Descrição do Produto:
O Micro Ingredients Organic Bamboo Extract Powder é um suplemento em pó de 8 onças, que oferece um ano de fornecimento de um dos alimentos mais ricos em nutrientes do planeta. Este pó é uma fonte excepcional de sílica e minerais, essenciais para a manutenção da saúde da pele, unhas, cabelo, articulações e ossos. Com uma fórmula 100% livre de organismos geneticamente modificados (Non-GMO) e amigável para veganos, este produto é ideal para quem busca uma alimentação saudável e natural.
Este pó de bambu é repleto de antioxidantes, vitaminas (como B2, B12, C e K), e minerais essenciais como zinco, cobre, magnésio, cálcio, sílica e potássio. Além disso, contém flavonoides, polifenóis, aminoácidos e fibras, que contribuem para uma dieta equilibrada e nutritiva. O produto não contém aditivos, conservantes, cores ou sabores artificiais, soja, enchimentos ou glúten, garantindo uma experiência pura e saudável.
A embalagem vem com uma colher medidora, facilitando a dosagem precisa a cada uso. O pó pode ser facilmente incorporado à sua rotina diária, sendo adicionado a shakes ou smoothies, permitindo que você descubra todos os benefícios que este superalimento tem a oferecer. Para os amantes de pó, a forma em que o produto é apresentado proporciona uma maior concentração, absorção mais rápida e é mais suave para o estômago, além de oferecer diversas maneiras de consumo.
1. Saúde da Pele: A alta concentração de sílica ajuda a manter a elasticidade e a firmeza da pele, promovendo um aspecto saudável e radiante.
2. Fortalecimento de Unhas e Cabelos: Os minerais presentes no pó de bambu contribuem para unhas mais fortes e cabelos mais saudáveis, reduzindo a quebra e promovendo o crescimento.
3. Suporte às Articulações: A ingestão regular pode ajudar a manter a saúde das articulações, proporcionando maior flexibilidade e conforto.
4. Fortalecimento Ósseo: Os minerais como cálcio e magnésio são essenciais para a saúde óssea, ajudando a prevenir problemas como a osteoporose.
5. Fácil Integração na Dieta: Com a colher medidora inclusa, é simples adicionar o pó a diversas receitas, tornando a suplementação prática e saborosa.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se adicionar uma colher do Micro Ingredients Organic Bamboo Extract Powder a shakes, smoothies ou até mesmo em receitas de bolos e sopas. A dosagem ideal é de uma colher por dia, podendo ser ajustada conforme a necessidade individual. O pó é facilmente absorvido pelo organismo, proporcionando uma experiência digestiva suave. É importante manter uma rotina de consumo regular para maximizar os benefícios e garantir que seu corpo receba todos os nutrientes essenciais que o pó de bambu tem a oferecer.
Bre –
This stuff really works!! I have been using it for one month (just checked to verify the date). My hair is longer, fuller and thicker than before. In one month, my barber has noticed, my beautician (my hair is short and dyed with balding spots) and my Mom have noticed the difference. Even though I wear my hair short, bald spots are not pleasant especially on a woman born female from birth. I gave it 4 stars because it is a very fine gritty powder and it does not dissolve. However it does not change the flavor of anything you add it to. I drink it in hot and cold teas. I take a 1/4 teaspoon twice a day. Because it is used in such small amounts one package lasts a long time. I will reorder in about 4 months. If you drink shakes or smoothies and need to grow your hair, this is a must have. If you don’t drink shakes or smoothies and want to grow your hair, this is a Must Have. If just want to grow your hair, this is a MUST HAVE.
Cynthia –
The bag seal was too strong and broke upon opening, so I poured it in a mason jar and cut the label out to tape on. Be careful and do this outside if you have to cause it is very powdery and easily kicks up into the air. It came with a measuring spoon for accurate dosing. The supplement itself is great, it doesn’t taste too bad I wouldn’t say it tastes good either, it’s mild flavored. I have noticed some minor tummy troubles the first few doses however silica can help aid the body in detox so I wouldn’t blame the supplement for causing it directly, if it were the cause I would still be getting sick but I’m not anymore. I really appreciate this product cause I want to regularly take my supplements but was not about to spend hundreds of dollars a year on subscription. This saves me so much money for such a large supply.
Babbo –
This just came in the mail, so obviously I don’t know if it works or not. Some have said it is gritty, some say it doesn’t dissolve in hot water, some say it has a strong flavor. That is NOT my impression. It is not gritty at all. It easily dissolved in cold water. I can taste it, but I don’t feel like it is strong. I will add to my review after a few months to see if it works.
Kasundra “Dr. K.” Brown – The Tilted Fedora Trainer –
I like this product for its quick delivery also it is helping my hair to get stronger.
IloveDollMaking –
Powder is white and is a bit gritty. I add a scoop into my morning coffee with stevia extract. Pleasant, mild taste. I also take a scoop mixed with water. Doesn’t really dissolve but it’s doable. Would be great in capsules if you can’t deal with gritty textures, or add to smoothies. I added a scoop to a teaspoon of Cocoanut oil and used as toothpaste. Polishes nicely & left my teeth and mouth feeling silky smooth.
I’m using this to help rebuild my connective tissue, repair my nerves and gut lining- all damaged from chronic lyme disease that went undiagnosed for 20+ years. I have only been using this twice daily for six days so far BUT holy smokes! I’m seeing visual results already. My skin is ever so slightly plumber, especially my aging neck skin, and I wouldn’t mind if this continues to improve the longer I use it, but my finger nails! Holy smokes! They are stronger now than ever before, they used to be rather transparent…. Now they are almost fully solid, healthy white…. Seems like they are filling in and getting stronger first as I haven’t had a surge of length yet but I Know to expect that as soon as my body is done filling in the gaps so to speak.
Also: cellulite has visually lessened… Slightly but enough for me to notice. Not sure what to think of that but this is the only thing different I’m doing so maybe it is healing my fascia and connective tissue quicker than anticipated?
I’ll post another review as time goes on with how it’s working for me.
Happy health & healing to all my Lymie friends out there!!!
Lisa lisa –
Yes, it’s bitter but a great way of getting bio available silica. Not bad in coffee. Overall, priceless.
Tonya Campbell –
Won’t have to wait long for results with stuff.
It’s amazing.
It’s herby tasting, very fresh tasting, too. I like the flavor so, I have no need to hide it in anything; yet, the small serving can be blended seamlessly into almost anything.
If you want soft, plumped skin – all over – try this wonderful powder.
I’ve taken many silica product from various sources, as well, and none compare to this pure, green plant.
Highly Recommended!
IloveDollMaking –
A friend suggested I take a bamboo supplement to help with my nails and hair. But I’ve also learned that It helps to strengthen the connective tissues of the brain, nerve cells, and spinal cord thereby improving memory and helping to prevent memory loss. Silica also helps stabilize the pancreas’s release of insulin! Silica is absolutely essential to bone growth and for the development of the body. When you are young, your body has abundant levels of silica which is why children normally have beautiful silky hair, soft skin and perfect nails. Silica also promotes proper mineral balance between calcium and magnesium within the body.
If you want your nails, skin, and hair to be healthy, turn to silica and this brand is reasonably priced and easy to use. I just add it to my daily smoothie, yoghurt or applesauce.