BulkSupplements.com DL-Methionine Powder – Suplemento de Metionina – Suplemento de Aminoácidos – Suplemento de Colina – Suplementos Nutricionais de Aminoácidos (500 Gramas – 1,1 lbs)
O DL-Metionina é um aminoácido essencial que desempenha um papel crucial na saúde e bem-estar geral. Disponível em forma de pó e cápsulas, este suplemento da BulkSupplements.com é uma fonte rica de antioxidantes, ajudando a proteger as células do corpo contra danos causados por radicais livres. Além de suas propriedades antioxidantes, a DL-Metionina é fundamental para a síntese de proteínas, contribuindo para a produção de outros aminoácidos essenciais que o corpo necessita para funcionar adequadamente. A metionina é especialmente importante para a saúde do fígado, um órgão vital responsável pela eliminação de substâncias indesejadas e prejudiciais do organismo. A suplementação com DL-Metionina pode ajudar a manter a função hepática saudável, promovendo um metabolismo eficiente e a conversão de proteínas e outras moléculas em energia.
Este suplemento é puro e limpo, livre de enchimentos, aditivos e sabores artificiais. É também isento de glúten, soja, laticínios e açúcares adicionados, tornando-o uma escolha ideal para aqueles que buscam um produto de alta qualidade sem compromissos. A BulkSupplements.com garante que todos os seus produtos são fabricados de acordo com os padrões cGMP, assegurando a mais alta qualidade em todas as etapas de produção, embalagem e rotulagem. Com um investimento significativo em laboratórios internos, a empresa realiza testes rigorosos em seus produtos para garantir conformidade e consistência.
– ➕ Proteção Antioxidante: Ajuda a proteger as células do corpo contra danos oxidativos.
– ✔️ Produção de Aminoácidos Essenciais: Suporta a síntese de proteínas e a produção de outros aminoácidos essenciais.
– ✔️ Saúde do Fígado: Contribui para a manutenção de um fígado saudável, essencial para a desintoxicação do organismo.
– ✨ Suplemento Puro e Limpo: Sem aditivos, enchimentos ou sabores artificiais, ideal para dietas restritivas.
– ⭐ Alta Qualidade Garantida: Fabricado sob rigorosos padrões de qualidade, com testes em múltiplas etapas de produção.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de 1 a 2 colheres de chá (aproximadamente 1 a 2 gramas) de DL-Metionina em pó, misturadas em água ou suco, uma vez ao dia. É aconselhável iniciar com uma dose menor e aumentar gradualmente conforme a tolerância. Para aqueles que preferem cápsulas, siga as instruções do rótulo. Consulte um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer regime de suplementação, especialmente se você estiver grávida, amamentando ou tiver condições médicas preexistentes.
IonOasis –
BulkSuppliments has always been the one GoTo company for my vitamins. One has to remember that the bulky multivitamins are almost pointless when it comes to the body absorbing everything they have to offer. The reason is that those vitamins contain such a concentrated form of the vitamin/suplement that the body cannot and does absorb it.
BulkSupplements, in my opinion, has put tried to make each supplement is body absorbable as possible. And I believe that it shows… I have been taking BulkSupplements for over a year now and have noticed a huge improvement in both my mind and body. Of course it takes time for all supplements to work. They are not wonder drugs but nature’s way to make the body healthy.
Please keep in mind that BulkSupplements pride themselves on the quality (and control) of their supplements. Do not be afraid to ask for a report of the product analysis for each batch they distribute. Make them prove to you that their product is the best out there. I have over 30 orders of BulkSupplements under my belt. Their product is the best!
Marlin –
I bought this as it was priced well and is needed to make your cat or dogs urine more acidic.
It does not take much, at least for cats. I mix a very small dose with my cats food and she does not seem to notice.
I did try it and taste funky. So if using for yourself, a human that is. May need to mix it with something else or be ready for a unique taste.
J. Gibson –
I purchased another brand of L-Methionine originally for my dog. She currently has a problem with bladder stones and I wanted a safe and natural alternative to medications. I decided to purchase this product because it was the raw powder and I was opening the capsules for her anyway. I sprinkle the recommended dosage on her food and she gobbles it right up! I started taking this myself and I will say that I can tell a difference. I feel like I have more energy (extreme fatigue related to health issues is something I have a big problem with), my mood is better and it has been easier for me to make it through my (very!) stressful, and sometimes long, work days. I’m very impressed at how something so simple has made such a difference!
You can’t beat the price on this. I ordered the 2.2lb package and it was much larger than I was expecting it to be. I was expecting a small package with about a cup or two of powder in it. This is a very generous package, though, with enough powder to last for a while. The package itself is very sturdy and re-seals tightly so there’s no chance of it coming open by accident and spilling. I would have had to spend WAY more for the same amount of Methionine in capsules as I received in this 2.2lb package. I prefer the product this way as I can actually see the quality of the powder. The flavor is a tad bitter so I wouldn’t advise just taking the powder by itself. It dissolves extremely well in liquids and you don’t even know it is there thanks to the flavor of whatever it is mixed with. The powder is gluten free, sugar free, contains no soy, dairy or yeast so you don’t need to worry if you’re on a special diet.
I am extremely pleased with my purchase and will most definitely be ordering this product from BulkSupplements again. The customer service from BulkSupplements is top-notch and my order arrived in good time. Very happy customer, here!
Cher C.K. –
I bought this for my adult female cat who was going to her litter box every 5 mins at a certain time. Please note that this is not recommended for kittens, adult cats only.
I want to stress that her symptoms were mild, she would stay in the litter box for 5 mins but only pee out small amounts of pee. Then she’d do it again within the next 5 mins for up to 30 mins. Otherwise, she was eating a good amount (appetite did increase), playing around a lot with her brother and sitting on my stomach purring like a motorboat at night. She had 0 signs of pain. If your cat is in obvious pain, definitely bring them to the vet.
I did a lot of research and consulted with an online vet (we determined that the cause was stress because we were moving at the time the symptoms started + the temp new home had 2 naughty kittens she did not get along with) before making an appointment with a real vet. But because I didn’t necessarily want to pay $400 for nothing as was the experience of many people, I bought this before my vet appointment.
I followed the instructions of reputable pet websites selling this exact supplement at a higher cost and the dosage is 1/8 teaspoon per 10 lb of body weight, once or twice daily with food. I mixed this up with cat puree and my cat lapped it up.
I also used this with a dose of Cat & Dog Urinary Tract Infection Treatment from Beloved Pets.
The next day, she started peeing normally and I was able to cancel the vet appointment. 1 week on, she’s doing just fine. Very pleased.
ReetaLP –
Loving this so far. Great price and clean ingredients.