Descubra o poder da natureza com o Extrato de Astrágalo em Pó da, uma verdadeira joia para a sua saúde e bem-estar. Este suplemento vegano é extraído diretamente da raiz do astrágalo, uma planta milenar conhecida por suas propriedades benéficas. Cada porção deste pó é um verdadeiro baú de tesouros, repleto de vitaminas e nutrientes essenciais que a natureza oferece. Ao incorporar o Extrato de Astrágalo em sua rotina, você se conecta a um mundo onde a saúde é nutrida de forma intuitiva e natural.
- Rico em Nutrientes Naturais: Mergulhe em um universo onde cada dose é uma fonte de vitaminas e nutrientes essenciais, diretamente da natureza. Nosso pó de Extrato de Raiz de Astrágalo aproveita a generosidade da terra, proporcionando os nutrientes necessários para uma saúde vibrante e bem-estar.
- Apoio Intuitivo ao Bem-Estar: Sinta-se apoiado em sua jornada de bem-estar com nosso Extrato de Astrágalo, projetado para complementar seu estilo de vida natural. Adequado para uso diário, nosso suplemento de astrágalo se encaixa perfeitamente na sua rotina de saúde, sem complicações.
- Simplifique Sua Jornada de Bem-Estar: Com nosso pó de Extrato de Astrágalo, alcançar suas metas nutricionais diárias se torna uma tarefa simples. Sem preparações complicadas ou receitas que consomem tempo; apenas uma maneira direta de apoiar seu bem-estar a cada gole.
- Transparente e Confiável: Experimente a confiança que vem ao escolher um suplemento que não apenas atende a rigorosos testes de terceiros, mas também mantém os princípios de clareza e integridade em sua formulação e produção.
- Compromisso com a Excelência: Produzido em uma instalação que cumpre rigorosos padrões cGMP, nosso pó de Extrato de Astrágalo é um testemunho do nosso compromisso com a qualidade. Você pode confiar na consistência e excelência do nosso produto, lote após lote.
1. Apoio ao Sistema Imunológico: O extrato de astrágalo é conhecido por suas propriedades que ajudam a fortalecer o sistema imunológico, proporcionando uma defesa natural contra doenças.
2. Aumento da Energia e Vitalidade: Este suplemento pode ajudar a aumentar os níveis de energia, combatendo a fadiga e promovendo uma sensação geral de vitalidade.
3. Propriedades Antioxidantes: O astrágalo é rico em antioxidantes, que ajudam a combater os radicais livres e a proteger as células do corpo contra danos.
4. Suporte à Saúde Cardiovascular: O uso regular do extrato pode contribuir para a saúde do coração, ajudando a manter níveis saudáveis de colesterol e pressão arterial.
5. Facilidade de Uso: A forma em pó permite uma incorporação simples na dieta, seja em smoothies, sucos ou até mesmo em receitas, facilitando o consumo diário.
Para aproveitar ao máximo os benefícios do Extrato de Astrágalo em Pó, recomenda-se a adição de 1 a 2 colheres de chá (aproximadamente 3 a 6 gramas) em sua bebida favorita, como água, suco ou smoothie. Pode ser consumido uma ou duas vezes ao dia, conforme necessário. Para melhores resultados, combine com uma dieta equilibrada e um estilo de vida saudável. Armazene em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, para preservar a qualidade do produto.
I. N. Sight –
In my ongoing search for natural, healthful supplements, the benefits of the traditional Chinese medicine herb Astragalus came to my attention. In addition to boosting immunity, Astragalus has antibacterial, adaptogenic, anti-inflammatory, and anti-viral effects. It is thought to help the body resist virus infections, particularly in the lungs, by increasing production of interferon, an immune factor that inhibits viral growth. Plus there are benefits for the heart and liver as well as studies showing enhanced efficacy of cancer chemotherapy when Astragalus is utilized during treatment.
If you are interested in best value, Bulksupplements Pure Astragalus Extract Powder is excellent. No fillers or diluters, just the pure stuff you want in powder form. Kind of a funky taste, but not to the point of discouraging ingestion of the recommended daily dose.
