Descrição do Produto: New Roots | Pó de Fibra Prebiótica com Casca de Psyllium e Inulina (da Raiz de Chicória)
Descubra o poder transformador do New Roots, um suplemento de fibra prebiótica que combina a casca de psyllium e a inulina da raiz de chicória, projetado para otimizar sua saúde digestiva e intestinal. Com 340 g de pura eficácia, este pó sem sabor é a solução ideal para quem busca melhorar a regularidade intestinal e a saúde do microbioma.
✅ MENOS TEMPO NO BANHEIRO, MAIS TEMPO VIVENDO A VIDA – Nossa fórmula poderosa de fibra prebiótica é repleta de fibras essenciais que promovem uma digestão ideal, amolecendo as fezes para que você possa ter evacuações saudáveis, mais fáceis e rápidas, garantindo regularidade.
✅ TRANSFORME SUA SAÚDE INTESTINAL – O pó prebiótico promove o crescimento e a manutenção de bactérias benéficas em seu intestino. Com nosso complexo de múltiplas fibras, você alcançará uma saúde digestiva aprimorada, permitindo que seu corpo quebre e absorva os nutrientes essenciais necessários para uma vida saudável.
✅ PODER COMBINADO DE CASCA DE PSYLLIUM E RAIZ DE CHICÓRIA – Aproveite o melhor dos dois mundos: a casca de psyllium absorve o excesso de líquido, formando uma consistência semelhante a um gel, enquanto a raiz de chicória é rica em inulina, que ajuda a melhorar a digestão e a imunidade geral. Nossa mistura combinada garante que você obtenha o efeito máximo com apenas uma colher.
✅ SEM SABOR, MISTURA FÁCIL – Nosso suplemento de fibra em pó sem sabor se mistura perfeitamente em qualquer bebida ou alimento, tornando-se uma maneira fácil e eficiente de incorporar fibra em sua rotina diária.
✅ PODER PREBIÓTICO – Alimente sua saúde intestinal com uma fonte potente de fibra prebiótica proveniente da casca de psyllium e inulina derivada da raiz de chicória, apoiando um intestino saudável.
✅ OBTENHA O MÁXIMO DE FIBRA – Aproveite todo o potencial da fibra com nosso pó de casca de psyllium integral, que fornece uma rica fonte de fibra dietética para manter seu sistema digestivo em excelente forma.
✅ GARANTIA DE QUALIDADE NEW ROOTS – Nosso Pó Prebiótico é testado em laboratório 3 vezes e acreditado pela ISO 17025, o que significa que atendemos aos padrões do mercado internacional e às regulamentações globais de pureza, eficácia e qualidade.
✅ NEW ROOTS Herbal é um líder da indústria em Suplementos Herbais, confiável por mais de 1.000 Médicos Naturopatas e operando há 40 anos! Nós sabemos o que é QUALIDADE!
– Melhora a regularidade intestinal, reduzindo o tempo no banheiro.
– Promove o crescimento de bactérias benéficas, melhorando a saúde do microbioma.
– Combinação eficaz de psyllium e chicória para suporte digestivo e imunológico.
– Fácil de incorporar em qualquer dieta, sem alterar o sabor dos alimentos.
– Produto testado e garantido, assegurando qualidade e eficácia.
Para obter os melhores resultados, adicione uma colher de sopa (aproximadamente 10 g) do pó de fibra prebiótica New Roots em um copo de água, suco ou smoothie. Misture bem até que o pó esteja completamente dissolvido. Recomenda-se o uso diário, preferencialmente antes das refeições, para maximizar a absorção de nutrientes e promover uma digestão saudável. É importante aumentar a ingestão de água ao usar este produto para garantir a eficácia e evitar desconfortos digestivos.
Jeff N –
I use this daily in my morning shake. It doesn’t not have a taste at all, which I appreciate. I also have a ton of other supplements that I add so it is hard to speak about the efficacy of the product.
Gnemik –
This appears to be an excellent quality fiber powder offering. It combines two components that are high in soluble fiber content (per serving, 3 grams soluble fiber + 1 gram insoluble fiber): Psyllium and Inulin. Medical studies indicate that the average person does not consume enough fiber. Fiber does more than encourage bowel movement regularity. It plays a role in weight management, blood sugar and cholesterol management and is considered to assist in a heart healthy diet regimen.
