Descrição do Produto: Elderberry Extract Powder
Descubra o poder da natureza com o Extrato de Sabugueiro em Pó da, uma fonte rica em nutrientes naturais que promove o suporte imunológico e o bem-estar geral. Cada porção de 175mg deste pó de sabugueiro negro é como um baú do tesouro, repleto de vitamina C, antioxidantes e nutrientes essenciais que a natureza oferece. O extrato é cuidadosamente extraído dos sabugueiros negros, garantindo que você receba todos os benefícios que essas pequenas frutas têm a oferecer.
Apoie sua jornada de bem-estar de forma intuitiva com nosso Extrato de Sabugueiro. Este suplemento em pó foi projetado para se integrar perfeitamente ao seu estilo de vida natural, sendo adequado para uso diário. Não há necessidade de complicadas rotinas; basta adicionar o pó à sua bebida favorita e desfrutar dos benefícios sem esforço.
Simplifique sua jornada de saúde com o nosso Extrato de Sabugueiro em Pó. Alcançar suas metas nutricionais diárias nunca foi tão fácil. Esqueça as preparações complicadas e as receitas que consomem tempo; com cada gole, você está apoiando seu bem-estar de maneira simples e direta.
A transparência e a confiança são fundamentais na escolha de um suplemento. O nosso Extrato de Sabugueiro não só passa por rigorosos testes de terceiros, mas também mantém os princípios de clareza e integridade em sua formulação e produção. Você pode ter certeza de que está fazendo uma escolha informada e segura.
Comprometidos com a excelência, produzimos nosso suplemento em uma instalação que atende a rigorosos padrões cGMP. O Extrato de Sabugueiro em Pó é um testemunho da nossa dedicação à qualidade, garantindo que você possa confiar na consistência e na excelência do nosso produto, lote após lote.
– Suporte Imunológico: Fortalece o sistema imunológico, ajudando a proteger o corpo contra doenças.
– Rico em Antioxidantes: Combate os radicais livres, promovendo a saúde celular e o envelhecimento saudável.
– Fácil de Usar: Integra-se facilmente à sua rotina diária, sem necessidade de preparações complexas.
– Gluten Free: Ideal para pessoas com intolerância ao glúten, garantindo uma opção segura para todos.
– Produzido com Qualidade: Fabricado em instalações que seguem rigorosos padrões de qualidade, assegurando um produto confiável.
Para aproveitar ao máximo os benefícios do Extrato de Sabugueiro em Pó, recomenda-se misturar uma porção de 175mg (aproximadamente uma colher de chá) em água, sucos ou smoothies. Pode ser consumido uma vez ao dia, preferencialmente pela manhã, para um impulso diário de nutrientes. Armazene em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, para preservar a qualidade do produto.
Autistic Reviewer –
This extract creates an excellent taste if mixed with other berry powders.
Shirley –
very efficient in their delivery
theknittingmom –
Loved the value and how many doses it made it. I still have more after making 100 capsules. Freshness was unbeatable. Very limited ingredients which is very important to me. The potency is fantastic and the smell is great.
phil –
If you like the flavor of black elderberry, it tastes good, mixes easily in water. But I got it because of the fruits, black elderberry has the highest amount of C3G. C3G is suppose to be good for your eyes and high enough amounts of C3G is suppose to partition nutrients. That should help with blood sugar and shuttle more nutrients into you muscle and less into your fat cells. It did make me leaner. I’m sticking with it for the way it helps the eyes. C3G as a stand alone supplement is more expensive.
I use this mixed in my juice or tea daily as an immune system booster And more frequently if I have a cold or illness to help shorten the time. Since starting elderberry last spring- I’ve only had on round of virus( illness) and was shorter than than other times I can remember( a few days as opposed to a week or more!👍
The taste is great( a little on the tart side- not sweet, but I Add to my beet juice or add to my tea with a little honey and is great. A little bit(1/2 teaspoon) in kids juice will boost their immune system during school yr.
ben h. –
It’s elderberry powder and almost, due to being depleted slightly in nutrients from drying heat, as good as other elderberry immune products. Goes well with cooking oils if chosen and mixed right and with deserts. I add it to my organic steel-cut oatmeal and make tinctures for coffee with mine to good success so far. The only thing better is actual elder berries themselves.
My daughter recommended this for getting over colds and it has been great. Mixed it with water and a tiny bit of stevia and store in the fridge in a glass jar. Can also mix with honey for healing when coughing as the honey coats the throat and honey is also anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and anti-inflammatory. Local honey is best to help with any allergies.
Everyone at work has been sick, but I have not gotten any of their colds even though working closely with them. Have recommended to friends who are now believers. If you do get the flu, be sure to take one tablespoon for adults and one teaspoon for children. Need to refrigerate.
Elderberry Syrup
2/3 cup elderberry powder
1 cinnamon stick or 1 heaping tsp ceylon cinnamon
3-1/2 cup boiled (and cooled) water
3/4 to 1-1/2 cup local raw honey
Autistic Reviewer –
I just received this package in the mail, and all it states is that it is Elderberry. It does not list it as being a 6:1 extract on the package label, and it does not state that it is standardized to 3% flavonoids.
The reason I purchased this item, instead of any other Elderberry on Amazon, was because it listed that it was standardized to 3% flavonoids. I don’t know if it is because the manufacturer is out of stock of this item, but this item is not what is currently being advertised and I feel a little bit ripped off. Because this is not what I wanted to purchase, and in 30 years of purchasing herbal products, I almost never seen this happen where an item differed from what was advertised, I am giving this a pretty low rating.
And since I know Amazon censors reviews, I will state for the record, that everything I am writing is relevant to a review of a product, because whether the item you received matches what you expected to get is part of reviewing a product. In this case, this item is not what I expected to get.
I just uploaded a photo of the packaging. The label is a bit dirty since Elderberry gets sticky when it gets wet, and I wiped the label off with a cloth before taking a picture. The ink they use on the label doesn’t seem too waterproof. If you look at the label, as stated in this review, it no longer states 6:1 extract or 3% flavonoids.
Also please note the piece of scotch tape I had to put on the bag to hold it shut. It is always annoying when the zip lock they include never seems to work on many of these herbal products. But with other herbal products, you can just bend the bag to fold it, but this bag is a little elastic and bounces back when you try to bend it.