job well. It does not alter the taste of the yogurts. It arrived in a timely manner with the packaging intact.
Banned on Discord –
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the only negative thing I’d have to say is that there isn’t a moisture absorber included. i got 1/3 of the way into the bag before it turned into a huge brick i have to shave inulin off of with a cheese grater, which isn’t ideal considering i need to keep the inulin from getting contamination as it is being used to fuel high bacterial CFUs yogurts that i am making. i wish they had 3 or 4 individually wrapped bags inside this big one and then I’d be 5 stars all the way. i decided when i open my next bag i am going to just fill some extra jars i have with inulin just so i am not opening and closing the bag weekly for a new batch to be made, resulting in a giant brick.
my recipe for yogurt varies slightly depending on the bacteria but the basic one i use is
half and half (normal milk can be used but yogurt will be thin, the more fat the thicker)
2 tbs inulin per liter/quart of half and half (or milk)
2 tbs back slop from previous batch/frozen yogurt ice cubes, or 2 billion CFU minimum of bacteria pills/tablets/drops per 1 liter/quart of half and half.
i put my mix into tightly lidded mason jars
i stack them under water in a bucket, my sous vide stick is keeping, usually at 106f
i ferment for 36 hours for 90% of my cultures
i do my biogaia reuteri strains at 100f for 36 hours
first batches usually comes out less then perfect because fillers in pills/tablets can cause separation or even curds & whey if anything astringent is in the supplement. future batches from that batch usually come out nicer/smoother.
i never ferment at 110f or higher like most yogurt makers ferment at because reuteri dies at 109f. which is why i like my sous vide. even the bacteria that like higher temps then 109f like gasseri and coagulans, if they are in a yogurt with a bunch of bacteria that like 106f then nothing goes wrong with the batch. but, if you are making any gasseri containing yogurts just limit yourself to max 4oz daily of that yogurt as it will loosen people up if you know what i mean.
I was young an stupid once and did a plant based diet that left me with over a decade of the runs…. never solid… it wasn’t until i started making sibo yogurt and other keystone strains of bacteria that ended my bathroom torment. I’m full on solid now and regaining the bacteria strains i lost being stupid. anyways, good luck people! and sanitize everything the milk touches!
Dissolves easily
McFlip –
This fiber is very effective and has little taste so it doesn’t change the taste of whatever you mix it into. I put it into coffee and almond milk. It mixes well and quickly in both. I’m using it to replace an equal serving of inulin fiber (from chicory) from fiber gummies, so I haven’t experienced any gas, bloating, etc. But…as others have noted, it’s virtually impossible to get the bag to reseal once you open it. I put the whole manufacturer’s bag into a name-brand ziploc bag and after a week or so that bag wouldn’t seal properly, either, due to all the powder. Just opening the original bag causes powder to come up and out of it; I’ve been very careful not to spill any. I’m keeping it in a cool, dry place, so thus far it hasn’t clumped up, as has happened to some other commenters.
Banned on Discord –
This was a very good thickener for making yogurt. I was quite impressed.