Descrição do Produto: Kacip Fatimah (Labisia pumila) Extract Powder 0.3-0.8%% Gallic Acid 50g
O Kacip Fatimah, conhecido cientificamente como Labisia pumila, é uma planta amplamente reconhecida por suas propriedades benéficas à saúde feminina. Este extrato em pó, com uma concentração de 0.3-0.8% de ácido gálico, é 100% puro e livre de aditivos ou enchimentos, garantindo que você receba todos os benefícios naturais que essa erva tem a oferecer. O Kacip Fatimah é tradicionalmente utilizado para apoiar a saúde das mulheres, ajudando a equilibrar os hormônios, promover a saúde reprodutiva e aliviar o desconforto menstrual. Além disso, este suplemento herbal é conhecido por suas propriedades adaptogênicas, que auxiliam na gestão do estresse e promovem o relaxamento, tornando-se uma excelente adição à rotina de bem-estar diário.
O Kacip Fatimah não apenas se destaca por seu suporte à saúde feminina, mas também é valorizado por sua capacidade de aumentar os níveis de energia, reduzir a fadiga e melhorar a vitalidade geral. Com séculos de uso na medicina tradicional do Sudeste Asiático, este extrato é uma escolha popular entre mulheres de todas as idades que buscam um estilo de vida mais equilibrado e saudável.
– Equilíbrio Hormonal: Ajuda a regular os hormônios, promovendo um ciclo menstrual mais saudável.
– Saúde Reprodutiva: Suporta a saúde do sistema reprodutivo feminino, contribuindo para a fertilidade.
– Redução do Estresse: As propriedades adaptogênicas ajudam a gerenciar o estresse e promovem a calma.
– Aumento de Energia: Melhora os níveis de energia e reduz a sensação de fadiga, ideal para o dia a dia.
– Vitalidade Geral: Contribui para um bem-estar geral, melhorando a qualidade de vida.
Para aproveitar ao máximo os benefícios do Kacip Fatimah, recomenda-se a ingestão de 1 a 2 colheres de chá do extrato em pó diariamente. O pó pode ser misturado em água, sucos ou smoothies, facilitando a incorporação na sua rotina. É aconselhável iniciar com uma dose menor e aumentar gradualmente, conforme necessário, sempre consultando um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplemento. Armazenar em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, para preservar a qualidade do produto.
sunflower –
I just received the product. So obviously, it is too early for me to tell what effects this is going to have on me. I am hoping for some wetness and I am hoping some of the negative affects on my appearance since I turned 50 will start to reverse with the type of phytoestrogen that’s in this herb
I did some research and came across it, But there’s next to nothing written about it in the United States. And it’s hard to find it here
I did come across three options on Amazon, all expensive. And wasn’t very confident about where it came from and how it was Manufactured
The reason I decided on this product, is because I went to their website and saw how Meticulously they extract their herbs. It’s very state of the art
I know a lot of people won’t buy an herbal product unless it’s manufactured in the United States. But the truth of it is that 90% of the herbs are grown in Asia. That’s just where they come from. And this is no exception. This is grown and manufactured in Malaysia
I decided that their website and company looked professional and like they knew what they were doing, so I purchased the herb.
At first when I received it I shook the canister that it comes in ( tin With plastic top) and heard something rattling. But it was so lightweight, and I didn’t feel any powder so I thought the canister was empty.
So when I opened it, I was very surprised because there is a pouch inside with the herb in it to keep it fresh. And then there is a little spoon which is the serving spoon.
Each spoon holds 180 mg of herb. And the dosage is to take one of those spoons 2 to 3 times a day.
So the dosage is up being 360 to 540 mg per day. That is equal to a 500 mg capsule which is what I have seen with the other two companies I found making deserve into their product.
But those ones were blends whereas this one is pure kacip Fatima Extract. It should be stronger than just the herb because it is an extraction of the herb
So today is day one. I will update if I start to feel affects whether positive or negative I am hoping that this is worth the purchase price over soy estrogens and other Phytoestrogen products that I have tried.
The reviews for Yoni pills that contain Fatima make it seem like this stuff is a magical elixir and so I do have a high hopes for it.
I also did some research on the urban. And what they’re saying about it is that it actually creates osteoblasts in bone. Once we turn 50, or go into menopause for any other reason at any age, our bones began getting weak. Our collagen disappears. And a combination of those two things will cause the face to sag and then the entire body will start to look as though gravity is taking a toll on it
My entire life I was always told how shockingly young I looked. When I was 49 People kept saying I look 26. And then… When I turned 50 I did not get my period ever Again. And the way I looked rapidly changed to where it seemed like I was aging 20 years within a three year period.
It has been extremely hard for me to handle looking 26 to looking 50 within a three-year period
Nothing I have taken has begun to reverse this yet, but I am hoping that maybe this herb will be the thing that does it
Eboniqtpy –
I think we have a winner. My bestie recommend taking this to help aid with all the negative affects of pre menopause (libido). I will have to say that this stuff works almost too good. I have reduced my usage down to 2-3 days a week.
angie b –
I dont usually write reviews but i noticed that there isnt very many of them on here but for the people wondering why its because this is a expensive product it works like magic you will be lubricated for sure not only lubricated but very h*rny the levle of horniness just from taking a tiny bit of this powerder on a scale from 1-10 its 10 and all women should keep this powder for when they need it side note i have tried female rituals vaginal tightening supplement witch i bought on amazon and that supplement tightens the vag and also lubricates your 🐱💦 it dose help with making you h*rny but the effects are about a 7 but above 10 for vaginal tighting and above 10 for wetness my suggestion is that you purchase both products to keep your vag tight and wet our bodies change but this is the way to fixing the changes without paying for surgeries i am proof that these work because the product tightnes me and both did exactly what they were supposed to do another product to add to your cart is oak gall powder you only need a teaspoon of that powder and you can mix with water and put it into a douche it can dry you out if you use to much but that product also tightens the vag so if you have a date and need immediate tightness use that and it tightens in 2 minutes of using it youll thank me later add all to your cart by the way the oak gall powder is in a brown pouch thats the one you need to buy no other oak gall products search for it on amazon im so happy to share this with everyone your sex lifes going to change trust me