Descrição do Produto: Rhodiola Extract Powder – 3% Salidrosides
Descubra o poder da natureza com o Extrato de Rhodiola em Pó da, uma fonte rica em nutrientes naturais que promove o bem-estar e a saúde. Cada porção de 200mg deste extrato de Rhodiola Rosea é como um baú do tesouro, repleto de antioxidantes e nutrientes essenciais que a terra nos oferece. Este suplemento herbal é ideal para quem busca um suporte intuitivo em sua jornada de saúde, permitindo que você se sinta apoiado em cada passo do caminho.
A simplicidade é a chave para uma vida saudável, e com nosso pó de extrato de Rhodiola, padronizado em 3% de Salidrosides, atingir suas metas nutricionais diárias se torna uma tarefa descomplicada. Não há mais necessidade de preparações complicadas ou receitas que consomem tempo; basta adicionar uma colher ao seu smoothie ou bebida favorita e desfrutar dos benefícios.
A transparência e a confiança são fundamentais na escolha de um suplemento. O nosso extrato de Rhodiola não só passa por rigorosos testes de terceiros, mas também é produzido com princípios de clareza e integridade em sua formulação e produção. Comprometidos com a excelência, fabricamos nosso pó de extrato de Rhodiola em uma instalação que segue estritas normas cGMP, garantindo que você receba um produto consistente e de alta qualidade, lote após lote.
– Apoio ao Estresse: A Rhodiola é conhecida por suas propriedades adaptogênicas, ajudando o corpo a lidar com o estresse físico e mental.
– Aumento da Energia: Este extrato pode ajudar a melhorar a resistência e a energia, tornando-o ideal para atletas e pessoas ativas.
– Melhora do Humor: A Rhodiola pode contribuir para a redução da fadiga e a melhora do humor, promovendo uma sensação geral de bem-estar.
– Suporte Cognitivo: Pode ajudar a melhorar a função cognitiva, aumentando a clareza mental e a concentração.
– Antioxidantes Naturais: Rico em antioxidantes, o extrato ajuda a combater os radicais livres, promovendo a saúde celular.
Para aproveitar ao máximo os benefícios do Extrato de Rhodiola em Pó, recomenda-se a ingestão de uma porção de 200mg por dia. O pó pode ser facilmente misturado em água, sucos, smoothies ou até mesmo em receitas de alimentos. É importante começar com uma dose menor e aumentar gradualmente, conforme necessário, sempre observando como seu corpo reage. Para melhores resultados, utilize o produto de forma contínua, integrando-o à sua rotina diária de saúde e bem-estar.
L –
Does not taste good. Very strong flavor.
incredibly effective controlling stress
Raises my energy level (cannot take in the evening)
First, this supplement drove me to buy a capsule machine. It’s incredibly effective and was triggering nausea. It got so I couldn’t eat and had to stop all supplements to recover.
Once encapsulated, I wondered why I’d ever had a problem. Until I burped. Never mind.
I use 1800 mg of this at a time. That is the therapeutic dose recommended by Daniel G. Amen in the first edition of his book, “Healing ADD”. I’ve also tried ginseng, ashwagandha, Relora and holy basil. I’ve found that as long as you stick to therapeutic doses, they all work.
I purchased all of these adaptogens because I have ADHD so severe I have frequent, brief episodes of amnesia. I might be at a meeting and remember everything except 5 minutes. Those 5 minutes will cease to exist for me. I’ve been told by my doctor that I’m perfectly cogent during these episodes but the memory is lost.
Being the little scientist that I am, I dug into brain biochemistry and discovered phosphatidylserine and phosphatidylcholine both precursors for critical neurotransmitters linked to memory/recall and alertness/focus respectively. Supplementation with these two was partially successful. I increased my memory/recall much more than my concentration/focus could handle. My own recall would overwhelm my focus and I’d get confused as the information crowded in too fast. I’d also forgotten *working memory*. I don’t know of any neurotransmitters involved but I knew stress could reduce working memory. I’d had mine measured and it was crap – at least 2 standard deviations away from expected based on my IQ.
