Descrição do Produto: Extrato de Raiz de Valeriana em Pó
Descubra o poder da natureza com o Extrato de Raiz de Valeriana em Pó da, um suplemento que promete elevar seu bem-estar a um novo patamar. Com 500mg por porção e um total de 250g (8,8 oz) por embalagem, este produto é ideal para quem busca uma solução natural e eficaz para promover a saúde e o relaxamento. A raiz de valeriana, conhecida por suas propriedades calmantes, é rica em antioxidantes e flavonoides, proporcionando um impulso necessário para manter seu corpo saudável e equilibrado.
- ✔️ Repleto de Antioxidantes: Dê um passo em direção a um melhor bem-estar ao adicionar nosso pó de extrato de raiz de valeriana à sua dieta! A raiz de valeriana é rica em flavonoides, oferecendo ao seu corpo o suporte antioxidante que ele precisa para se manter saudável e em forma. Desfrute deste suplemento herbal como parte de sua rotina de bem-estar.
- ✔️ Para o Bem-Estar Geral: Eleve seu bem-estar a um novo nível com o pó de extrato de raiz de valeriana. Nosso pó de raiz de valeriana ajuda a melhorar o humor geral e o bem-estar, permitindo que você se sinta no seu melhor. Dê a si mesmo a vantagem de se manter saudável, deixando nosso extrato fazer todo o trabalho!
- ✔️ Amigável para Veganos, Natural e Sem Glúten: Mantenha sua saúde e bem-estar sob controle com nosso pó de extrato de raiz de valeriana, que é natural e livre de sabores artificiais. Esqueça os açúcares adicionados – nosso pó de raiz de valeriana é isento de glúten, laticínios e soja, para que você possa relaxar sem preocupações. Então, vá em frente – retome o controle com cada 1/5 colher de chá por porção!
- ✔️ Descanse Após um Longo Dia: Se você não é fã de chá, não se preocupe! Nosso pó de extrato de raiz de valeriana pode ser facilmente adicionado à sua dieta diária. Incorpore nosso pó de extrato de raiz de valeriana em smoothies, parfaits de iogurte ou outras receitas para um impulso extra de relaxamento. É uma maneira simples e natural de promover o bem-estar geral em momentos de necessidade!
- ⭐ Alta Qualidade: Nunca comprometa a qualidade! Nosso extrato de raiz de valeriana, na forma de pó, é produzido de acordo com os padrões cGMP, e cada lote é testado por terceiros várias vezes para garantir conformidade, padronização e consistência.
1. Promove Relaxamento: Ideal para quem busca alívio do estresse e da ansiedade após um dia cansativo.
2. Melhora o Humor: Contribui para um estado emocional mais equilibrado, ajudando a elevar o ânimo.
3. Suplemento Natural: Com ingredientes naturais e sem aditivos artificiais, é uma escolha saudável para todos.
4. Versatilidade na Preparação: Pode ser facilmente incorporado em diversas receitas, como smoothies e iogurtes.
5. Qualidade Garantida: Produzido sob rigorosos padrões de qualidade, assegurando um produto seguro e eficaz.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de 1/5 colher de chá (aproximadamente 500mg) do pó de extrato de raiz de valeriana, uma ou duas vezes ao dia. O pó pode ser misturado em água, sucos, smoothies ou adicionado a iogurtes e outras preparações alimentares. É importante começar com uma dose menor e ajustar conforme necessário, sempre consultando um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer novo suplemento. Mantenha o produto em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, para preservar sua eficácia.
Bron.y.Aur –
Quite different from using the gelcap or other forms,but i actually like this process better.The stuff works quite well in my opinion…i’m a permanently disabled Veteran w/ a Severe/Critical Anxiety/Panic Disorder(w/ Severe Sleep Apnea as well),and for the last 2-3 years have had to rely on more natural means to help control it as much as possible.I will suggest following the instructions to the letter though as i have made the mistake of using a reg teaspoon and it was a rather larger dosage than a measured 1/2 tsp(for me),wound up w/ a pretty upset stomach just some hours later after falling asleep…..since then i have made sure i use a actual measuring spoon “every time” and it works very well….personally i prefer mixing it w/ ginger ale as it brings the taste/smell down a bit(usu a very strong aroma/flavor most have difficulties with)Grape flavored drinks have always worked well also as with teas,can be hard to absorb into your drink of choice (mine are room temp) but i add 1/ tsp at a time to maybe 2oz of ginger ale….slowly,stir in,add a little more g/a….repeat,then pour up to half/can,stir again and let sit until ready.Sleep aid or anxiety relief…..should help.But do remember i use the dosage i use because of my medical situation…..def use the dosage that is instructed [1/8 tsp(300mg)1/4 tsp to 1/8 tsp(600mg)] to avoid upset stomach etc.
