Descrição do Produto:
O Pó de Fitoplâncton Marinho é um superalimento revolucionário que traz uma combinação poderosa de nutrientes essenciais para o seu corpo. Com 100 gramas de pura energia vegetal, este produto é uma fonte rica de Omega 3 EPA, aminoácidos, minerais e proteínas, representando 50% do seu peso. O fitoplâncton marinho é conhecido por sua capacidade de fornecer ácidos graxos Omega-3 de cadeia longa, como o EPA, que são fundamentais para a saúde cardiovascular e cerebral. Além disso, suas propriedades únicas permitem que ele atue como um regenerador celular, alimentando diretamente as mitocôndrias e promovendo a produção de energia celular de forma rápida e eficiente.
Cada grama de fitoplâncton marinho contém 35 mg de ácido graxo Omega 3 EPA, tornando-o um aliado poderoso para quem busca aumentar a energia e melhorar a performance física e mental. Este superalimento não apenas potencializa a eficácia de outros alimentos e suplementos, como também é uma excelente opção para veganos e vegetarianos que desejam incorporar Omega-3 em sua dieta. Com uma garantia de devolução do dinheiro em 60 dias, você pode experimentar os benefícios do fitoplâncton marinho sem riscos. Transforme sua saúde e bem-estar com este superalimento inovador!
1. Fonte Completa de Nutrientes: Contém todos os aminoácidos essenciais, minerais e proteínas necessárias para uma dieta equilibrada.
2. Aumento de Energia Sustentada: Alimento direto para as mitocôndrias, promovendo a produção rápida de ATP e energia celular.
3. Saúde Cardiovascular: Rico em Omega-3 EPA, que ajuda a manter a saúde do coração e a reduzir a inflamação.
4. Regeneração Celular: Contribui para a reparação e regeneração das células, promovendo um envelhecimento saudável.
5. Versatilidade na Dieta: Ideal para veganos e vegetarianos, podendo ser facilmente incorporado em smoothies, sucos e receitas.
Para aproveitar ao máximo os benefícios do Pó de Fitoplâncton Marinho, recomenda-se a ingestão de 1 a 2 colheres de chá (aproximadamente 5 a 10 gramas) por dia. O pó pode ser adicionado a smoothies, sucos, iogurtes ou até mesmo em receitas de bolos e barras energéticas. Para uma absorção ideal, combine com fontes de gordura saudável, como abacate ou óleo de coco, que ajudam na assimilação dos ácidos graxos. Mantenha o produto em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, para preservar suas propriedades nutricionais.
Mike Gish –
I really enjoy this product thus far. It mixes well with liquids. I have noticed subtle sustained energy but not a boost, which I prefer to be honest. It has a nostalgic smell of Nor Cal beach, haha.
I mixed this product with honey in my coffee. It gives it an interesting flavor; kelp coffee.
However, I am looking forward to the health benefits after a couple months of this goodness flowing in body. I’ll post again in a few months as an update.
As for now, I am satisfied with this purchase.
Its been a few months & my body likes consuming this stuff. Energy levels are consistent & I’ve had no side effects. Good stuff!!
Mike Gish –
I used “Oceans Alive” Marine Phytoplankton (a liquid form costing approx. $30 per oz and had only 275mg of the actual active Phytoplankton in it) for about 15yrs, when I stumbled across this powdered variety that cost more than 100 times less to use I just had to experiment. Now that I’ve tried it I’ll never go back, I’m taking functionally much more than I was and my body loves it, I’m feeling better than I have for years. ~ I’ve always craved the taste of sea foods, so to me this stuff tastes great! Many peoples tastes have been perverted by their unnatural / processed diets; your taste when working naturally is supposed tell you what’s good for you, I’ve been on a raw, organic, vegan diet for about two decades. Conversely this theory doesn’t always hold true, there are many plants from around the world that we didn’t evolve eating that are none the less good for us, some of them will always taste awful though due to lack of human exposure to them in the past; each each new exotic Super Food should be individually researched for possible naturally occurring toxins and anti-nutrients which are accumulative and will cause problems down the road, there’s no reason to eat something that has them because you can always find a source for their good ingredients that doesn’t.
Don F–Los Angeles –
Go directly to Longevity and Superfoods website and buy it there for $59/100 grams. I love this stuff. I use this every morning in my smoothie with other green powder (land and sea). The taste takes a little getting used to, but I firmly believe it is worth it. I am feeling better every day. I take additional DHA so this could be boosting that or vice versa.
What disturbs me, and therefore the reason for my comment, is that I bought this from Longevity Herbs and Superfoods through Amazon and paid the shipping – not eligible for Prime. I do not know who the seller is who has it listed for $84 plus shipping? That’s a hell of a mark up! Good stuff – buy direct and save.
Glenn Sager –
The first time I added a tsp of this stuff to some water and drank it, I didn’t expect any tangible results, I just expected it to be another healthy thing I put in my body. But less than 30 minutes later, my vision was clearer, my energy level sky rocketed, I was in a good mood… was crazy. I don’t drink coffee but I imagine that this is what people feel like on a caffeine high. I told my friend about it, and she tried some and the same thing happened to her! So she bought some. I’m bringing a sample of mine to a friend who was just complaining about her energy level. I’m like a little salesman for this stuff! I send the link to this product to everyone. It’s worth the ungodly amount of money you spend on it. I’ve had mine in the fridge for a while now. I don’t use it often because of the price, but I know I have it handy for those days when I need it!
Ahimsa Osiris –
Fishy odor but the color of this product is an amazing dark blue green which is exactly what I wanted to see in a phytoplankton product. It seems to give a energy boost but frankly I want the chlorophyll and micronutrients and I believe I got what I wanted. I’ve never seen the depth of blue-green chlorophyll in any other terrestrial barley grass or plant product that this one has. To me that shows it’s got lots of chlorophyll and nutrients
-DOG –
The first thing I noticed when I opened the product package was that it reminded me of the beach—-as it had a distinctive ocean smell. The second thing I noticed was how small a quantity 100 grams is. But the good thing is that you do not have to take scoops or tablespoons of the product to get results. I take only a generous 1/2 tspn in water along with a 1/2 tspn of a green supplement to mellow out the taste. And this gets me through my morning workout and other activities for several hours.
The Marine Phytoplankton contains almost every nutrient need to support life. How so much nutrition can be packed into such a small quantity is truly amazing. If you are on a tight budget or do not want to take a bunch of other supplements , this is the one to get . It is the best.
nina a –
To be completely honest, I didn’t feel or experience any massive surges in energy or increased clarity while taking this, but I know Marine Phytoplankton is incredibly nutrient-dense and therefore very good for you. I guess the other reviews just got my hopes up and I might be selling it a bit short, but overall, a little disappointed.
Consumer of the Year –
My Beagle/Bassette Hound got bone cancer 3 years ago and the Vet said you will be putting him down in 3 months. I searched the web for cancer cures and found Phytoplanton. After 6 months I got him X Rayed again and 30 percent of the cancer was gone. I did not have him x rayed after that because I really dont want to know. He is doing fine, he has some pain once and a while because the cancer ate part of his shoulder bone, but he’s happy, always wagging his tail. I am so glad I found another source because I had problems with the previous supplier in Vegas. If you look on the National Geografic Website there is a documentary about phytoplanton, but I forget the name. I know its something about the earth and the south pole. You can do a search