Descrição do Produto: Vital Nutrients Cellulose Fiber Powder | 375g
O Vital Nutrients Cellulose Fiber Powder é um suplemento de fibra insolúvel de alta qualidade, projetado para apoiar a função intestinal saudável. Com 375g de pó de fibra de celulose, este produto é ideal para quem busca melhorar a saúde digestiva de forma prática e eficaz. A fibra de celulose é conhecida por sua capacidade de promover a regularidade intestinal, ajudando a prevenir a constipação e a manter um trânsito intestinal saudável. Este suplemento é livre de glúten, laticínios e soja, além de ser não transgênico, tornando-o uma escolha segura para pessoas com restrições alimentares. A fórmula em pó permite fácil incorporação na dieta, podendo ser misturada em bebidas, smoothies ou alimentos, proporcionando uma maneira conveniente de aumentar a ingestão de fibras.
1. Apoio à Saúde Intestinal: Promove a regularidade e a saúde do trato digestivo, ajudando a prevenir problemas como a constipação.
2. Fácil de Usar: A forma em pó permite que você adicione fibra à sua dieta de maneira simples, misturando em líquidos ou alimentos.
3. Sem Alergênicos Comuns: Livre de glúten, laticínios e soja, é uma opção segura para pessoas com alergias ou intolerâncias alimentares.
4. Não Transgênico: Garantia de um produto natural, sem organismos geneticamente modificados, ideal para quem busca uma alimentação mais saudável.
5. Melhora na Saciedade: Aumenta a sensação de saciedade, auxiliando no controle do apetite e contribuindo para uma dieta equilibrada.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se misturar uma colher de sopa (aproximadamente 10g) do Vital Nutrients Cellulose Fiber Powder em 240ml de água, suco ou outra bebida de sua preferência. Agite bem até que o pó esteja completamente dissolvido. Para uma maior eficácia, consuma diariamente, preferencialmente antes das refeições. É importante aumentar a ingestão de água ao utilizar suplementos de fibra para garantir uma boa hidratação e otimizar os benefícios da fibra na saúde intestinal.
Anyam –
I’ve been trying to find different types of fiber supplements that have no carb and have more than a lousy 3-5g fiber/serving. Knowing that I need meet my goal which is about 16-20g every day, I tried just about everything out there. This was the ONLY product that did not leave a bad taste in my mouth, came carb-free, super high fiber content, dissolved seamlessly into my morning coffee, or sprinkled over my salad or dressings, and the best is the absolutely ZERO BLOATING.
It does not turn you into a tooting ballon animal like inulin and some others do. Helped me to be regular with a flat tummy.
I know that there are some flashy packaged big marketing budget products out there, and this looks rather utilitarian, but IT DOES THE BEST JOB. IMHO
Izzie74 –
Flavorless, easy to take and works well. It also seems to be lasting for quite a while
Halfcaff –
For me, not only did it not work for ibs d, I got a terrible rash over my stomach and corners of my mouth the same as when I’ve been glutened. Not to mention terrible gut pain. They said on canister it was gf but I can’t help but wonder. I’m about 4 days away now from using it and finally feeling better.
Cadance Renene –
It arrived on time and package contents was as described. This is form of insoluble, non-fermentable fiber (cellulose, sterculia, and methycelullose).
For me, it didn’t assist with motility, a common symptom in IBS-C. (Ref: Fiber and Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders).
Copious amounts of rice bran and psyllium husk helped. But, ultimately what addressed the underlying motility issue was melatonin! (Ref: University Health News). (I use a bulk powder form of it).
Researchers at the National University of Singapore’s School of Medicine recently published a review article, “Melatonin for the treatment of irritable bowel syndrome,” in the World Journal of Gastroenterology that looked at how melatonin benefits IBS.[1] They summarized the available evidence from at least four randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled studies, all showing that melatonin decreases abdominal pain. Most of the studies used 3 mg of melatonin at bedtime, although one study in postmenopausal women used 3 mg in the morning plus 5 mg at bedtime. The evidence was not as clear as to whether melatonin reduces other symptoms of IBS, such as abdominal distention/bloating, abnormal sensation of defecation, diarrhea, or constipation.