Amy –
This was good
Shanna –
This stuff is as stinky as any valerian root I’ve smelled, and as potent. I wanted to mix it with water or juice because I have a hard time swallowing large pills, but it didn’t dissolve as easily as I was hoping. i plan to return to using pills as a result. This was cost effective, quality valerian powder, and I highly recommend for anyone with anxiety and sleep issues.
William E. Dahl –
This is probably the only natural sleep aid that actually works for me. Haven’t had much luck with melatonin, tryptophan, or GABA. But this definitely works, it can put me in a deep, restful sleep. And no hangover or brain fog in the morning. Only negative I experience, is I quickly develop a tolerance, where it slowly weakens, and then stops working. I just back off for a week or two, and then it will work again. Probably not unique to valerian, I’ve noticed the same with l-theanine. I take 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon of valerian in my mouth, then chug a glass of water. I’ll be honest, it smells & tastes horrible! No fault of the product or seller. I would highly recommend this product for those struggling to fall asleep, or stay asleep.
Storm –
It stinks. It taste horrible. It works. I am at peace. I am calm. It aids in me sleeping well without brain fog. I dry scoop and take it with water. It is rough but well worth it. Did I mention it stinks. It smells as if a teenage young person just got of two a days in the Texas heat. But I appreciate it! With its stinky self.
Smurfnibble –
5/6/17, still 5 stars! My pony has really been doing great. He hasn’t changed completely, nor made him a new pony, but this supplement has really worked to take the edge off. I’m going to try it for myself at bedtime!!!
I actually use this supplement for my pony. It is an ingredient in a horse supplement I was paying twice this per month!! Now I have about a 8-12 month supply of it for $20.
I have a pony that has not done much outside of a riding ring, and since I’ve bought him, I’ve ONLY done riding out of the ring! We have no ring, only trails. He’s afraid of everything. Leaves, rocks, signs… They are all deadly dragons. So, I now give him calming herbs and minerals.
Valerian acts as a calming aid, and with other supplements I’ll be buying from Bulksupplements, they work together to keep his nervous system balanced and his nerves calmed.
I’ve had him on this supplement for a week, and have been happy with his calm demeanor. Since this supplement is taking over for the same ingredient in his older supplement, it’s good that he is staying about the same. If this stuff works on a 700Lbs pony, it will work wonders for people!!
I’ll definitely be buying all my vitamin and supplements I need from now on from Bulksupplements. The prices are outstanding, and the packaging ensures freshness and purity. I love their product/packaging simplicity and value, as well as good value and service.
Julie Hutchinson –
This review is well-deserved about the quality of this product. For over 10 years I have suffered a hand tremor that has affected me professionally, intellectually and personally. I was desperate for some answers and for a real solution. A friend of mine shared with me a link about a video of a doctor that was talking about the effects a person can have when they have a deficiency of GABA Receptors. One of those effects was involuntary tremors. After a little more digging on what that doctor was explaining, I felt his explanation made sense, so then I moved on to his solution. Valerian is a medicinal herb that produces anxiolytic and sedative effects. Valerian root acts via gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA)ergic mechanisms. I decided to give a try to this brand specifically because it is the third different product I have purchased from this company that has so far exceeded my expectations in the quality of the products they sell. This valerian root was not the exception. My tremors have significantly diminished to 1%. I could not be more happy with the results I have noticed so far.
Ozsiris –
I found the Valerian Root Extract Powder to be of poor quality, as it had an unpleasant damp smell and was sticky. I tried to fill a 00 size capsule with this extract, and you can see the result. I couldn’t use it, and it went to the bin. I definitely will not buy from this seller again.