The directions indicate consuming three servings (4 grams per serving size) per day. I would advise starting with one serving per day, and increase gradually. You don’t want to suddenly bulk up your fiber intake and have digestive issues. Personally, I mix about 3 – 4 grams of fiber powder into a hot beverage per day, to augment my diet. A decent diet will already incorporate a good deal of fiber.
I mixed this Psyllium/Inulin powder into a mug of tea, and it behaved like my Psyllium Husk powder. It mildly thickens the tea, with evident clumping. If you allow your beverage to cool, it will gradually thicken as the powder absorbs the liquid. If it does thicken, you can just swallow it, or add more liquid, stir and thin it, then drink it.
At a cost of $50 for 12 ounces, I find this fiber powder offering to be on the pricey end of the price range. They do offer a product that is “ISO 17025 – Accredited Laboratory-Tested”, which indicates excellent ingredient quality. However, it’s possible to locate a psyllium husk powder, that is GMP and/or FDA badged, for less. So, this product offers a comparatively lower value ratio.
Attached are photos, including a depiction of the fiber powder.
Overall, an excellent quality fiber powder product, at a high price point. It receives a 4.25 – 4.5 star rating.
Roses_Are_Rosie –
I’m happy with this supplement being unflavored as it goes down easy enough with just water and cuts out sugar or sweeteners. Psyllium husk powder doesn’t taste bad at all so this is great. I drink this to help clean out my digestive areas and help keep things moving regularly.
Michaela Bridges –
I mixed it into a smoothie and could definitely detect a hint of… something. Not disgusting, but it didn’t add anything positive to the taste either. I can’t say whether there were long term beneficial effects to this because that’s really subjective. What I can report is that the fiber definitely… ahem… works. Like really, really works. Like clockwork. Honestly I would not consume this if I knew I needed to leave the house within the next 37 minutes.
caelan.knight –
Dissolves nicely in cool and warm liquids. If you want to use in an iced drink, just add it before the ice or it will take much longer to dissolve. Its flavorless so you really dont even notice youre getting the extra fiber. I like it. Helps with gas as well as really does make you want to go to the bathroom
Gnemik –
I’ve noticed after taking this that the bloating I used to get a lot of has gone down significantly. It’s a difficult thing to swallow though so use plenty of water because it clumps. It doesn’t taste bad or anything, just kind of earthy as is typical of mushrooms. I think it’s a great healthy alternative to a lot of the other gut oriented supplements out there. Massive plus that it’s perfectly natural and offers a balance from a nutrient source we usually don’t get a lot of. It’s clear that the blend is high quality too as it’s well ground and the body digest it quite easily. I think it’s worth it and am enjoying the lack of bloating.
I highly recommend it to those who have any digestive issues and are looking for natural alternatives that may push those issues in a more positive direction. Just be mindful that it can take some getting used to, so it may be best in food or in smoothies. Thanks for reading and I hope this helps.
James Walker –
Multi-Fiber Complex Powder by NEW ROOTS HERBAL 350g
The Safety Seals
There was no seal around the jar lid. The seal on top of the jar was very strong though.
The Quality
It is Tested and Non-GMO. But I could not find the word Organic anywhere.
The Price
Psyllium Husk Powder is normally around ONE Dollar $1.00 an ounce, often less. At the time of this writing, this stuff is $2.93 per Ounce!!
This is just WAY too much to pay for a Fiber Powder with no fiber from Oat Bran or any seeds, veggies, roots, or fruits that can really help.
And Chicory Root or Inulin Powder is also less than $1.00 an ounce.
The Psyllium Husk Is Fine
I have used various powders with Psyllium Husk for years (when needed). It’s a very gentle fiber that does not cause me to have cramps.
What About Inulin from Chicory Root?
Research links chicory root to many health benefits, including healthy digestion, relief for constipation, blood sugar control, cholesterol improvement and even weight loss.
Also: Fresh chicory root is composed of 68% inulin by dry weight. Inulin is a type of fiber known as a fructan or fructooligosaccharide, a carbohydrate made from a short chain of fructose molecules that your body doesn’t digest. It acts as a prebiotic, meaning that it feeds the beneficial bacteria in your gut.
The Expiration Date
December 2025. Arrived May 2023.
Mr. A. C. Clark –
works as youd think itd work. gets the job done.