Descrição do Produto: Source Naturals Glucosamine Sulfate, Sodium-Free Powder for Joint Support – 16 oz Powder
O Glucosamine Sulfate em pó da Source Naturals é um suplemento de 16 oz projetado para suporte articular. Sem sódio, ele promove a saúde das articulações, ajudando a manter a flexibilidade e a mobilidade. A fórmula em pó facilita a dosagem e a absorção, sendo ideal para quem busca alívio de desconfortos articulares. Este produto contém glucosamina, um açúcar amino natural que desempenha um papel crucial na manutenção da saúde das articulações. Os açúcares amino são componentes essenciais de compostos maiores, como glicosaminoglicanos e glicoproteínas, que são fundamentais para a coesão das células nos tecidos.
A utilização deste produto é simples e prática: recomenda-se a ingestão de 1/4 de colher de chá misturado com água diariamente, proporcionando uma forma fácil de incorporar o glucosamina na rotina. Além disso, o Glucosamine Sulfate é livre de levedura, laticínios, ovos, glúten, milho, soja e trigo, tornando-o uma opção segura para pessoas com restrições alimentares. É importante ressaltar que o produto contém crustáceos (camarão e caranguejo), o que deve ser considerado por aqueles com alergias.
Com mais de 35 anos de confiança, a Source Naturals foi fundada em 1982 por Ira Goldberg, com o objetivo de apoiar o potencial de cada indivíduo para desfrutar de uma saúde ideal. Fabricado nos Estados Unidos, em Scotts Valley, Califórnia, este produto é um testemunho do compromisso da marca com a qualidade e a eficácia.
– Suporte Articular Eficaz: Ajuda a manter a saúde das articulações, promovendo a flexibilidade e a mobilidade.
– Fórmula Natural: Com ingredientes naturais, é uma opção segura para quem busca evitar aditivos artificiais.
– Sem Alergênicos Comuns: Ideal para pessoas com restrições alimentares, pois não contém glúten, laticínios ou soja.
– Facilidade de Uso: A dosagem simples de 1/4 de colher de chá torna a suplementação prática e acessível.
– Confiança e Tradição: Com mais de 35 anos no mercado, a Source Naturals é uma marca respeitada e confiável.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se misturar 1/4 de colher de chá do pó de Glucosamine Sulfate em um copo de água e consumir diariamente. É aconselhável seguir esta rotina de forma consistente para maximizar os benefícios do suplemento. Consulte um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer regime de suplementação, especialmente se você tiver condições médicas preexistentes ou estiver tomando outros medicamentos.
Jeff Landauer –
It tastes beyond terrible. I can not drink this at all mixed with water, and anything this might be mixed with would be instantly ruined. I am throwing this away.
LarryD –
I’ve used the Source Naturals brand of Glucoasmine Sulfate a few times and find that its positive effect is fast and reliable. I had a unplanned test of its efficacy recently which is why I am writing this review. I thought I would find a cheaper source, so I ordered a pound of GS from one of the bulk powder suppliers here on Amazon. By an error they sent me Glucosamine Hydrochloride. This was an error on their part as they did not have have the sulfate version in stock. To their credit, they refunded my money. Anyway, I thought I would try the HCL version to see if it worked okay. I’ve read that only the sulfate version works well so was not sure how this would work out. After a few weeks on the HCL version, my neck pain returned (compressed disks and some degeneration). I was using heat packs to relax the muscles but continued with the HCL version. I then read on Examine dot com that the HCL version is poorly absorbed and only the Sulfate version has a positive effect. I immediately reordered the Source Naturals Sulfate version. This stuff really works and the pain subsided within a few days (just as it did the first time I used it). Not sure if I will try another brand of GS to save a few bucks. It seems to work well over time, so it is better to pay a few dollars more for a reliable remedy.
Maggie in Colorado –
I sprinkle a quarter teaspoon of the Source Naturals powdered glucosamine on my dog’s food every day and it prevents her from having hip pain. I tried chewable pills and her hip pain returned after a few months. I also recommended this product for a friend’s dog and it allowed her to stop limping after about 5 months of daily use. I’ve gone through 3 or more bottles of this and the product seems consistent/trustworthy.
It’s not clear whether glucosamine works in humans, but I also take it myself every day. I just fill up 2 gel capsules and take them with water. This way it’s cheap enough that I don’t mind if it doesn’t really work. I exercise a lot and I feel that it’s worth taking for potential long-term benefits.
Matt and Rosanne –
One of our dogs developed hip dysplasia at two years old. This 50-lb dog was taking a Rimadyl (pain killer that has to be processed by the liver) every day, and still moved like an arthritic senior, slowly and painfully. It was heartbreaking to watch him take 5-10 seconds to lie down, trying to do it slowly enough that it wouldn’t hurt.
We gave him a double dose (2mg) for his weight of the powder, originally by breaking capsules, then moving to the bottled powder. It took a couple of months, but he ended up only needing Rimadyl when the barometric pressure dropped; ie, when it was about to rain. Since we live in west Texas, that was a LOT of Rimadyl that he didn’t have to take. This is anecdotal, I know, but dogs don’t experience the placebo effect. I’m a believer!
Amanda Nitsche –
I was having trouble finding the right glucosamine for my older dogs. They didn’t like the liquids and refused to eat them. I tried a few different brands but was still not happy. I came across this product and read the reviews. I gave it a try and was very impressed. I noticed an almost immediate difference with my 15 year old pup. I would absolutely recommend this product to any one with dogs.
Chase –
Totally Awesome! I rarely leave reviews but I feel I should for this, I have two Rottweilers who have both had ACL tears and surgery. They are huge girls both weighing over 135 pounds each. They both hurt their legs often and also have front leg issues.
I have read reviews on almost all products for dogs and tried more than I wish to say, all were a waste of money, I never saw any relief for either girl. I have tried Rimadyl, Metacam, Tramadol all to no avail, as well as Adequan injections, still both limping.
A friend recommended this product and I can say this truly is a miracle for my dogs, both almost 8, seniors for their breed and they are doing so good, they actually run again and how it makes me smile and laugh to see this (one of the dogs I almost had put down a few months ago, because of the severe limping)
I can not say you will get the same results, but I will say it sure is worth a try, and it is so much less expensive than other medications or supplements. I am going to get almost 4 months for two 135 lb dogs, I feed it twice a day. I am stocking up on this stuff.
momo1 –
it dissolves easily to either cold or hot water which is good. It is economical because you need to take only 1/4 tea spoon. One bottle will last you 226 days. On the other hand, I could not like its bitter taste. Only way I would is with a cup or more of chocolate milk shake.Milk made it more tolerable.
Victor –
Bulldogs are notorious for having bad hips, so to get out in front of future issues we bought this to supplement our pup. We sprinkle the appropriate dose over her morning meal and she eats it without hesitation, so the flavor must not be too bad. Far, far cheaper than the treats with glucosamine that they sell for dogs, but the active ingredient is the same. Hopefully this will prove to be beneficial in the long run, however, her hips don’t bother her now so I can’t judge the efficacy.