In one of the studies, 3 mg of melatonin for 8 weeks significantly improved patients’ overall IBS scores compared with placebo.[2] Those taking melatonin had a 45% improvement on their IBS symptom score versus a 16% improvement for patients taking placebo. They also had significant improvements in symptoms not related to gut function and in overall quality of life.
In a second study, 3 mg of melatonin at bedtime for only two weeks significantly improved abdominal pain and reduced sensitivity to pain in the rectal area.[3] There was also a tendency towards a greater reduction in abdominal distension, stool frequency, and total bowel symptoms following treatment with melatonin than with placebo.
A third study found that six months of melatonin (3 mg in the morning and 5 mg in the evening) significantly reduced abdominal pain, bloating, and constipation in postmenopausal women with constipation-predominant IBS.[4] Women with diarrhea-predominant IBS also noted beneficial changes, but the effects were not statistically different from those in the placebo group.
A fourth study found that 3 mg of melatonin at bedtime for eight weeks resulted in significant improvements in abdominal distension, abdominal pain (pain intensity and frequency), and abnormal sensation of defecation.[5] Melatonin did not affect stool consistency or frequency.
Additional melatonin benefits
Melatonin plays a role in suppressing inflammation, scavenging free radicals, and increasing endorphins to decrease pain. Within the gastrointestinal system, melatonin regulates the movement of food, controls inflammation, and modulates sensation. Safe, inexpensive, and widely available as a supplement, it improves insomnia and circadian rhythm sleep disorders, cancer, immune disorders, and migraines.
Shelley M. –
My mom’s GI doc said she needed “insoluble fiber” in her diet, but her appetite isn’t great. I put 2 scoops of this in water or juice, in the morning. When I’ve given it to her later in the evening, it tends to “work” when both of us should be sleeping. LOL.
Pumpkin Escobar –
It is so hard to find fiber that is more than 3-6 grams per serving that isn’t a rip off. This has 15grams per two table spoons. Which most are 5-6grams per two tables spoons for the same price.
The cellulose fiber is white, no real taste. It settles in the bottom of the container so roll it to break it up. I mix two tablespoons in 4-5oz of water with 2 teaspoons of just add water koolaid. Tastes fine. Easy to drink. Has a very little grit but there is some. It is insoluble fiber so it won’t dissolve. I already drink a lot of water throughout the day so if you don’t make sure you drink more water.
This fiber has helped my GI issues a lot. My GP thought I might have food allergies and intolerances. So I’ve been removing food from my diet. I got to a point where I was eating only a few different plain foods each day. But no matter what I was still having problems. After finally finding a good GI specialist, my issues are in the same family as IBS. Basically my colon would be massively irritated and inflamed. Mainly because food wasn’t digested enough for my colon.
Turns out that even though I was getting a daily average of 33-37 grams of fiber, it wasn’t enough. Now I get between 50-60 grams a day. I take 1 tablespoon with breakfast and one with lunch. Then 2 tablespoons with dinner. A long with a peppermint oil pill at dinner, with food. My issues are 70% better. The peppermint oil pill calms my GI track and the fiber slows it down and helps bulk.
I still have foods that I can’t eat that will cause flair ups but in general I’ve been able to eat a lot more. I am so glad I found this fiber. Fiber pills are .5mg so just to get 15 grams I’d have to eat 30 pills. The other fiber powders would be 2-3 servings = 4-6 tablespoons.
Still working through my issues but if you are looking for some good fiber, this is it.
Brent –
The taste is pretty rough to choke down
Liza May –
Tasteless, odorless (unlike konjac,) doesn’t thicken liquids or clump (like guar, or konjac.)
This brand has been chemically assayed and is approved as pure and actually consisting of what it claims on the label, great stuff.
Excellent way to add fiber, without irritating or bloating, like psyllium does for some people.