Descrição do Produto: Micro Ingredients Tongkat Ali Extract 200:1 (Longjack) Powder, 100 Grams
O Micro Ingredients Tongkat Ali Extract 200:1 é um suplemento em pó de raiz de Eurycoma Longifolia, conhecido popularmente como Longjack, que se destaca por sua pureza e eficácia. Originário da Indonésia, este extrato é 100% puro, sem aditivos, conservantes ou enchimentos, garantindo que você esteja consumindo apenas o que há de melhor para a sua saúde. Com um sabor amargo característico, este produto é ideal para aqueles que buscam um suplemento natural e potente para apoiar a saúde masculina.
Este suplemento de Tongkat Ali é formulado para oferecer a máxima potência, podendo ajudar a aumentar a energia geral e o desempenho atlético. Com 100 gramas de pó concentrado, ele é vegano e livre de ingredientes artificiais, como cores e sabores, além de não conter glúten ou soja. A embalagem inclui uma colher dosadora, facilitando a medição e o consumo diário. Você pode adicionar o pó a shakes ou smoothies, integrando-o facilmente à sua rotina alimentar e descobrindo os benefícios de um dos alimentos mais nutritivos do planeta.
Se você é um amante de pós, o Tongkat Ali em sua forma natural proporciona uma concentração mais alta, absorção mais rápida e é mais suave para o estômago, além de oferecer diversas maneiras de ser consumido. Experimente o poder do Tongkat Ali e transforme sua saúde e bem-estar.
– Apoio à Saúde Masculina: Contribui para o equilíbrio hormonal e melhora a vitalidade.
– Aumento de Energia: Pode ajudar a aumentar os níveis de energia e resistência durante atividades físicas.
– Desempenho Atlético: Potencializa o desempenho em treinos e competições, favorecendo a recuperação muscular.
– Fórmula Pura: Sem aditivos ou conservantes, garantindo um produto de alta qualidade e segurança.
– Versatilidade de Uso: Pode ser facilmente incorporado em diversas receitas, como shakes e smoothies, facilitando o consumo diário.
Para obter os melhores resultados com o Micro Ingredients Tongkat Ali Extract, recomenda-se a ingestão diária do pó. Utilize a colher dosadora incluída para medir a quantidade desejada e adicione-a a um shake, smoothie ou outra bebida de sua preferência. O produto pode ser consumido com ou entre as refeições. A absorção rápida e a alta concentração do pó tornam-no uma escolha ideal para quem busca maximizar os benefícios nutricionais. É importante seguir as orientações de uso e consultar um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação.
John –
Product is good
C –
I have tried six different brands of Tongkat Ali over the past few years, and this one has produced the best results of them all.
I have learned a few things in my testing:
– It seems like the more bitter and strong tasting the TA is, the more likely it will be effective. I have tried a few that were not as bitter, and didn’t taste as terrible; but I also noticed almost no results at all. So yes, the taste is awful, but the bitter taste lets you know that it is likely a quality product.
– The cycling of 5 days on and 2 days off doesn’t seem to make sense for me. I have tried this cycling for three months, and I have also tried 10 days on and 5 days off for three months. Then I tried just taking it every day for three months. Taking it every day produced the best results, with no side effects that I could tell. When taking it every day, there also didn’t seem to be any tolerance increase over three months that would produce less effects with the same dose. It seemed just as effective after three months. Interestingly, the 10 days on and 5 days off felt like it produced better results than the 5 and 2 cycle, in terms of consistent libido and strength improvement. So for me, every day is best, and if I were going to cycle I would choose 10 and 5 over 5 and 2.
– Sleep seems to be a big factor for me. If I have several days with 5 or less hours of sleep, I notice almost no benefit from this supplement. With 7 or more hours of sleep there is a huge difference.
I have also noticed somewhat of a synergistic effect with other supplements, but this review is not about those so if you are interested ask me about those too.
All in all this is the best TA I’ve found so far. The best results, and not very expensive. Highly recommended.
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First ingredient is soy bean oil not rosemary –
Definitely not the way to ingest Tongkat Ali. I’ve purchased pills because the powder form is disgusting.
Throwing this away
Bryan Russell –
Strong taste
Angus –
I’d accept the bitter test if it was working, but the product has No effects whatsoever
Bryan Russell –
I knew about LongJack (Eurycoma longfolia) and it’s uses for a while, so I decided to try it. Within 20 minutes of a standard service size (1 scoop), my mood is brighter, I am motivated to accomplish challenging goals, my focus is sharper, my thoughts are more clear, and my energy levels seem to be restored to a youthful level. My heart rate and blood pressure do not appear to be affected. I do not feel effects like a stimulant or caffeine would produce. I have been using this successfully with a big emphasis on diet and exercise (I feel I need to emphasize an important yet overused term); this product gave me the energy to get up and go. However, I still had to choose to get up (and do it) before I could go anywhere! In other words, effort, eating well and exercising has allowed this product to induce long-term healing of my body rather than simply suppressing symptoms. Taking it and remaining sedentary and indiscriminate of what you eat will probably be no more effective than suppressing symptoms (which is still significant of the product to be able to do that). To whatever extent you decide to use this product to better your health, I feel it is imperative for countless reasons to cycle this product. I personally have followed the label’s 5 days on, 2 days off recommendation with excellent results. To get into the biochemistry of why this is important would exceed the scope of this review. However, in a summary full of analogies, it allows things to keep moving in the body. Many biochemicals need to move on and not remain in one site. They also need to be transformed and metabolized for other processes to keep the whole system working. They will usually will be back to the site they must move on from now again in the future, but usually only after a complex process of building, repair, exchange, transform, etc. This is also why cycling is necessary for the product to be effective for long-term healing. It’s not due to a “tolerance”, but rather the body has to move things around before it can continue working on whatever LongJack encourages the body to do, which I’m sure is extensive and multifaceted as Nature always is! Therefore, the cycle is fundamental to growth and healing.
Mik –
Very bitter taste