Descrição do Produto:
O Pumpkin Seed Extract Powder da é um suplemento altamente nutritivo e carregado de antioxidantes. O extrato de semente de abóbora Cucurbita é rico em fibras e repleto de vitaminas e minerais, como magnésio, vitamina K e zinco. Além disso, as sementes da planta de abóbora têm sido usadas há séculos como um remédio natural para apoiar a saúde do coração. O Pumpkin Seed Extract é uma fonte rica de fitoesteróis, compostos que podem ajudar a manter níveis normais de colesterol em conjunto com uma dieta equilibrada e exercícios físicos. Este suplemento também contribui para a saúde da bexiga, pois contém magnésio, um mineral que ajuda a eliminar substâncias nocivas do corpo através da urina. O extrato de semente de abóbora pode ajudar a promover a função da bexiga e a saúde do trato urinário. Além disso, o Pumpkin Seed Extract em pó é puro e natural, sem adição de enchimentos, aditivos ou sabores artificiais. É livre de laticínios, soja, glúten e não contém açúcares adicionados. Todos os produtos da BulkSupplements são fabricados de acordo com os padrões cGMP para garantir a mais alta qualidade em todas as etapas de produção, embalagem, rotulagem e armazenamento. Investimos em nosso laboratório interno para testar nossos produtos em várias etapas durante a produção. Também realizamos testes de terceiros em produtos, procedimentos e equipamentos, quando necessário, para garantir conformidade, padrões e consistência.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- Fonte de antioxidantes – O extrato de semente de abóbora é altamente nutritivo e carregado de antioxidantes, que ajudam a combater os danos causados pelos radicais livres no corpo.
- Apoia a saúde do coração – As sementes de abóbora têm sido usadas há séculos como um remédio natural para apoiar a saúde do coração. O Pumpkin Seed Extract é rico em fitoesteróis, que podem ajudar a manter níveis normais de colesterol em conjunto com uma dieta equilibrada e exercícios físicos.
- Contribui para a saúde da bexiga – O Pumpkin Seed Extract contém magnésio, um mineral que suporta os rins e a bexiga, ajudando a eliminar substâncias nocivas do corpo através da urina. Pode ajudar a promover a função da bexiga e a saúde do trato urinário.
- Suplemento puro e natural – O Pumpkin Seed Extract em pó da BulkSupplements é puro e natural, sem adição de enchimentos, aditivos ou sabores artificiais. É livre de laticínios, soja, glúten e não contém açúcares adicionados.
- Alta qualidade – Todos os produtos da BulkSupplements são fabricados de acordo com os padrões cGMP para garantir a mais alta qualidade em todas as etapas de produção, embalagem, rotulagem e armazenamento. Investimos em nosso laboratório interno para testar nossos produtos em várias etapas durante a produção. Também realizamos testes de terceiros em produtos, procedimentos e equipamentos, quando necessário, para garantir conformidade, padrões e consistência.
– Recomenda-se adicionar 1 colher de chá (aproximadamente 2 gramas) de Pumpkin Seed Extract Powder a 200 ml de água, suco ou sua bebida preferida. Misture bem até dissolver completamente. Consuma uma vez ao dia, preferencialmente com o estômago vazio ou conforme orientação de um profissional de saúde.
Kilroy –
I use this in my coffee without changing the taste of my coffee at all. And it works great to help reduce the need for frequent bathroom breaks.
Kristi –
I received a package of pumpkin seed extract that was old and rancid. Because it’s classified as food, I could not return it, so it’s useless to me. I expect quality from Amazon vendors.
Addie R. –
Bulk Supplements are tried and true products. I have ordered for a number of years and have never been disappointed. High quality.
Maggie –
I have been using the Bulk Supplement Pumpkin Seed Extract for several years and found it to be very helpful in dealing with frequent visits to the bathroom at night and also for a more restful sleep. I take a quarter tsp. of it with vanilla yoghurt before bedtime, and it has proven to be very helpful. The flavor of the pumpkin seed extract is very good, tasty.
G in PDX –
I purchased this to help with my frequent urination problem. I will note that the product description doesn’t mention this usage, but pumpkin seed for this purpose has been noted in other literature.
Been taking it for a couple of weeks and haven’t noticed much difference, but maybe it’s too soon. Someone else has mentioned taking as much as 1 or 2 teaspoons daily, so maybe I’ll have to try increasing the amount I use.
As it is, I add the 1/4 teaspoon of powder to my daily tea, and I don’t notice any taste at all.
My only complaint is that the ziplock pouch doesn’t work very well. First of all the pouch is relatively stiff, so getting it aligned is difficult. And the track itself is very narrow, so any trace of powder in the track interferes with the closure. I will have to get a separate container for this, which is annoying, but not a deal breaker.
For now, I’m OK with this product, but in the long run its going to have to improve my condition before I re-order.
