Descrição do Produto: Longjack Extract Powder – Extrato de Tongkat Ali
Descubra o poder da natureza com o nosso Extrato de Longjack em pó, também conhecido como Extrato de Tongkat Ali. Este produto é uma verdadeira joia da biodiversidade, extraído da raiz da planta Eurycoma longifolia, que tem sido utilizada por séculos na medicina tradicional. Cada porção deste pó é uma rica fonte de nutrientes naturais, proporcionando um suporte essencial para a saúde e o bem-estar geral. Ao incorporar o Extrato de Longjack em sua rotina, você se conecta a um legado de vitalidade e força.
- Rico em Nutrientes Naturais: Mergulhe em um mundo onde cada dose é um baú de tesouros de nutrientes essenciais, diretamente da natureza. Nosso pó de Extrato de Longjack aproveita a generosidade da terra, oferecendo os nutrientes necessários para uma saúde vibrante.
- Suporte Intuitivo ao Bem-Estar: Sinta-se apoiado em sua jornada de bem-estar com nosso pó de Extrato de Longjack, projetado para complementar seu estilo de vida natural. Adequado para uso diário, nosso suplemento de Tongkat Ali se integra facilmente à sua rotina de saúde, sem complicações.
- Simplifique Sua Jornada de Bem-Estar: Com nosso Extrato de Longjack, alcançar suas metas nutricionais diárias se torna uma tarefa simples. Sem preparações complicadas ou receitas demoradas; apenas uma maneira direta de apoiar seu bem-estar a cada gole.
- Transparente e Confiável: Experimente a confiança que vem ao escolher um suplemento que não apenas atende a rigorosos testes de terceiros, mas também mantém os princípios de clareza e integridade em sua formulação e produção.
- Compromisso com a Excelência: Produzido em uma instalação que cumpre rigorosos padrões cGMP, nosso suplemento de Tongkat Ali em pó é um testemunho de nossa dedicação à qualidade. Você pode confiar na consistência e excelência do nosso produto, lote após lote.
1. Aumento da Energia e Vitalidade: O Extrato de Tongkat Ali é conhecido por ajudar a aumentar os níveis de energia, proporcionando um impulso natural para o dia a dia.
2. Suporte à Saúde Sexual: Este suplemento é amplamente utilizado para melhorar a libido e a saúde sexual masculina, promovendo um desempenho otimizado.
3. Melhora do Humor e Redução do Estresse: Os compostos naturais presentes no Tongkat Ali podem ajudar a equilibrar os níveis hormonais, contribuindo para um estado de espírito mais positivo.
4. Apoio ao Crescimento Muscular: Ideal para atletas e entusiastas do fitness, o Extrato de Longjack pode auxiliar no aumento da massa muscular e na recuperação pós-treino.
5. Facilidade de Uso: Com uma fórmula em pó, é fácil de incorporar em shakes, smoothies ou até mesmo em receitas, tornando a suplementação prática e acessível.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se misturar uma colher de chá (aproximadamente 3 gramas) do Extrato de Longjack em pó em água, suco ou sua bebida favorita. Consuma uma vez ao dia, preferencialmente pela manhã ou antes do treino, para maximizar os benefícios energéticos e de desempenho. É importante seguir as orientações de uso e consultar um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação, especialmente se você tiver condições médicas pré-existentes ou estiver tomando outros medicamentos.
Justin Peltz –
I was a bodybuilder back in the 90’s and early 2000’s. I have tried every supplement that has ever come out that helps raise test levels. I have never encountered a supplement that does this well of a job. I’m 45 and have noticed a decline in all the things that testosterone helps with. This has rectified all of them. I haven’t been able to track down a dose you should use for this but I do 1/4 teaspoon in the morning and a 1/4 teaspoon around noon. I am losing fat, putting on muscle, getting stronger, libido is back, mood is better. This is a great supplement. Yes it tastes horrible but who cares. Mix a tiny bit in a little bit of water and chug it. Immediately drink some water to chase it. After awhile the taste doesn’t bother you. Take it for a least a few weeks every day before deciding if it works for you. I felt differently on day 4 but that could have been a placebo effect. I did break out a bit after a few weeks but then it all went away. The way this supplement works is it allows your body to unlock and use free testosterone that your body is already producing. I have added in fadogia agrestis (signals body to produce more testosterone) and I didn’t notice a difference with the fadogia. Going back to just this and Ashwagandha.
Mizrah –
I previously purchased longjack in capsule form from another provider for use as part of my weightlifting supplementation – in hopes of increasing my testosterone naturally. I was hoping it would give me extra power and energy when in the gym and did notice a positive impact on libido but no real impact on my workouts, so I thought I would try this brand. I’ve been using the bulk supplements brand longjack for about two months and started with two daily doses of 1/4 teaspoon, but again, so far the only noticeable effect has been an increase in libido.
Originally I had intended to put this powder in capsules. Intrigued by the chance to see if i could stomach the taste, I mixed it with the pre-flavored creatine and other supplements I take with water. I did not find the taste to be as bad as some reviews make it out to be. It does taste bitter and I would describe it as “earthy,” but I could stomach it if I had to without any flavoring (plugging my nose of course). Taking it with the flavored creatine or other flavored beverage is definitely tolerable as part of my 2x daily supplement routine.
Would I buy it again? I’m not sure yet. I bought the 250g package, and it looks like it’s going to last me awhile. I cycle it 5 days on, 2 days off each week to help ensure my body continues to respond to it.
If you’re interested in this or other supplements, I’ve found to be a helpful resource. Low-grade evidence (ranked 3 of 4 in terms of research quality), shows that longjack has the potential to: produce a minor decrease in cortisol, weight and stress, and produce a minor increase in erections, libido, seminal motility/sperm quality and subjective well-being.
It seems that my experience aligns with what this research has shown – that this isn’t necessarily a great supplement for athletic performance but could be good for bedroom performance…
N/W –
Before you read this, know that I am not being paid for my review and am an actual customer. I have never had to write a disclaimer before, but this is going to read like an advertisement.
This product is amazing! It is the first supplement I have ever used (and there have been a lot) that actually does everything that it claims. I wish that there was not so much misinformation out there about supplements so that I could have started taking this one years ago.
There are a couple of things to know before purchasing:
1. It tastes terrible. Just terrible. It is an amazing product, but there is nothing that can make this not taste awful.
2. The measurement is incredibly small and there is no measuring cup provided. You will either need to purchase a 1/64 Tsp. measuring spoon or wing it.
3. You may need to use more than the recommended dosage to get the desired effect.
I have heard amazing things about 200:1 extract (which costs at lease 3 times as much for way less), which is why I started taking about double the recommended dose (which means that there are ONLY 600 doses for $30). This product does everything you could want it too. I have more energy after taking it. I feel stronger after taking it (this is noticeable when you are cycling off, it is very potent). In fact, this is so powerful that I have stopped taking it until I can get blood work done so that I can get an accurate read on my testosterone for a before reading. I cannot recommend this product enough. It does also help with libido (insanely), but even if this is not your focus this is a product worth taking. I have been working out for years with low T and am finally seeing results for the first time.
If you are a man then you need this product. It’s that simple.
Wonder twin –
I felt energy not long after taking this. My God it is bitter. It’s probably the worst thing that I’ve ever tasted. I expected bitterness but sheeesh. If you’ve ever vomit so much that bile comes up, that’s what it tastes like. No matter what you mix it with. Just have something flavorful to chase after it. I’m going to use it but will buy it in capsule form next time.
Josh M –
It’s as potent as any other Tongkat ali that I’ve ever tried and and it’s at a really great price. 10/10 will order again.