I had ordered the rhodiola, ashwagandha and ginseng, so basically threw all of the at the problem.
1800 mg of the rhodialia
1000 mg of American ginseng
1000 mg of ashwagandha
All of it taken in the morning. It would been better to split the doses, but there was no way I could have remembered.
Within 3-4 days of this admittedly heavy dose, things started to ease up. The confusion from thinking slowed down. After about 3-4 weeks I noticed I was feeling almost “empty-headed” and constantly had the feeling that I’d forgotten something.
Then I noticed my driving had improved. Radically.
I’ve always been a slow, road boulder driver. My friends won’t let me drive, because they can’t stand to watch me hesitate, almost-panic, take completely unnecessary precautions. One day, I noticed I was driving like a normal person. I could merge into formerly impossible small spaces. I could match speeds quickly and easily. One of my friends exclaimed “You drove at — mph! You drove like a GERMAN. I am proud of you.” German????!!! As in the Autobahn german?
I was mystified until I realized the working memory and also processing speed must have increased. It couldn’t just be memory and concentration. And the only thing that I KNOW can affect that is reduction in stress levels.
I experimented with using adaptogens 3-4 times during the day and discovered they will control stress eating. All of the adaptogens I tried controlled my stress eating. The desire to nibble on things that would start at about 4 PM and continue until I fell asleep was stopped cold if I took any one of them at 2 – 4 PM. But I found 1800 mg of the rhodiola was too stimulating keeping me up to 2 AM. With such a heavy therapeutic dose, it’s good for eight hours. BTW, it also increases blood flow to the brain. You might not want to combine with gingko
I tried the ashwagandha and also holy basil at 10 – 11 PM along with taurine (a sleep aid) and it was the best night’s sleep in a long, long time. Basically, I’m stressing in my sleep – I grind my teeth, tense up my muscles until they cramp, and have nightmares (i’m a screamer).
Basically, I think all of these adaptogens will reduce stress. The rhodiola is great for daytime use. It definitely gives you an energy boost besides controlling stress. It’s too energizing for evening use. If you want to buy the powder, you DEFINITELY want to encapsulate. (Bulksupplements does sell the Capsule Machine but on their website, not on Amazon).
Traci –
This is one of the best supplements I’ve tried, I had an immediate response to it which was a very calm feeling with a bit of energy. Rodiala is an adaptogen and has good studies to back up it’s efficiency. Bulk supplements sent it out super fast and is easy to deal with, and I love that their products are pure with no fillers. That makes their products take less to do it’s job and a bag of this will last quite a while. I’d say at this price I would expect a month’s worth from competitors while I will easily get 6 months or more here. A little goes a long way, be sure to try half the recommended amount first until you get a feel of it. They definitely have great deals on quality supplements, ship fast and are a pleasure to deal with. This is what a great supplements company should be, and they offer so many different supplements so there is always something interesting to try.
Yendao42 –
This is excellent quality rhodiola. I have an autoimmune disease (ankylosing spondylitis) that keeps me chronically fatigued. Even sleep is usually unrefreshing. Since starting rhodiola rosea 3% salidrosides (200mg 2X/day), my head clears very quickly in the morning once I start moving around. Just brewing my coffee is enough to wake me fully before I have time to drink it! I also find that when I have to try to push through the pain and fatigue to get my daily chores done, almost the same thing happens: the fatigue recedes rapidly and I can be active longer before the exhaustion sets in. I can’t overemphasize how fantastic that is! One person with this disease as “walking through waist deep water, and the water is pain”. Before rhodiola, normal for me was, once I showerd, shaved and got dressed, I have to lie down a while. This has really increased my time to fatigue. I’m grateful to BulkSupplements for making such high quality rhodiola affordable!
P. S. Ignore comments that claim salidrosides do nothing. That is a misinterpretation of a study that indicated rosavin was the active component for the effect they were measuring. Salidrosides and rosavins just have different effects. Do the research yourself on PubMed.