Oran Lester –
I recently started using the Astragulus Powder every morning along with my daily protein smoothie. My research shows that Astragulus has been used in ancient Chinese medicine for centuries. Read a article about an old Chinese herbalologist that lived to be over 240 years old by adding this to his regimen. Record states he was born in the 1600 hundreds and died late 1800 hundreds.
Steve S / Noon Sun Publishing –
I think this will become one of my favorite supplements from this company. I started taking astragalus as part of my personal antiaging experiments. I had read that astragalus may have a positive effect on one’s telomeres — slowing down their tendency to shorten with age (if not stopping the shortening altogether). I started with capsules, but I much prefer this powder. I get tired of “popping pills” in terms of all the nutrients I take, so powders just work better for me as I can mix them into my coffee.
The astragalus powder is virtually tasteless, unlike some of the other extracts from this company, and it dissolves well in liquid. As for effects, who can really say? This is the last supplement to be added to my regimen, and I’ve only been using it a little while, but it seems that I have more energy and look better (younger, too, I hope). It would be unscientific to pin this to this particular supplement, and there’s always the placebo effect to contend with, but I just “feel” that somehow it’s really doing me good.
Other products I’m using from this company, BTW, include maca root, broccoli extract (gives a veggie taste to my coffee), L-arginine, and pine bark extract (the hardest one to dissolve). I like the purity of the extracts, and if I could switch from capsules/tablets to powder for all of my supplements, I would be very happy.
Daniel Toker –
My creatinine levels have always been on the moderately high end (a bit above 1), which isn’t anywhere near the level of chronic kidney disease, but does indicate less-than-optimal kidney function. I wanted to improve that, and I’d seen a few published clinical papers (and a ton of anecdotal reports online) suggesting that astragalus can lower creatinine, so I gave this a try. And I’m glad to say it really worked! After taking 1-2 teaspoons mixed with water first thing in the morning for a few months, my creatinine levels fell substantially and stayed down. I obviously can’t be sure if this is what did the trick, since I also started taking potassium at the same time, and for whatever reason in my own blood work higher potassium has always meant lower creatinine. But, assuming this has helped, I just ordered my second bag of this stuff, and plan to stay on it for the foreseeable future.
sally baldwin –
I had to locate my own 1/2 t measuring spoon, which is the recommended daily dose. It does not dissolve easily in the Briggs apple cider vinegar I use each night with water, but since it has no taste, even if I drink a small clump of it with my evening vitamins, that is OK. The bag will not reseal, even though it has a zip lock top. I had to find a bag sealer. So there was a lot of improvising I had to do to use the product. That said, it is definitely improving my breathing. I can take large lungful’s of air after only two weeks of using it.
Mia Style –
I have been taking this astragalus extract powder from bulk supplements now for about 3 weeks. 2 tsps a day on an empty stomach. I’m starting to feel much better and have more energy. I was starting to feel rundown and weak which I figured just comes with aging but I feel a lot better now, stronger, so I’m attributing it to this supplement which I will continue to take as long as I keep feeling this good. The Only drawback is the taste (wow) terrible- but I don’t care- it worth it!
EquestriAnn –
This is not pure Astragalus root. Read the ingredients list (which I, obviously, did not do). It contains Maltodextrin, a chemical derived from plants. Even though it is from plants, the body does not treat it as it would cane sugar. Scientists say that your body treats Maltodextrin like a super high dose of sugar raising your blood sugar level higher than a single dose of sugar would. I find this ludicrous as Astragalus is a plant root used to help the body adapt and heal. If you are using Astragalus root to boost your immune system, please note that the Maltodextrin is tearing down your immune system. It’s counter productive. Look elsewhere for a clean product for boosting your immune system. Despite what the package says, this is NOT a “Clean & Pure Bulk Supplement”.
Nathan Deckard –
I read about the health benefits of Astragalus (also known as Huang Qi) and after trying some capsules settled on this powder. It is more satisfying as a powder which I can mix with water. I drink a mug of warm water with a teaspoon of this mixed in each morning and it reminds me the satisfaction I felt drinking coffee several years in the past. I miss coffee and had to give it up years back due to coffee related digestion problems. My inlaws buy a sliced root version of Huang Qi in Chinatown and boil it or mix it into soups.