Descrição do Produto: FGO Organic Moringa Oleifera Leaf Powder
Descubra o poder da natureza com o FGO Organic Moringa Oleifera Leaf Powder, um produto excepcional que traz a riqueza das folhas de moringa diretamente das fazendas orgânicas da Índia. Este pó de folha de moringa, disponível em um pacote resselável de 16oz (453g), é uma fonte concentrada de nutrientes, ideal para quem busca uma alimentação saudável e equilibrada. Conhecida como a “árvore milagrosa”, a moringa é valorizada por suas propriedades nutricionais e benefícios à saúde.
Produzido a partir de folhas inteiras da árvore de moringa, nosso pó é cuidadosamente colhido e processado de forma mínima para preservar sua frescura e sabor. Com certificação USDA Organic e Non-GMO, você pode ter certeza de que está consumindo um produto de alta qualidade, livre de organismos geneticamente modificados. O pó de moringa é versátil e pode ser facilmente incorporado à sua rotina diária. Adicione uma colher ao seu smoothie matinal ou utilize-o para preparar um chá terroso e revigorante.
– Rico em Nutrientes: A moringa é uma excelente fonte de vitaminas A, C e E, além de minerais como cálcio e ferro, essenciais para a saúde geral.
– Apoio ao Sistema Imunológico: O consumo regular de pó de moringa pode ajudar a fortalecer o sistema imunológico, proporcionando uma defesa natural contra doenças.
– Propriedades Antioxidantes: Com compostos antioxidantes, a moringa ajuda a combater os radicais livres, promovendo a saúde celular e o bem-estar.
– Aumento de Energia: A moringa é conhecida por suas propriedades energéticas, ajudando a combater a fadiga e a aumentar a vitalidade ao longo do dia.
– Facilidade de Uso: A versatilidade do pó de moringa permite que ele seja adicionado a diversas receitas, facilitando a inclusão de nutrientes na dieta diária.
Para aproveitar ao máximo os benefícios do FGO Organic Moringa Oleifera Leaf Powder, recomenda-se adicionar uma colher de sopa (aproximadamente 10g) do pó em smoothies, sucos ou iogurtes. Também pode ser utilizado para preparar chás, adicionando uma colher ao seu recipiente de água quente e deixando em infusão por 5 a 10 minutos. Para receitas culinárias, o pó pode ser incorporado em sopas, molhos ou até mesmo em massas, garantindo uma nutrição extra em suas refeições diárias. Mantenha o produto em local fresco e seco, e utilize o fechamento resselável para preservar a frescura e o sabor.
I add ginger powder, (about 1/3 of a bottle of regular powered seasoning ginger that you find at the local grocer) and about a half bottle of Tumeric to help us digest the powder and to neutralize the nasty potent taste. Then take it in plain water as a shot and then proceed with a glass of water. By adding he two ingredients to it, aside from the oder and consistency it’s almost tasteless compared to just taking it plain. Adding it to citrus and sugary drinks only enhances the nasty taste so a taking it in water like a shot and then proceeding with a chaser like water or another beverage works great for us and it definately detoxes our bodies, you will go through acne the first week if you don’t drink more water than usual, but hang in there and drink plenty of water to combat the effects. The upside is that I feel a boost of energy IMMEDIATELY after consumption and it last all day. In addition, it boosts my brain compacity and even improves my mood overall. I’m a very sluggish, moody person, non focused person but this helps regulate my energy, concentration and boost my mood and gets me going in a positive light believe it or not so it’s worth the effects and the detox to me is worth it as well. After 3 kids, years of smoking marijuana out of cigars, and now stopping for good at 39,..I need the detox and long term repair so it’s worth putting up with for my healths sake if you ask me. I give a shot to my entire family daily as well as they all suffer from some type of nutritional deficiency but not anymore. The perfect all natural real vitamin supplement. I even bought a bag for my mom along with a 1lb bag of Tumeric for my mom when she was recovering from breast cancer. Just don’t EVER take it on an empty stomach unless with a smoothie or as part of a meal.
jhowie –
I had tried another brand (Spice train from Vahdam) moringa powder earlier, but that turned out to be bitter – even when taken with honey. Moringa powder from FGO is kind of neutral tasting, and is ok with honey. I take a tablespoon every other day. It seems to be effective – I do find myself much calmer now a days.