Krystof –
This cheap powder–and costly Life Extension pumpkin caps–are both non-organic. Why? It may be better to buy organic seeds in any health store or coop. But if so…. A. Taste for freshness. B. Grind in small batches with small coffee or seed grinder. (Even if using a blender.) C. Buy in small batches. Store in fridge.
Several products can reduce UTI in both men and women. Pumpkin seed was perhaps the earliest natural support for men’s prostate in the 60’s. Then in the 70’s Enzymatic Therapy created a pill named something like “Pumpkin seed prostate support.” Then in the 80’s they changed the name to “Better Bladder for Women.” Other than that–pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds and sunflower seeds are super foods–nature’s storehouses of nutrition. The following are mainly just my opinions. Use your own common sense….
* Always taste-test a product like this every time before dumping it into a smoothie or formula. It should not only “not taste bad.” You should also be able to “taste the freshness.”
* This so-called pumpkin extract is basically high quality ground up whole pumpkin seeds. Which in my opinion is much better than the “pumpkin oil” that is often included in prostate formulas.
* This bulk powder enables you to take much more pumpkin for much less cost than in pills.
* But…. seeds go rancid quickly. Especially if ground. If factory-sealed in capsules there is little problem…. But a bulk powder is different…. After opening, immediately separate about 1/2 cup per ziploc “snack bag.” (Half the size of a sandwich bag.) The original package also has a ziploc-type seal. But this alone will not maintain freshness….. So after filling several snack bags with the pumpkin powder…. place as many snack bags as will fit back into the original package. Then place everything in a 1-gallon ziploc bag. If you have bought an extra bag of this pumpkin powder–store that unopened in the same gallon freezer bag. Keep everything in the freezer. This triple-seal method really works.
* Incidentally–nothing to do with peeing–but organic flax seed oil is another healthy seed product. But ironically–for flax–I strongly recommend NOT to buy seeds or ground seeds–but only the oil. Because I have found that flax seeds will go rancid even in the freezer. Whereas (unlike with pumpkin seeds)–with flax you can get full benefits from just the oil. And if kept in the freezer–flax oil will stay fresh indefinitely. But it is best not to order flax oil by mail. Get in in the local health store–which receives it in refrigerated shipments and stores it in the cooler section. I.e. I am just giving an example of how complex it can be to keep seed products fresh. Because unlike “nutritioal yeast” and other products–seeds contain oil which goes rancid easily. And because bacteria loves them just as much as we do.
* Just like everyone’s face gets wrinkly–at age 21 every man’s prostate starts to enlarge gradually. Then by age 40 about 1/3 of men have difficulty to pee. Saw palmetto and pygeum are currently the most clinically proven natural prostate supports. However every known support can help to neutralize different irritants in different ways…. Nonetheless…. doctors do not prescribe drugs for peeing until you cannot pee. But pumpkin seeds, saw palmetto and cranberry juice are foods. No side effects. There is no reason not to take them as a teenager. And every reason to take them because they are healthy foods.
* For women–UTI is a scientific-sounding and diagnostic-sounding catchprase for when the doctors often are unable to scientifically diagnose a difficulty to pee without extreme cost. Cranberry is the most well known treatment for UTI and also can help men. D-Mannose powder is a more convenient extract of cranberry. Mannose has hardly any flavor or acidity. So you can add it right into the coffee or other pee-building material. Mannose powder does not need refrigeration. (Except perhaps in tropical humidity.)
* In the movies, what do they do when they send an assassin fails? Then send two or three. In the movies this seldom works. But in real life–you bet it works. Similarly, do not stop to ponder which natural product is going to help to pee. Why not send them all?
* But just do NOT mix them all ingredients together. For full desired effect and minimum undesired effects–keep them somewhat separate. A simple cheese-veggie pizza is least likely to give anyone heartburn. It is when you add things that you get heartburn…. Taco shell + cheese = OK. Taco shell + chicken = OK. Taco shell + hot sauce + chicken + cheese = heartburn…. Similarly–there are many what I call “kitchen sink” prostate formulas with excellent ingredients. But taken daily for years they can cause heartburn.
Miguel –
Bought these to help with prostate issues, at first I thought there was some improvement but after a couple weeks really did not notice anything different. Stopped taking it for a bit since I have gall bladder issues and about everything triggers that. So will retry after I get that out.
Amazon Customer –
First of all I’d like to say that I buy quite a few products from Bulk Supplements since you can save money and their products are very good. I am currently taking five different supplements and they are all from Bulk Supplements. I recently bought the Pumpkin Seed Extract and I’ve been taking it once a day in the morning with breakfast. I love the nutty taste it leaves in my mouth and it’s silky texture. You can take it with water, yogurt or straight. I’ve noticed less urgency to go to the bathroom especially at night. Now I make one trip if at all versus a couple of times before I started to take it. I’m happy it’s helping me with this. I’ll continue to buy this Pumpkin Seed Extract.