Descrição do Produto: Banyan Botanicals Haritaki Powder – 1 Pound
O pó de Haritaki da Banyan Botanicals é um tesouro da medicina ayurvédica, reconhecido por suas propriedades excepcionais de desintoxicação e rejuvenescimento. Derivado da fruta Terminalia chebula, este pó orgânico é um dos três superfrutos que compõem a famosa fórmula triphala, amplamente utilizada para promover a saúde integral do corpo. O Haritaki é conhecido por sua capacidade de apoiar um suprimento saudável de oxigênio no sangue, nutrindo e revitalizando cada célula do organismo.
Com uma ação profundamente purificadora, o Haritaki é especialmente eficaz para o cólon, promovendo a absorção e assimilação completas de nutrientes, vitaminas e minerais. Os usuários frequentemente relatam melhorias na saúde da pele e dos cabelos, além de um aumento significativo na energia e na resistência física. Este pó, também conhecido como inknut, kadukkai e karakkaya, tem sido utilizado por milênios para favorecer a digestão saudável e a eliminação regular, proporcionando um efeito de limpeza suave no trato digestivo.
A Banyan Botanicals se compromete a oferecer produtos de alta qualidade, utilizando ervas orgânicas certificadas pelo USDA, que são obtidas de forma sustentável e comercializadas de maneira justa. Todos os produtos passam por testes de terceiros para garantir a qualidade e a segurança, assegurando que você receba apenas o melhor da natureza.
– Desintoxicação Eficaz: O Haritaki promove a limpeza do cólon, ajudando a eliminar toxinas acumuladas no organismo.
– Melhora na Digestão: Facilita a digestão e a absorção de nutrientes, contribuindo para uma saúde digestiva ideal.
– Aumento de Energia: Usuários relatam um aumento na energia e na resistência, tornando-o ideal para quem busca um impulso natural.
– Saúde da Pele e Cabelos: A desintoxicação e a nutrição proporcionadas pelo Haritaki podem resultar em uma pele mais saudável e cabelos mais brilhantes.
– Sustentabilidade e Comércio Justo: Produto certificado Fair for Life, garantindo que sua compra apoie práticas comerciais éticas e sustentáveis.
Para aproveitar ao máximo os benefícios do pó de Haritaki, recomenda-se misturar uma colher de chá do produto em um copo de água morna ou suco, uma vez ao dia. Para melhores resultados, consuma em jejum pela manhã. É importante começar com uma dose menor e aumentar gradualmente, conforme a tolerância do seu corpo. O uso regular pode ajudar a manter a saúde digestiva e promover uma desintoxicação eficaz. Consulte um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer novo suplemento, especialmente se você tiver condições de saúde preexistentes ou estiver grávida.
I have tried other brands this one is the best. It has a really strong taste but it does the job. I find its best taken at night before going to sleep.
Ana –
Oh! My! God! And I’m not saying that in vain, this herb is truly a Godsend! In your palm, mix half a teaspoon of this with equal parts ghee (Banyan Botanicals also sells that, or the Purity Farms brand is pretty accessible too), and raw local honey or manuka honey.
Actually, you may even need to start with just 1/8th teaspoon of haritaki powder and work your way up. Why? I have to tell you, this might make you vomit the first or second time you take it, especially if you do it without the ghee and honey. It’s worth it though, seriously. The continued short and long term benefits far outweigh a time or two of brief discomfort you might feel the first couple days of taking it. Take it at night, just before bed. You won’t be sick in the morning, if you’ll get nauseous, it’ll happen right after, so try to just take it and go straight to bed.
Mix the ingredients in your palm. It mixes most easily when you put the ghee on first, then the haritaki powder, then the honey on top. Stir with your finger until the powder is blended in with the other stuff. It will all come together as a golden paste/cream. Then just lick it up and follow with a full cup of warm or room temperature water. Do this every night and watch the amazing changes in your health unfold… …regulates bowl movement and ends constipation, gives you more energy, helps resolve anemic and blood issues, significantly less painful menstrual cycles, clearer thinking, etc… I speak from experience on all of this! Once you get used the the taste, leave it in your mouth for a few seconds after you lick it up. As it mixes with your saliva it adds healing to your teeth and gums. Mine used to be dark, but after doing this a few months my gums are bright pink again!
This stuff is an ancient vedic herb, known for thousands of years to heal mind and body. I took the time to leave this review because it works wonderfully for me. Credit: I first heard of it (and how to take it) from Nithyananda’s teachings on youtube.
Rashad Evans –
Haritaki is truly incredible! While many people first notice its benefits for digestive health, the real magic happens with consistent use. Over time, it enhances mental clarity to the point of feeling almost supernatural. Breathing becomes noticeably easier, and your body starts to feel more in sync. Inflammation decreases, and the connection between the gut and brain seems stronger than ever. It’s a remarkable experience—I honestly didn’t know it was possible to feel this good.
The taste isn’t the most pleasant at first, but after using it consistently, it becomes more tolerable. Eventually, you may even start to enjoy it, knowing the incredible benefits it brings. The key is consistency—take it slow, and don’t overdo the dosage. Slow and steady truly wins the race.
Ana A –
This is a very powerful and highly quality herb. It should be respected.
I write this not to cause fear but only to bring awareness and share my experience.
I made a tea with 1/4 tsp in 12oz of water for a month and then increased it to 1/2tsp in 12oz of water for another month. I experienced beautiful and super vivid dreams. Beautiful visuals during meditation as well as just before waking up in the mornings. However I also experienced quite a bit of anxiety. I did not realize it was related to the tea I making until I had been drinking the tea for almost 60 days. I stopped taking it and I began to feel better about 2 weeks after I stopped. T
Again this is a high quality herb. I will try taking it again at some point and maybe keep the dose at 1/4 tsp or less per day. Thank Banyan Botanicals for providing such an amazing product.
kalyan –
I bought this products regularly and it was alway good quality however this time it didn’t test same and looks like was not pure Haritaki. Assuming this time tree was not good or something mix It was testing like Trifala.
Belize –
The product arrived on a timely manner. It looks exactly like advertised. The only issue i have with this product is that instructions are vague and unclear. The package says suggested use is “1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon with warm water”. This leaves it open to interpretation so i don’t know if i did it right. Do i mix it with water or chase it with water. How much water? etc. I read some reviews so i chose to mix it in about 8 to 16 ounces of water. The taste is bitter but not something out of this world. It is doable. If you ever wonder what mud water tastes like, this is it. After taking it, about an hour or so, you get the desire to use the bathroom. I like it because its not painful or forced like a laxative. It feels normal. For me, it was a one time bathroom use and it was a full clean out if you know what i mean. Not loose stool or diarrhea. The plus side to this is you feel empty after. Like fully relieved and evacuated. The downfall for me is that after three days it stopped working. It didn’t make me go. Again, the seller really needs to explain how to take this. Maybe i did it wrong. Lastly, the lucid dream aspect is true to an extent. I always lucid dream, almost daily but while taking this it was amplified. However, my family member also tried it and didn’t get any dreams. So i am not sure if it works only if you already lucid dream. Overall good purchase.