Queenh0ney –
I suffer from fibromyalgia, and a friend recommended taking moringa to help manage the pain. After extensive research, this brand seemed to be the best deal-good quality at a reasonable price. The color of the powder was nice and green, so it was fresh. The taste isn’t bad, and shouldn’t be a big deal if you’re used to ‘green’ things. It came in a resealable package which was nice, though I put it in a storage container for easier access. One thing to note is that the powder does not really dissolve easily, so I would recommend using a blender or good quality shaker if you want to put it into a drink/smoothie-there’s really no stirring it in. I’ve been using it for a couple weeks now, (starting with half of a teaspoon) and I will say that I’ve noticed an increase in energy and mental clarity when I take it. It also seems to take the edge off of muscle pain. I will continue to take it and update this review if there are any changes. I would buy from this company again.
Amazon Customer –
Actually tast like a grass shot fresh concentrate!
TechJunkie –
Nothing against to say
Good quality
SheJ –
I saw someone on instagram speak about Moringa powder and decided to try it. I don’t take the time to make a shake every day, so I am forced to drink it in a glass of warm water. In order for me to get it down my throat, I mix in a little honey but I may try the capsules after I finish this bag. Within one day I noticed signs of a brain fog lift. I went from being unable to remember lyrics or memorize new songs (music is my fave) to belting them out like old times! The other positive was I felt much more energetic. We live at 8,000+ altitude and go walking most nights, the first night I walked after taking this I felt like I had an energy boost and literally felt lighter as we climbed the hill to head home. My sweetie noticed the same thing too on the walk. I don’t know how this stuff works but it truly did for me. Lastly, I noticed a change in my nails, they are stronger and I had to trim them because they were getting so long. I am not sure what other benefits this powder boasts but those were the positives I noticed right away. 🙂 Hope it works for you too!!
Anthony Martin –
I always prefer FGO products as I’ve used their products before. This is the first time using their moringa powder and it is very good.
Marc Gaudette –
This may have amazing health benefits, but I’ll never know as I could not get past the taste. I added a spoonful to a mug of tea, where it turned into a layer of green sludge on the bottom, no matter how much I stirred. I drank the entire mug, but could not choke down the sludge. *shudder*
Amazon Customer –
I do appreciate the fact that Amazon sent out e-mails to do product reviews. When consumers like yourself read these reviews. However, when you purchase a dietary supplement such as this, it’s hard to write an accurate review he barely used any of the product. Not to mention the fact that any improvement based on the use of this product in particular, can only gauge and be measured over time. Having said that, I purchased this product because of information that I received on the YouTube video. The appeal of this product for me, is the fact that it contains the essential amino acids that I normally buy from help companies that appear to use materials other than completely natural. In addition, the fact that this is a green food, and a superfood may provide some benefits beyond the bioavailability of amino acids. In some of the videos that I viewed on YouTube, people who have been taking moringa leaf are claiming relief from certain types of ailments including arthritis. Fortunately, I don’t have any chronic conditions that I need relief from at this point. So before you buy this product, I would self educate far as this particular product goes, with many other vendors in the field, based on the price and the freshness of the product I would give this a thumbs up for purchase. In addition, the price seems reasonable to me as well. I hope this helps!
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So I got this bag of Moringa to start helping with some lactation supplement stuff. I went ahead and mixed probably 1/4 cup into my regular lactation cookie recipe (brewers yeast, flaxseed, oatmeal, etc..) I am excited to see if it makes a difference. Came in a fairly large bag and will last a while, I plan to start drinking it in my morning matcha latte, probably 1tsp seems good. I will update my review with whether or not the cookies or moringa worked!